Torbjörn Kalin

Lecturer Social Work
Department of Social work , School of Health and Welfare
Doctoral Student
Research School of Health and Welfare , School of Health and Welfare

Torbjörn Kalin holds a PhD in Social Work. He is also a lecturer at the Department of Social Work. Kalin's research focus on Child Welfare Services. Torbjörn Kalin has a clinical background as a social worker in Child Welfare Services. 


Hagborg, J., Kalin, T., Gerdner, A. (2022). The Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-Short Form (CTQ-SF) used with adolescents - methodological report from clinical and community samples Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 15, 1199-1213. More information
Kalin, T., Ahlgren, T., Persdotter, B. (2022). Gender disparities in child welfare services' assessments of referrals. Findings from Sweden International Journal of Child Abuse & Neglect, 134. More information
Kalin, T., Persdotter, B., Ahlgren, T., Gerdner, A. (2022). How do child welfare referrals in Sweden match children's self-reporting of severe exposure? Child & Family Social Work, 27(2), 100-111. More information
Ahlgren, T., Kalin, T., Gerdner, A. (2021). Self-rated child maltreatment, behavioural problems, and contacts with welfare and police authorities–longitudinal community data [Barns självrapporterade övergrepp, försummelse och beteendeproblem samt kontakter med anmälningsskyldiga verksamheter – baserat på en longitudinell befolkningsstudie] European Journal of Social Work, 24(4), 642-656. More information

Doctoral thesis

Kalin, T. (2024). Om upptäckt och sortering till social barnavård: Longitudinella perspektiv på barn som far allvarligt illa (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Health and Welfare). More information

Book chapter

Persdotter, B., Kalin, T. (2023). Att upptäcka och ge stöd till barn som riskerar att fara illa. In: T. Forkby, S. Enell & J. Thulin (Ed.), Prevention med barn och unga: teori och praktik för socialt och pedagogiskt arbete (pp. 197 -214). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information
Bengtsson, S., Kalin, T. (2021). Marknadsorienteringen och välfärdssystemens legitimitet. In: M. Dahlstedt, S. Gruber, M. Herz & P. Lalander (Ed.), Socialt arbete - rörelse, motstånd, förändring (pp. 165 -186). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information

Conference paper

Kalin, T. (2024). Aktualiseringar till den sociala barnavården: Högre synlighet eller mer behov hos individen, kompisgruppen och skolan?. Den nationella barnavårdskonferensen, Linnéuniversitetet, Växjö 23-24 september 2024. More information

Other publications

Kalin, T. . Examining the likelihood of being referred to the Child Welfare Services in Sweden: Influences at the individual, peer, and school-area levels. More information