

The Swedish Bank Research Foundation Bankforskningsinstitutet, BFI)

The Swedish Bank Research Foundation (Bankforskningsinstitutet, BFI) awards scholarships especially for PhD-students, carrying out high-quality academic research on financial institutions and markets.

Considering the background of the foundation and its founder, BFI is keen to support rigorous academic research that is of practical relevance for banks and other financial institutions. The Foundation has received a memo from SEB where four different research areas are suggested. The memo can be downloaded here: Examples of research areas provided by SEB

The research areas the foundation supports are of course not limited to the examples listed in the memo. The decision by the foundation to support any research project will be based on the scientific merit and quality of the project.
Call for scholarship applications 2025:
Individual scholarships for PhD students to cover living cost and related research expenses for up to one year at a time.
Individual scholarships for post-doc researchers can in exceptional cases also be considered.
Applicants who have received a scholarship can be considered for supplementary grants to cover costs of special research expenses that are essential to a particular project as well as travel grants. Applications for these grants are made on a separate form.
The size of the grants for academic year 2025/2026 will be determined by the foundation's board of directors at its spring meeting. In academic year 2024/2025, grants to projects conducted for an entire year were (in SEK):


Doctoral Candidates
Personal scholarships 300,000
Insurance (Health, accident) and retirement contribution 70,000

Research expenses 30,000
Post-doc Researchers
Personal stipend 460,000
Insurance (Health, accident) and retirement contribution 100,000

Research expenses 50,000

Applications for grants must be submitted by e-mail to
not later than Friday April 11, 2025.

Please included the application form, an updated CV and, if available, your research papers. A letter of recommendation should be sent directly by the advisor to before the deadline.

Application forms are available on the web:
Further information on the grants provided by Professor Clas Bergström, e-mail: