Leif Melin

Professor Emeritus
Business Administration , Jönköping International Business School
Professor Emeritus
CeFEO - Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership , Jönköping International Business School
PhD in Business Administration


Melin’s research focuses on strategizing in different contexts, the last decade with a focus on family owned businesses. He is especially interested in the practices, processes and arenas for active ownership, strategic change and continuous growth, often using an interactive research approach in dialogue with owners and managers. He is a founding member of the global STEP project (Successful Transgenerational Entrepreneurship Practices) where he is an active research member.

He has published in international journals and book volumes, including Strategic Management Journal, Strategic Organization, Journal of Management Studies, Family Business Review, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Long Range Planning. and Journal of Family Business Strategy. He co-authored the seminal book  Strategy as Practice: Research Directions and Resources (2007) and he is editor of the new Sage Handbook of Family Business together with Mattias Nordqvist and Pramodita Sharma. He has served on the editorial board of ten international journals, presently European Management Review, Family Business Review, Long Range Planning and Journal of Family Business Strategy.


Leif Melin is Professor of Strategy and Organisation and the Hamrin Professor of Family Business Strategy at Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) since 1994., and He was the founding Director of CeFEO — Center for Family Enterprise and Ownership since (2005-2012). From 1995 till 2000 Melin was Head of Department of Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Management as well as Director of the PhD programme at JIBS. He has also served as Dean and Managing Director of JIBS (2000-2001). He has been a visiting professor at many institutions, latest at ESADE, Barcelona and Lancaster University Management School.The academic year 2000/2001 he was Dean and Managing Director of JIBS.


Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M., Chirico, F., Gómez-Mejia, L., Ashforth, B., Swartz, R., Melin, L. (2024). From “FIBER” to “FIRE”: construct validation and refinement of the socioemotional wealth scale in family firms Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. More information
Brundin, E., McClatchey, I., Melin, L. (2023). Leaving the family business: The dynamics of psychological ownership The Journal of Family Business Strategy, 14(2). More information
Salvato, C., Chirico, F., Melin, L., Seidl, D. (2019). Coupling family business research with organization studies: Interpretations, issues, and insights Organization Studies, 40(6), 775-791. More information
Waldkirch, M., Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2018). CEO turnover in family firms: How social exchange relationships influence whether a non-family CEO stays or leaves Human Resource Management Review, 28(1), 56-67. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Brunninge, O., Melin, L. (2017). Patterns of dynamic growth in medium-sized companies: beyond the dichotomy of organic versus acquired growth Long range planning, 50(4), 457-471. More information
Sund, L., Melin, L., Haag, K. (2015). Intergenerational ownership succession: Shifting the focus from outcome measurements to preparatory requirements The Journal of Family Business Strategy, 6(3), 166-177. More information
Brundin, E., Florin Samuelsson, E., Melin, L. (2014). Family ownership logic: Framing the core characteristics of family businesses Journal of Management and Organization, 20(1), 6-37. More information
Sund, L., Melin, L. (2013). Intergenerational ownership succession: a stakeholder perspective European Business Law Review, 24(4), 407-429. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2013). Dynamics of Business Models - Strategizing, Critical Capabilities and Activities for Sustained Value Creation Long range planning, 46(6), 427-442. More information
Bjursell, C., Melin, L. (2011). Proactive and reactive plots: Narratives in entrepreneurial identity construction International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 3(3), 218-235. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L., Melin, L. (2010). "Business growth": do practitioners and scholars really talk about the same thing? Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 43(2), 289-316. More information
Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2010). Entrepreneurial families and family firms Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 22(3/4), 211-239. More information
Nordqvist, M., Hall, A., Melin, L. (2009). Qualitative Research on Family Businesses: The Relevance and Usefulness of the Interpretive Approach Journal of Management and Organization, 15(3), 294-308. More information
Sund, L., Melin, L. (2008). Family Businesses and the EU Recommendation on the Transfer of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises European Business Law Review, 19(2), 279-291. More information
Melin, L., Salvato, C. (2008). Creating Value Across Generations in Family-Controlled Businesses: The Role of Family Social Capital Family Business Review, 21(3), 259-276. More information
Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2008). Strategic Planning Champions: Social Craftspersons, Artful Interpreters and Known Strangers Long range planning, 41(3), 326-344. More information
Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2007). The reflexive dynamics of institutionalization: the case of the family business Strategic Organization, 5(3), 321-333. More information
Brundin, E., Melin, L. (2006). Unfolding the dynamics of emotions: how emotion drives or counteracts strategising International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion, 1(3), 277-302. More information
Naldi, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Achtenhagen, L. (2005). Ganaron el Gröna Kvisten hace diez años. ¿Y ahora? Iniciativa Emprendedora, 47((April-Mayo-Junio)), 71-83. More information
Melin, L., Johnson, G., Whittington, R. (2003). Guest Editors' Introduction. Micro Strategy and Strategizing: Towards an Activity-Based View Journal of Management Studies, 40(1), 3-22. More information
Hall, A., Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2001). Entrepreneurship as Radical Change in the Family Business: Exploring the Role of Cultural Patterns Family Business Review, 14(3), 193-208. More information
Roland, C., Melin, L., Atamer, T., Gustavsson, P. (2000). Innovative international strategies Journal of World Business, 35(4), 333-354. More information
Ericson, T., Melin, L. (1999). Strategic Change in Hospital Organizations: The Role of Actors’ Way-of-Thinking Management ed economia sanitaria, 8, 109-117. More information
Gustavsson, P., Melin, L., Macdonald, S. (1994). Learning to Glocalize Advances in Strategic Management, 10 B, 255-288. More information
Melin, L. (1992). Internationalization as a Strategy Process Strategic Management Journal, 13(S2), 99-118. More information
Melin, L. (1989). The Field-of-Force Metaphor Advances in International Marketing, 3, 161-179. More information
Melin, L. (1987). The Field-of-force Metaphor International: A Study in Industrial Change International Studies of Management and Organization, 17(1), 24-33. More information
Melin, L. (1985). Strategies in Managing Turnaround Long range planning, 18(1), 80-86. More information
Melin, L. (1976). Strategic Purchasing – Organizational Learning Scandinavian Journal of Materials Administration. More information


Johnson, G., Langley, A., Melin, L., Whittington, R. (2007). Strategy as Practice: Research Models and Resources. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press More information
Melin, L., Brundin, E., Haag, K., Hall, A., Nordqvist, M., Wigren, C. (2007). Ägarskifte med förnuft och känsla: Vägledning inför ägar- och ledarskiften i företag. Stockholm: Verket för näringslivsutveckling (NUTEK) More information
Bjuggren, P., Melin, L., Ericsson, A., Hall, A., Haag, K., Nordqvist, M. (2004). Ägarskiften och ledarskiften i företag: En fördjupad analys. Stockholm: Nutek More information

Book chapter

van Helvert-Beugels, J., Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2020). Engaging practitioners in qualitative family business research: an engaged scholarship approach. In: A. De Massis & N. Kammerlander (Ed.), Handbook of qualitative research methods for family business (pp. 399 -417). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Sharma, P., Melin, L. (2015). Editors’ Introduction: Evolution and Scope of Family Business Studies. In: Sharma, P. & Melin, L. (Ed.), Family Business: Volume I: Scope, Boundaries, and Impact of Family Business (pp. 21 -52). London: Sage Publications More information
Ericson, M., Melin, L., Popp, A. (2015). Studying Strategy as Practice through Historical Methods. In: Golsorkhi, D., Rouleau, L.; Seidl, D. and Vaara, E. (Eds.) (Ed.), Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice Cambridge: Cambridge University Press More information
Nordqvist, M., Melin, L., Waldkirch, M., Kumeto, G. (2015). Introducing theoretical perspectives on family business. In: Mattias Nordqvist, Leif Melin, Matthias Waldkirch and Gershon Kumeto (Ed.), Theoretical Perspectives on Family Businesses (pp. 1 -17). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Sharma, P., Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2014). Introduction: Scope, evolution and future of family business studies. In: Melin, L., Nordqvist, M., Sharma, P. (Ed.), The SAGE handbook of family business (pp. 1 -23). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications More information
Brundin, E., Melin, L. (2012). Managerial practices in family-owned firms: strategizing actors, their arenas, and their emotions. In: Stefan Tengblad (Ed.), The work of managers: towards a practice theory of management (pp. 281 -298). Oxford: Oxford University Press More information
Hall, A., Melin, L. (2012). Ägarskiftet som ett relationsdrama. In: Ethel Brundin, Anders W. Johansson, Bengt Johannisson, Leif Melin, Mattias Nordqvist (Ed.), Familjeföretagande: Affärer och känslor Stockholm: SNS förlag More information
Bjursell, C., Melin, L. (2012). Kvinnors berättelser om företagaridentitet. In: Brundin, E., Johansson, A.W., Johannisson, B., Melin, L. och Nordqvist, M. (Ed.), Familjeföretagande: Affärer och känslor (pp. 213 -226). More information
Melin, L., Nordqvist, M., Boers, B. (2012). Familjeföretagets bolagsstyrning. In: Brundin, E., Johansson, A.W., Johannisson, B., Melin,. L & Nordqvist, M. (Ed.), Familjeföretagande: affärer och känslor (pp. 125 -145). Stockholm: SNS förlag More information
Brundin, E., Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2012). Kultur och entreprenörskap över generationer. In: Ethel Brundin, Anders W. Johansson, Bengt Johannisson, Leif Melin, Mattias Nordqvist (Ed.), Familjeföretagande: affärer och känslor (pp. 69 -89). Stockholm: SNS förlag More information
Melander, A., Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2010). The Strategic Arena Approach to Strategy Process Research. In: Pietro Mazzola; Franz W Kellermanns (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Strategy Process (pp. 67 -89). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Brundin, E., Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2010). Entrepreneurial orientation across generations in family firms: the role of owner-centric culture for proactiveness and autonomy. In: Mattias Nordqvist and Thomas M. Zellweger (Ed.), Transgenerational Entrepreneurship: Exploring Growth and Performance in Family Firms Across Generations (pp. 123 -141). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar More information
Ericson, M., Melin, L. (2010). Strategizing and history. In: D. Golsorkhi, L. Rouleau, D. Seidl and E. Vaara (Ed.), Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice (pp. 326 -343). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press More information
Brunninge, O., Melin, L. (2009). Continuity in Change: Path Dependence and Transformation in Two Swedish Multinationals. In: Georg Screyögg & Jörg Sydow (Ed.), The Hidden Dynamics of Path Dependence: Institutions and Organizations (pp. 94 -109). Houndmills: Palgrave More information
Nordqvist, M., Habbershon, T., Melin, L. (2008). Transgenerational entreprenuership: exploring enterpreneurial orientation in family firms. In: Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Growth and Performance: Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research (pp. 93 -116). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar More information
Wigren, C., Melin, L. (2007). Vinnväxt-Tävlingen: Spelregler för vinnare och förlorare. In: Regional växtkraft i en global ekonomi: det svenska Vinnväxtprogrammet (pp. 261 -284). Stockholm: Santérus förlag More information
Nordqvist, M., Hall, A., Melin, L. (2007). The Relevance of the Interpretive Research Approach in Family Business Studies. In: Juha Kansikas & Stiina Lehti (Ed.), Dimensions on Family Business Research: Vol. 1, Values and responsible ownership (pp. 25 -45). Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä More information
Hall, A., Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2006). Understanding Strategizing in the Family Business Contexts. In: Handbook of research on family business (pp. 253 -268). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2006). One Decade Later: Following Up the ‘Gröna Kvisten’ Prize-winning Growth Firms. In: P. Rind Christensen & F. Poulfelt (Ed.), Managing Complexity and Change in SMEs: Frontiers in European Research (pp. 10 -34). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Agndal, H., Axelsson, B., Melin, L. (2005). Understanding Strategic Change. In: Developing Sourcing Capabilities: creating strategic change in purchasing and supply management Chichester: John Wiley More information
Johnson, G., Melin, L., Whittington, R. (2005). Micro Strategy and Strategizing: Implications for Strategy Process Research. In: Innovating Strategy Process (pp. 176 -185). Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishing More information
Melin, L., Risberg, A. (2005). Portfolio Internationalization: The Case of a Successful Concept. In: Media Product Portfolios: Issues in Management of Multiple Products and Services (pp. 225 -252). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum More information
Brundin, E., Melin, L. (2005). Strategic Leadership and Media Portfolio Development: Leaders and Impression Management. In: Media Product Portfolios: Issues in Management of Multiple Products and Services (pp. 63 -93). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum More information
Brundin, E., Melin, L., Axelsson, B. (2005). Leadership and values for competitive sourcing. In: Developing Sourcing Capabilities: creating strategic change in purchasing and supply management (pp. 107 -133). Chichester : Wiley More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2005). Tracing patterns of growth: A first analysis of the 'Gröna Kvisten' high-growth ventures. In: Advances in Interdisciplinary European Entrepreneurship research: Vol. 2 (pp. 101 -132). Münster: Lit Verlag More information
Achtenhagen, L., Melin, L. (2003). Managing the Homogeneity-Heterogeneity Duality. In: Innovative Forms of Organizing: international perspectives (pp. 301 -328). London: SAGE More information
Achtenhagen, L., Melin, L., Müllern, T. (2003). Learning and Continuous Change in Innovating Organizations. In: Innovative Forms of Organizing: international perspectives (pp. 72 -94). London: SAGE More information
Achtenhagen, L., Ericson, T., Melin, L., Müllern, T. (2003). Leadership: The Role of Interactive Strategizing. In: Innovative Forms of Organizing: international perspectives (pp. 49 -71). London: SAGE More information
Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2002). The Dynamics of Family Firms: An Institutional Perspective on Corporate Governance and Strategic Change. In: Denise E. Fletcher (Ed.), Understanding the small family business (pp. 94 -). London: Routledge More information
Ericson, T., Melander, A., Melin, L. (2001). The Role of the Strategist. In: Rethinking Strategy London: Sage More information
Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2000). Ägande och strategisk ledning i familjeföretag. In: Familjeföretag och familjeföretagande Örebro: Forum för småföretagsforskning (FSF) More information
Ericson, T., Lindell, P., Melin, L. (1998). Collective Thinking in Strategic Change Processes. In: Michael A Hitt; Joan E Ricart i Costa; Robert D Nixon (Ed.), New Managerial Mindsets: Organizational Transformation and Strategy Implementation Chichester: John Wiley More information
Melin, L. (1998). Strategic Change: Its Driving Forces and Inherent Dynamics. In: Barbara Czarniawska (Ed.), Organisationsteori på svenska Malmö: Liber ekonomi More information
Lindell, P., Melin, L., Gahmberg, H., Hellqvist, A., Melander, A. (1998). Stability and change in a strategist's thinking. In: Managerial and organizational cognition: theory, methods and research (pp. 76 -92). London: SAGE More information
Melin, L., Hellgren, B. (1994). Patterns of Strategic Processes: Two Typologies. In: Howard Thomas (Ed.), Building the strategically–responsive organization Chichester: John Wiley More information
Lindell, M., Melin, L. (1994). Acquisitions and Realization of Vision. In: Howard Thomas (Ed.), Building the strategically-responsive organization Chichester: John Wiley More information
Hellgren, B., Melin, L. (1993). The Role of Strategists’ Way-of-thinking in Strategic Change Processes. In: John Hendry and Gerry Johnson with Julia Newton (Ed.), Strategic Thinking: Leadership and the Management of Change Chichester: John Wiley More information
Lindell, M., Melin, L. (1993). Strategic Management: Rational and Irrational Perspectives. In: Hans H. Hinterhuber (Ed.), Fallstudien zum Strategischen Management Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag More information
Hellgren, B., Melin, L., Pettersson, A. (1993). Structure and Change: The Industrial Field Approach. In: Industrial networks (pp. 87 -106). Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Pres More information
Melin, L. (1991). Reorientation and Strategic Ways-of-thinking. In: Göran Arvidsson och Rolf Lind (Ed.), Ledning av företag och förvaltningar: förutsättningar, former, förnyelse Stockholm: SNS Förlag More information
Hellgren, B., Melin, L. (1991). Business Systems: Industrial Wisdom and Corporate Strategies – The Case of the Pulp-and-Paper Industry. In: The Social Foundations of Enterprise: European Comparing PerspectiveMore information
Hellgren, B., Melin, L. (1990). Corporate Strategies in Nordic Firms Facing Europe: Acquisitions and other Collaborative Strategies. In: Lars-Gunnar Mattsson and Bengt Stymne (Ed.), Corporate and Industry Strategies for Europe: adaptations to the European single market in a global industrial environment Amsterdam: North-Holland More information
Melin, L. (1987). Commentary: Understanding Strategic Change. In: Management of Strategic Change (pp. 154 -165). More information
Holmström, M., Melin, L. (1983). Company Group Logic and Local Influence. In: Local MobilizationMore information
Melin, L. (1981). Organizing Strategic Purchasing. In: Marketing: Nordic PerspectivesMore information

Conference paper

Waldkirch, M., Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2023). TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING?: PROFESSIONALIZATION AS A MULTIPLE PRACTICE ADOPTION PROCESS. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2023 Boston 4 August 2023 through 8 August 2023. More information
Nazir, I., Melin, L. (2019). Dynamic Entrepreneurial Capabilities: Strategizing, Activities and Actors in Family Firms Launching New Businesses. SMS 39th Annual Conference, October 19-22, 2019, Minneapolis, USA. More information
Nazir, I., Brundin, E., Melin, L. (2019). Dynamic influence of family capital on corporate venturing activities in entrepreneurial family firms. 15th EIASM Workshop on Family Firm Management Research, Nantes, France, May 23-25. More information
Brundin, E., Melin, L. (2018). Meanings Of Ownership And Emotional Coping With Loss Of Ownership. 14th Workshop On Family Firm Management Research, Larnaca, Cyprus, May 17-19, 2018. More information
Waldkirch, M., Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2017). When the cure turns counterproductive: Parallel professionalization in family firms. 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2017; Atlanta; United States; 4 - 8 August 2017. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Brunninge, O., Melin, L. (2016). Growth strategies in medium-sized companies - Beyond the dichotomy of organic versus acquired growth. Strategic Management Society 36th Annual Conference, Berlin, September 17-20, 2016. More information
Baù, M., Eddleston, K., Melin, L. (2015). Becoming manager in a family firm: A gendered path. Family Firm Institute Global Conference, London, 21-24 October, 2015.. More information
Hall, A., Helin, J., Brundin, E., Melin, L. (2013). Understanding the meaning of ownership: Family business as an unrealized potential in ownership research. 13th Annual IFERA World Family Business Conference, July 2-5, 2013, St.Gallen, Switzerland. More information
Helin, J., Hall, A., Brundin, E., Melin, L. (2012). The de-humanized world of ownership research. 8th Workshop on Family Firm Management Research, JÖNKÖPING, SWEDEN, MAY 31-JUNE 2, 2012. More information
Melander, A., Melin, L. (2011). The Meaning of Depth in Practice Oriented and Interactive Studies. 21st Nordic Academy of Management (NFF) conference, Stockholm University School of Business, August 20-24, 2011.. More information
Brundin, E., Melin, L. (2011). Family capital as an inherent capacity for trans-generatinal potential. The 7th Workshop on Family Firms Management Research: The Challenge of Family Businesses to Balance Tradition and Change, Witten Germany, May 27-29. More information
Melander, A., Melin, L. (2010). Strategic planning in turbulent times - towards more agile practices and new dynamic capabilities. Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Levi, Kittila, Finland, 17-19 March, 2010. More information
Bjursell, C., Melin, L. (2010). Ethnography and co-interpretation: qualitative methods in family business research. 10th IFERA "Long Term Perspectives on Family Business: Theory - Practice - Policy" Lancaster, UK 6 - 9 July, 2010. More information
Bjursell, C., Melin, L. (2010). To be or not to be in the family business?: Development of an entrepreneurial identity. 10th IFERA "Long Term Perspectives on Family Business: Theory - Practice - Policy" Lancaster, UK 6 - 9 July, 2010. More information
Melander, A., Melin, L. (2009). The Other Side of Outsourcing: Old Strategic Practices and Procedures Shaping a Renewed Growth Strategy. The 29th SMS Annual International Conference, Strategies in an Uncertain World, Washington, D.C., 12-14 Oct. 2009. More information
Bjursell, C., Melin, L. (2009). Unwinding organizational culture: A study of a post-merger integration process between two family businesses. 5th EIASM Workshop on Family Firms Management Research, Hasselt University, 7-9 June, 2009. More information
Bjursell, C., Brundin, E., Melin, L., Florin Samuelsson, E. (2009). The Circle of Trust: The Logic and Praxis of Acquisitions in the Family Owned Business. EURAM 9th Conference, May 11-14, 2009, Liverpool, UK. More information
Brundin, E., Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2009). Entrepreneurial orientation across generations in family firms: the role of owner-centric culture in for proactiveness and autonomy. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, June 3-6, 2009, Babson, Ma., USA. More information
Arregle, J., Mari, I., Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2009). Board Creation and Composition in Family Firms: A Conflict-resolution Perspective. 5th EIASM Workshop on Family Firm Management, Hasselt University, Hasselt, Belgium, June. More information
Leona, A., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2009). How do companies achieve sustained and profitable business growth?: Business models in continuously growing companies. Washington 29th Annual International Conference, Strategic Management Society. More information
Bjursell, C., Melin, L. (2008). Merging Two Family Businesses by Creating a New Ownership Logic. 8th Annual IFERA Conference 2008 'The Entrepreneuring Family', Breukelen, The Netherlands July 2nd-5th, 2008.. More information
Bjursell, C., Brundin, E., Melin, L., Florin Samuelsson, E. (2008). The Circle of Trust: Management in Acquiring and Acquired Family Businesses. the 4th workshop on family firms management research, June 8-10, 2008, Naples, Italy. More information
Brundin, E., Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2008). Strategic Dialogue as an Important Practice of Strategizing. The 24th EGOS Colloquium in Amsterdam, July 10-12, 2008. More information
Brundin, E., Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2008). Strategic Dialogues: An Important Practice in Family Businesses. 4th Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC), Milwaukee, WI, April, 2008. More information
Brunninge, O., Melin, L. (2008). Continuity in change: Path dependence and transformation in two Swedish multinationals. “Studying Path Dependencies of Business, Institutions and Technologies” at the Freie Universität Berlin February 28-29, 2008. More information
Brundin, E., Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2007). Keep the flow going: The strategic dialogue as a key to transgenerational entrepreneurial behavior. “Studying Path Dependencies of Business, Institutions and Technologies” at the Freie Universität Berlin February 28-29, 2008. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Melin, L. (2007). Continuous entrepreneurship: The case of SYSteam, a Swedish consultancy firm. “Studying Path Dependencies of Business, Institutions and Technologies” at the Freie Universität Berlin February 28-29, 2008. More information
Brunninge, O., Melin, L. (2007). Continuity in Chage: Strategy dynamics in two Swedish multinationals. “Studying Path Dependencies of Business, Institutions and Technologies” at the Freie Universität Berlin February 28-29, 2008. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Brunninge, O., Melin, L. (2007). How Do SMEs Achieve Growth?: Exploring The Modes of Organic Growth And Growth By Acquisition. “Studying Path Dependencies of Business, Institutions and Technologies” at the Freie Universität Berlin February 28-29, 2008. More information
Ericson, M., Melin, L. (2007). Developmental Growth as a World of Practice. 23rd EGOS Colloquium. More information
Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2006). Conceptualizing Strategizing: Actors and Arenas in teh Everyday Strategic Work of Family Firms. 23rd EGOS Colloquium. More information
Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2006). The Practice of Strategic Planning in the Family Firm Context. 23rd EGOS Colloquium. More information
Haag, K., Helin, J., Melin, L. (2006). Practices of Communication in the Strategic Context of Succession. 23rd EGOS Colloquium. More information
Brundin, E., Florin Samuelsson, E., Melin, L. (2006). Ownership logic: A study of ownership characterstics in family firms. The 3rd EIASM Family Firm Management Research Conference, Nice, France. More information
Haag, K., Helin, J., Melin, L. (2006). Succession in Family Business: Communication practices and the role of power. The 3rd EIASM Family Firm Management Research Conference, Nice, France. More information
Haag, K., Helin, J., Melin, L. (2006). Practices of Communication in the Strategic Context of Succession. The 3rd EIASM Family Firm Management Research Conference, Nice, France. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2006). Investigating Patterns of Development in SMEs. The 3rd EIASM Family Firm Management Research Conference, Nice, France. More information
Naldi, L., Achtenhagen, L., Melin, L. (2006). The role of SME internationalization for Pursuing Opportunities. Bason Park, MA: Babson College, Twenty-sixth Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Brundin, E., Melin, L., Florin Samuelsson, E. (2005). Family Ownership Logic: Core Characteristics of Family Controlled Businesses. Family Business Network (FBN) 16th Annual World Conference, Brussels, Belgium, September 14-16, 2005. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Melin, L. (2005). Pursuing a strategy of continuous growth: A longitudinal, in-depth case study. Family Business Network (FBN) 16th Annual World Conference, Brussels, Belgium, September 14-16, 2005. More information
Brundin, E., Melin, L., Florin Samuelsson, E. (2005). The Logic of Ownership in Family Controlled Businesses. Paper presented at the workshop on Family Firm Management Research (EIASM), Jönköping, Sweden, June 9 – 11, 2005. More information
Brundin, E., Melin, L., Florin Samuelsson, E. (2005). The Logic of Ownership in Family Controlled Businesses. Presented at The Fifth Annual IFERA Conference, Barcelona, April, 2005. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2005). A process-view on the role of resource practices for SME growth. Presented at The Fifth Annual IFERA Conference, Barcelona, April, 2005. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2005). Business firm growth: Are we talking about the same thing?. Presented at The Fifth Annual IFERA Conference, Barcelona, April, 2005. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2005). Tricks of twigs: how the ‘Gröna Kvisten’-winning firms grew big(ger). Presented at The Fifth Annual IFERA Conference, Barcelona, April, 2005. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Melin, L. (2004). Organizing for a strategic balance: Two extreme cases of managing dualities. Presented at The Fifth Annual IFERA Conference, Barcelona, April, 2005. More information
Brundin, E., Florin Samuelsson, E., Melin, L. (2004). Logic of ownership, accountability, emotions and family dynamics in family controlled firms. Presented at IFERA 4th Annual Research Conference, Jönköping International Business School (JIBS), Sweden, March 26-27, 2004. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2004). Tracing patterns of growth: An analysis of the 'Gröna Kvisten' high-growth ventures. Presented at IFERA 4th Annual Research Conference, Jönköping International Business School (JIBS), Sweden, March 26-27, 2004. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2004). Towards a re-conceptualization of firm growth. Babson Park, Mass.: Arthur M. Blank Center for Entrepreneurship, Babson College, Presented at IFERA 4th Annual Research Conference, Jönköping International Business School (JIBS), Sweden, March 26-27, 2004. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2004). One decade later?: Following up the Gröna kvisten prize-winning high-growth firms. Presented at IFERA 4th Annual Research Conference, Jönköping International Business School (JIBS), Sweden, March 26-27, 2004. More information
Brundin, E., Melin, L. (2003). Unfolding the Dynamics of Emotions in Strategizing: How Emotions Drive or Counteract Change Activities. Presented at IFERA 4th Annual Research Conference, Jönköping International Business School (JIBS), Sweden, March 26-27, 2004. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Melin, L. (2003). Facing the Organizational Challenge of Managing Dualities. Presented at IFERA 4th Annual Research Conference, Jönköping International Business School (JIBS), Sweden, March 26-27, 2004. More information
Melander, A., Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2002). Governance Forms in Competition: Business Networks and Trade Associations in the Wood Processing Sector. Presented at IFERA 4th Annual Research Conference, Jönköping International Business School (JIBS), Sweden, March 26-27, 2004. More information
Brunninge, O., Melin, L. (2001). Divergent Business Recipes - Internationalization Strategies in the Swedish Banking Sector. Presented at IFERA 4th Annual Research Conference, Jönköping International Business School (JIBS), Sweden, March 26-27, 2004. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Melin, L., Müllern, T., Ericson, T. (2001). Beyond leadership: Shared organizing and strategizing processes in innovative organizational settings.. Presented at IFERA 4th Annual Research Conference, Jönköping International Business School (JIBS), Sweden, March 26-27, 2004. More information
Larsson, J., Axelsson, B., Lundgren, M., Melin, L. (2000). The current status and future perspectives for small subcontractors - an empirical study of buyers and sellers in an industrial district. London, Ontario The 9th International Annual IPSERA Conference, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, May 24 to 27, 2000. More information
Ericsson, T., Hellqvist, A., Melander, A., Melin, L. (2000). Shaping new strategies in professional organizations: the strategic arena approach. The 9th International Annual IPSERA Conference, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, May 24 to 27, 2000. More information
Melander, A., Melin, L. (1999). The Industrial Wisdom of Internationalization: Dominating ideas and strategic actions in the Swedish pulp and paper industry 1945-1995. The 9th International Annual IPSERA Conference, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, May 24 to 27, 2000. More information
Ericson, T., Melin, L., Müllern, T. (1999). Organizing is Strategizing: Innovative forms of organizing means continuous strategizing.. The 9th International Annual IPSERA Conference, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, May 24 to 27, 2000. More information
Müllern, T., Stein, J., Melin, L. (1998). Who’s Writing the Text: – The Rhetorical Dialogue of Strategic Change Projects. The 9th International Annual IPSERA Conference, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, May 24 to 27, 2000. More information
Melander, A., Melin, L., Müllern, T., Stein, J. (1997). The Rhetoric of Strategy Making: A Study of Annual Speeches from Four Generations of CEOs.. The 9th International Annual IPSERA Conference, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, May 24 to 27, 2000. More information
Müllern, T., Stein, J., Melin, L. (1997). On the Rhetoric of Managing Change – the Initial Phase. The 9th International Annual IPSERA Conference, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, May 24 to 27, 2000. More information
Melin, L., Pettersson, A. (1994). The Dynamics of Industrial Beliefs and Strategic Ways-of-Thinking. The 9th International Annual IPSERA Conference, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, May 24 to 27, 2000. More information
Pettersson, A., Hellqvist, A., Melin, L. (1993). Kvalitetsfrågor i Organisatoriska Förändringsprocesser. The 9th International Annual IPSERA Conference, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, May 24 to 27, 2000. More information
Hellqvist, A., Melin, L., Pettersson, A. (1992). Transformation of a Hospital Organisation: An Arena of Strategic Issues. The 9th International Annual IPSERA Conference, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, May 24 to 27, 2000. More information

Other publications

Bonora, E., Hård af Segerstad, S., Melin, L., Pettersson, A. (1992). Norrköping, En Framtida Industristad: Från Textil till Mikrovågor. More information
Pettersson, A., Melin, L. (1991). Klinikstruktur - 2000. More information
Waldkirch, M., Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. . Tonic or toxin? Investigating the adoption of  ‘professional’ practices in family firms. More information


(2015). Volume I: Scope, Boundaries, and Impact of Family Business. London: Sage Publications More information
(2015). Family Business: Volume IV: Governance and Behavioral Issues in Family Business. London: Sage Publications More information
(2015). Family Business: Volume II: The Business Family. London: Sage Publications More information
(2015). Family Business: Volume III: The Family Business. London: Sage Publications More information
(2015). Theoretical perspectives on family businesses. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
(2014). The SAGE handbook of family business. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications More information
(2012). Familjeföretagande: Affärer och känslor. Stockholm: SNS förlag More information


Brundin, E., Melin, L. (2011). Owners' strategizing in the family firm: Dialogue as an influential practice. More information
Ramírez-Pasillas, M., Melin, L. (2010). Ägarskifte i familjeföretag och slopade skatter. More information
Nordqvist, M., Hall, A., Melin, L. (2008). Methodology and Family Business Studies: The Interpretive Approach. Jönköping: Center for Family Enterprise and Ownership, Jönköping International Business School More information
Brundin, E., Florin Samuelsson, E., Melin, L. (2008). The Family Ownership Logic: Core Characteristics of Family-Controlled Businesses. Jönköping: Center for Family Enterprise and Ownership, Jönköping International Business School More information
Brundin, E., Melander, A., Melin, L., Wiklund, J. (1998). Från Puppa till Fjäril. More information