Register your student thesis in DiVA
When your thesis has been finished and approved, you have to register it in DiVA, using your university user account.
- Register your student thesis by filling out the registering form in DiVA. In the guide How to register in DiVA
Word, 22.6 kB, opens in new window. you can see what information is mandatory.
- If your thesis is about or contribute to 'sustainable development', don't forget to choose this in the DiVA form when you register it.
- Upload the thesis as a PDF file.
- Fill out the Final administration for thesis
Pdf, 43.7 kB, opens in new window. form and send it to the responsible teacher/examiner. The form can also be filled in and signed digitally and sent via e-mail to the examiner. Digital signing is done using eduSign
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What happens next?
- When the "Final administration for thesis" form has been submitted the teacher will check all the information, add the credits, and send it to an academic administrator.
- The academic administrator will then check that the PDF file is correctly uploaded to DiVA.
- If you have entered e-mail addresses when registering the thesis you will get a notice when it is visible in DiVA.
- Expect this process to take about a week.