Francesco Chirico

Professor Business Administration
Business Administration , Jönköping International Business School
CeFEO - Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership , Jönköping International Business School
PhD in Business Administration


Francesco Chirico (Taranto, Italy, 1980) is a Professor of Strategy and Family Business. Previously, he served the roles of Head of Discipline in Business Administration and co-Director of the Center for Family Enterprise and Ownership (CeFEO) at Jönköping International Business School (JIBS, Sweden). Before joining JIBS, he worked at Texas A&M University, Mays Business School in the US. Founder and owner of ‘Francesco Chirico Consulting AB’ from 2017 to 2019.

His research focuses on the intersection of strategy and entrepreneurship with a special focus on family firms. Francesco Chirico’s studies explore resource management processes and acquisition and divestiture strategies that affect the realization of competitive advantage and value creation in organizations. Francesco Chirico's research has been published in leading international journals including, among others, Journal of Management, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Entrepreneurship, Theory & Practice, Organization StudiesSmall Business Economics, Human Relations and Family Business Review. He serves on the editorial review board of Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice and Family Business Review. Also, he is a member of the Academy of Management, Strategic Management Society, International Family Enterprise Research Association, Family Enterprise Research Conference.


Francesco Chirico teaches strategic management, international management, entrepreneurship and family business at undergraduate, master, executive and PhD levels.



Chirico, F., Ireland, R., Pittino, D., Sanchez-Famoso, V. (2025). Resource orchestration, socioemotional wealth, and radical innovation in family firms: Do multifamily ownership and generational involvement matter? Research Policy, 54(1). More information
Bahuleyan, A., Chavan, M., Krzeminska, A., Chirico, F. (2024). Process and variance research: Integrating research on university spinoff evolution Technovation, 130. More information
Shankar, A., Behl, A., Pereira, V., Chavan, M., Chirico, F. (2024). Exploring enablers and inhibitors of AI-enabled drones for manufacturing process audits: A mixed-method approach Business Strategy and the Environment. More information
Baù, M., Karlsson, J., Haag, K., Pittino, D., Chirico, F. (2024). Employee layoffs in times of crisis: do family firms differ? Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. More information
Chirico, F., Kellermans, F. (2024). When Does Time Enhance Family Firm Performance?: Examining Family Generation in Control and Family Control Dispersion through a Mixed-Gamble Logic Long range planning, 57(1). More information
Menzies, J., Chavan, M., Jack, R., Scarparo, S., Chirico, F. (2024). Australian Indigenous female entrepreneurs: The role of adversity quotient Journal of Business Research, 175(March). More information
Surana, A., Chavan, M., Kumar, V., Chirico, F. (2024). The internationalization process: A contextual analysis of Indian ibusiness firms International Business Review, 33(4). More information
Surana, A., Chavan, M., Kumar, V., Chirico, F. (2024). The internationalization of digital platform firms: the platform-OLI (P-OLI) framework International Marketing Review. More information
Wu, S., Chirico, F., Fan, D., Ding, J., Su, Y. (2024). Foreign Market Exit in Family Firms: Do Historical Military and Cultural Frictions Matter? Journal of World Business, 59(1). More information
Chang, F., Webster, C., Alam, M., Chirico, F. (2024). Entrepreneurs’ network bricolage: Reconfiguring social ties for resource creation Journal of Business Research. More information
Pinelli, M., Chirico, F., De Massis, A., Zattoni, A. (2023). Acquisition relatedness in family firms: Do the environment and the institutional context matter? Journal of Management Studies. More information
Chavan, M., Chirico, F., Taksa, L., Alam, M. (2023). How Do Immigrant Family Businesses Achieve Global Expansion: An Embeddedness Perspective Academy of Management Discoveries, 9(2), 210-237. More information
Gómez-Mejia, L., Chirico, F., Martin, G., Baù, M. (2023). Best Among the Worst or Worst Among the Best? Socioemotional Wealth and Risk-Performance Returns for Family and Non-Family Firms Under Financial Distress Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 47(4), 1031-1058. More information
Wang, W., Eddleston, K., Chirico, F., Zhang, S., Liang, Q., Deng, W. (2023). Family Diversity and Business Start-Up: Do Family Meals Feed the Fire of Entrepreneurship? Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 47(4), 1265-1297. More information
Ivanycheva, D., Schulze, W., Lundmark, E., Chirico, F. (2023). Lifestyle entrepreneurship: Literature review and future research agenda. More information
Sieger, P., Akhter, N., Chirico, F. (2023). Rural and urban family business portfolio growth: The role of entrepreneurial legacy Family Business Review, 36(4), 375-401. More information
Chirico, F., Naldi, L., Hitt, M., Sieger, P., Sirmon, D., Xu, K. (2023). Orchestrating resources with suppliers for product innovation The Journal of product innovation management. More information
Carnes, C., Hitt, M., Sirmon, D., Chirico, F., Huh, D. (2022). Leveraging Resources For Innovation: The Role of Synchronization The Journal of product innovation management, 39(2), 160-176. More information
Lorenzo, D., Núñez-Cacho, P., Akhter, N., Chirico, F. (2022). Why are some family firms not innovative?: Innovation barriers and path dependence in family firms Scandinavian Journal of Management, 38(1). More information
Chirico, F., Ireland, R., Pittino, D., Sanchez-Famoso, V. (2022). Radical Innovation in (Multi)family Owned Firms Journal of Business Venturing, 37(3). More information
Lin, N., Wilden, R., Chirico, F., Ghasrodashti, E., DeTienne, D. (2022). Persist or Let it Go: Do Rational Entrepreneurs Make Decisions Rationally? Journal of Business Venturing, 37(4). More information
Quigley, T., Chirico, F., Baù, M. (2022). Does the CEO effect on performance differ in private versus public firms? Strategic Organization, 20(3), 652-673. More information
Symeonidou, N., DeTienne, D., Chirico, F. (2022). The persistence of family firms: How does performance threshold affect family firm exit? Small Business Economics, 59, 477-489. More information
Chirico, F., Welsh, D., Ireland, R., Sieger, P. (2021). Family versus non-family firm franchisors: Behavioral and performance differences Journal of Management Studies, 58(1), 165-200. More information
Arregle, J., Chirico, F., Kano, L., Kundu, S., Majocchi, A., Schulze, W. (2021). Family firm internationalization: Past research and an agenda for the future Journal of International Business Studies, 52, 1156-1198. More information
Chirico, F., Criaco, G., Baù, M., Naldi, L., Gomez-Mejia, L., Kotlar, J. (2020). To patent or not to patent: That is the question. Intellectual property protection in family firms Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 44(2), 339-367. More information
Pittino, D., Chirico, F., Baù, M., Villasana, M., Naranjo-Priego, E., Barron, E. (2020). Starting a family business as a career option: The role of the family household in Mexico The Journal of Family Business Strategy, 11(2). More information
Chirico, F., Gómez-Mejia, L., Hellerstedt, K., Withers, M., Nordqvist, M. (2020). To merge, sell or liquidate? Socioemotional wealth, family control, and the choice of business exit Journal of Management, 46(8), 1342-1379. More information
Pittino, D., Chirico, F., Henssen, B., Broekaert, W. (2020). Does increased generational involvement foster business growth? The moderating roles of family involvement in ownership and management European Management Review, 17(3), 785-801. More information
Iyer, D., Baù, M., Chirico, F., Patel, P., Brush, T. (2019). The triggers of local and distant search: Relative magnitude and persistence in explaining acquisition relatedness Long range planning, 52(5). More information
Sanchez-Famoso, V., Pittino, D., Chirico, F., Maseda, A., Iturralde, T. (2019). Social capital and innovation in family firms: The moderating roles of family control and generational involvement Scandinavian Journal of Management, 35(3). More information
Baù, M., Chirico, F., Pittino, D., Backman, M., Klaesson, J. (2019). Roots to grow: Family firms and local embeddedness in rural and urban contexts Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 43(2), 360-385. More information
Salvato, C., Chirico, F., Melin, L., Seidl, D. (2019). Coupling family business research with organization studies: Interpretations, issues, and insights Organization Studies, 40(6), 775-791. More information
Chirico, F., Salvato, C., Byrne, B., Akhter, N., Arriaga Múzquiz, J. (2018). Commitment escalation to a failing family business Journal of small business management (Print), 56(3), 494-512. More information
Pittino, D., Martínez, A., Chirico, F., Galván, R. (2018). Psychological ownership, knowledge sharing and entrepreneurial orientation in family firms: The moderating role of governance heterogeneity Journal of Business Research, 84, 312-326. More information
Baù, M., Sieger, P., Eddleston, K., Chirico, F. (2017). Fail but try again? The effects of age, gender, and multiple-owner experience on failed entrepreneurs’ reentry Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 41(6), 909-941. More information
Criaco, G., Sieger, P., Wennberg, K., Chirico, F., Minola, T. (2017). Parents' performance in entrepreneurship as a "double-edged sword" for the intergenerational transmission of entrepreneurship Small Business Economics, 49(4), 841-864. More information
Hoskisson, R., Chirico, F., Zyung, J., Gambeta, E. (2017). Managerial risk taking: A multi-theoretical review and future research agenda Journal of Management, 43(1), 137-169. More information
Akhter, N., Sieger, P., Chirico, F. (2016). If we can't have it, then no one should: Shutting down versus selling in family business portfolios Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 10(4), 371-394. More information
Chirico, F., Salvato, C. (2016). Knowledge internalization and product development in family firms: When relational and affective factors matter Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 40(1), 201-229. More information
Carnes, C., Chirico, F., Hitt, M., Huh, D., Pisano, V. (2016). Resource Orchestration for Innovation: Structuring and Bundling Resources in Growth- and Maturity-Stage Firms Long range planning, 50(4), 472-486. More information
Naldi, L., Chirico, F., Kellermanns, F., Campopiano, G. (2015). All in the family? An exploratory study of family member advisors and firm performance Family Business Review, 28(3), 227-242. More information
Sanchez-Famoso, V., Akhter, N., Iturralde, T., Chirico, F., Maseda, A. (2015). Is non-family social capital also (or especially) important for family firm performance? Human Relations, 68(11), 1713-1743. More information
Dawson, A., Sharma, P., Irving, P., Markus, J., Chirico, F. (2015). Predictors of later-generation family members' commitment to family enterprises Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 39(3), 545-569. More information
Chirico, F., Baù, M. (2014). Is the Family an "Asset" or "Liability" for Firm Performance? The Moderating Role of Environmental Dynamism Journal of small business management (Print), 52(2), 210-225. More information
Dawson, A., Irving, P., Sharma, P., Chirico, F., Markus, J. (2014). Behavioural outcomes of next-generation family members’ commitment to their firm European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23(4), 570-581. More information
Nordqvist, M., Sharma, P., Chirico, F. (2014). Family firm heterogeneity and governance: a configuration approach Journal of small business management (Print), 52(2), 192-209. More information
Campopiano, G., De Massis, A., Chirico, F. (2014). Firm Philanthropy in Small- and Medium-Sized Family Firms: The Effects of Family Involvement in Ownership and Management Family Business Review, 27(3), 244-258. More information
De Massis, A., Chirico, F., Kotlar, J., Naldi, L. (2014). The temporal evolution of proactiveness in family firms: the horizontal s-curve hypothesis Family Business Review, 27(1), 35-50. More information
DeTienne, D., Chirico, F. (2013). Exit strategies in family firms: how socioemotional wealth drives the threshold of performance Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 37(6), 1297-1318. More information
Sciascia, S., Mazzola, P., Chirico, F. (2013). Generational involvement in the top management team of family firms: Exploring nonlinear effects on entrepreneurial orientation Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 37(1), 69-85. More information
Chirico, F., Nordqvist, M., Colombo, G., Mollona, E. (2012). Simulating Dynamic Capabilities and Value Creation in Family Firms: Is Paternalism an "Asset" or a "Liability"? Family Business Review, 25(3), 318-338. More information
Chirico, F., Ireland, D., Sirmon, D. (2011). Franchising and the family firm: creating unique sources of advantage through ‘familiness’ Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 35(3), 483-501. More information
Chirico, F., Sirmon, D., Sciascia, S., Mazzola, P. (2011). Resource orchestration in family firms: Investigating how entrepreneurial orientation, generational involvement, and participative strategy affect performance Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 5(4), 307-326. More information
Salvato, C., Chirico, F., Sharma, P. (2010). A Farewell to the Business: Championing exit and continuity in entrepreneurial family firms Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 22(3/4), 321-348. More information
Granata, D., Chirico, F. (2010). Measures of value in acquisitions: Family versus non family firms Family Business Review, 23(4), 341-354. More information
Chirico, F., Nordqvist, M. (2010). Dynamic capabilities and trans-generational value creation in family firms: The role of organizational culture International Small Business Journal, 28(5), 487-504. More information
Chirico, F., Salvato, C. (2008). Knowledge integration and dynamic organizational adaptation in family firms Family Business Review, 21(2), 169-181. More information
Chirico, F. (2008). Knowledge accumulation in family firms: evidence from four case studies International Small Business Journal, 26(4), 433-462. More information
Chirico, F. (2008). The creation, sharing and transfer of knowledge in family business Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 21(4), 413-433. More information
Chirico, F. (2007). An empirical examination of the FITS family-business model The Management Case Study Journal, 7(1), 55-77. More information


Granata, D., Chirico, F., Gazzola, P. (2011). Sale: An alternative succession route for family firms: Valuation issues and acquirers' perception. Saarbrücken: Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften More information
Koiranen, M., Chirico, F. (2006). Family firms as arenas for trans-generational value creation: a qualitative and computational approach. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä More information

Doctoral thesis

Chirico, F. (2008). Improving the long-run survival of family firms: Knowledge-management and resource-shedding processes (Doctoral thesis, Lugano, Switzerland: University of Lugano). More information

Book chapter

Caccamo, M., Pittino, D., Chirico, F. (2019). Family firm density and likelihood of failure: An ecological perspective. In: S. Memili & C. Dibrell (Ed.), The Palgrave handbook of heterogeneity among family firms (pp. 821 -846). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan More information
Salvato, C., Chirico, F., Sharma, P. (2010). Understanding exit from the founder's business in family firms. In: Alex Stewart, G.T. Lumpkin, Jerome A. Katz (Ed.), Entrepreneurship and family business (pp. 31 -85). Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited More information
Chirico, F., Colombo, G. (2008). An experimental examination of the Fits family-business model: new insights from a simulation study through system dynamics. In: Phillip H. Phan and John E. Butler (Ed.), Theoretical developments and future research in family business (pp. 77 -116). Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age Publishing More information
Salvato, C., Chirico, F. (2008). L’integrazione della conoscenza quale fattore di successo nelle imprese familiari operanti in contesti dinamici. In: A. M. Bruno, M. Pironti (Ed.), Strategie di crescita e di internazionalizzazione delle family SMEs nel contesto globale e distrettualeMore information
Colombo, G., Koiranen, M., Chirico, F. (2008). Le imprese familiari: Sistemi di generazione di valore attraverso le generazioni. In: AIDEAMore information
Chirico, F. (2008). Knowledge models in family business: evidence from Ticino region (Switzerland). In: Gupta, V., Levenburg, N., Moore, L., Motwani, J., and Schwarz, T. (Ed.), Culture-Specific Models of Family Businesses: A Compendium using GLOBE ParadigmMore information

Conference paper

Minola, T., Baù, M., Sieger, P., de Massis, A., Chirico, F. (2021). SLACK AND PERFORMANCE IN FAMILY OWNED SMES: AN AGENCY-THEORY PERSPECTIVE. 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2021: Bringing the Manager Back in Management, AoM 2021, 29 July 2021 through 4 August 2021. More information
Akhter, N., Edwards, M., Ijaz, R., Chirico, F. (2020). Rich at heart and empty pockets: Bricoleuring entrepreneurial resourcefulness in extreme contexts. 2020 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Knoxville, USA. More information
Akhter, N., Chirico, F., Sieger, P., Fitz-Koch, S. (2020). Portfolio entrepreneurship in family firms: A review and agenda for future research. IFERA 2020 Annual Conference, 24-26 June, 2020, Santander, Spain. More information
Withers, M., Chirico, F., Criaco, G., Baù, M. (2020). Employee mobility in family and non-family firms: The role of family firm-specific human capital. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 7-11 August, 2020, Vancouver, Canada. More information
Chirico, F., Baù, M., Schulze, W. (2019). Are Family Firms Loss Averse?. 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 9-13, 2019, Boston, Massachusetts, United States.. More information
Criaco, G., Withers, M., Baù, M., Chirico, F. (2019). The Mobility of Family and Non-Family Firm Employees. 39th Annual Strategic Management Society Conference, October 19-22, 2019, Minneapolis, MN, USA. More information
Lorenzo Gómez, J., Núñez-Cacho Utrilla, P., Akhter, N., Chirico, F. (2018). Boundaries in innovation and path dependence in family business. 28th ACEDE Conference, June 24th-26th, Valladolid, Spain. More information
Baù, M., Chirico, F., Pittino, D. (2018). Modes of Business Entry and Exit in Family Firms: The Role of Resource Intangibility. 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Chicago, IL, USA – August 10-14.. More information
Chirico, F., Baù, M., Gomez-Mejia, L., Martin, G. (2018). Risk-Taking and Financial Distress in Family-controlled Firms. 18th Annual IFERA World Family Business Conference. Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Zwolle, The Netherlands – July 3-6. More information
Baù, M., Chirico, F., Hoskisson, R., Pathak, S. (2018). Family versus non-Family Firm Mergers: Likes Attract Likes, but Complementarity also Helps. 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 9-13, 2019, Boston, Massachusetts, United States. More information
Minola, T., Baù, M., De Massis, A., Chirico, F., Sieger, P. (2017). Slack and Financial Performance in SMEs: Slack Discretion, Family Ownership, and Hi-Tech Sectors. 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 4-8, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia, United States. More information
Chirico, F., Backman, M., Baù, M., Karlsson, M., Pittino, D. (2017). No Firm is an Island: Local Embeddedness and Rural-Urban Contexts for Business Growth in Family versus non-Family Firms.. IFERA 2017: annual conference June 28-July 1, 2017, Zadar, Croatia, 2017. More information
Chirico, F., Pathak, S., Baù, M., Hoskisson, R. (2017). Family versus Non-Family Firm Mergers: Likes Attract Likes, Outperform Opposites. Strategic Management Society, 37th Annual Conference, October 28-31, 2017, Houston, USA. More information
Akhter, N., Chirico, F., Sieger, P., Ramirez-Pasillas, M. (2017). Transgenerational growth in family business portfolios: Strategies and the rural and urban context. 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 4-8, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia, United States. More information
Minola, T., Baù, M., Chirico, F., De Massis, A. (2016). Behind Slack and Firm Performance: The Moderating Roles of Family Ownership and High-Tech Industry. Strategic Management Society 34th annual international conference, 20-23 September, 2014, Madrid, Spain. More information
Carnes, C., Hitt, M., Sirmon, D., Chirico, F., Wook Huh, D. (2016). The Contingent Effect of Synchronization on Leveraging Resources for Innovation. Strategic Management Society 36th Annual Conference, Berlin, September 17-20, 2016, Germany. More information
Baù, M., Chirico, F., Hoskisson, R., Pathak, S. (2016). Portfolio Restructuring in Family and Non-Family-Controlled Firms. 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, August 5-9, 2016.. More information
Chirico, F., Baù, M. (2016). Financial Distress in Family and Non-Family-Controlled Firms. 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, August 5-9, 2016.. More information
Akhter, N., Chirico, F. (2015). If we cannot have it then no one should: Business exit and re-entry. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, June 10-13, 2015, Babson College, Boston, USA. More information
Pellegrini, M., Chirico, F. (2015). Is blood too thicker than water? Social capital and dynamic capabilities in family firms. A qualitative longitudinal analysis. 15th EURAM Conference, 17-20 June 2015, Warsaw, Poland. More information
Symeonidou, N., Chirico, F., DeTienne, D. (2015). The Perseverance of Family Firms: Performance Threshold and Firm Survival. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, August 7-11, 2015.. More information
Baù, M., Chirico, F., Hoskisson, R., Pathak, S. (2015). Acquisition and Divestitures in Family and Non-Family Firms. 10th FERC Family Enterprise Reseach Conference. Burlington, VT, USA – August 5-9, 2015.. More information
Akhter, N., Chirico, F., Sieger, P. (2015). If we cannot have it then no one should: Shutting down versus selling in family business portfolios. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, August 7-11, 2015.. More information
Akhter, N., Chirico, F., Nordqvist, M. (2014). Exit strategies in family firm portfolios. EIASM 10th Workshop on Family Firm Management Research, May 23-24, 2014, University of Bergamo, Italy. More information
Akhter, N., Chirico, F. (2014). Harvest and after: Entrepreneurial recycling in family firm portfolios. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, June 4-7, 2014, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada. More information
Chirico, F., DeTienne, D., Clinton, E., Sciascia, S. (2014). Resource structuring: linking resource acquisition, accumulation, and divestment in family firms. SMS 34th annual International Conference, September 20-23 2014, Madrid, Spain. More information
Chirico, F., Carnes, C., Wook Huh, D., Hitt, M., Pisano, V. (2014). Structuring and bundling resources for innovation in different firm life cycle stages. 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 1-5, 2014, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. More information
Baù, M., Baboukardos, D., Chirico, F. (2014). Voluntary Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards and the Role of Family Ownership. 14th Annual IFERA World Family Business Conference, June 24-27, 2014, Lappeenranta, Finland. More information
Baù, M., Eddleston, K., Chirico, F., Lucia, N. (2014). Parental Altruism. Special Treatment for Offspring in Business?. 10th EIASM Workshop on Family Firms Management Research, Bergamo,23-24 May, 2014. More information
Chirico, F., Naldi, L., Baù, M., Criaco, G. (2014). Socioemotional Wealth and Innovation in Family Firms: When the Environment Gets Tough, the Family Gets Going!. 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, August 1-5, 2014.. More information
Akhter, N., Chirico, F., Nordqvist, M. (2013). Entrepreneurial exit strategies in family firm portfolios. Marcus Wallenberg Entrepreneurial Exit Conference, September 27-28, 2013, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden. More information
Carnes, C., Hitt, M., Huh, D., Chirico, F., Sirmon, D. (2013). The Influence of Synchronization and Performance on Strategic Choice and Innovation. The 73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management - August 9-13, 2013, Orlando, FL, USA. More information
Minola, T., Baù, M., Chirico, F., De Massis, A. (2013). Organizational Slack and Firm Performance in Family Firms: the Role of Family Involvement and Technological Intensity. 9th Annual Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC, 2013), May 17-19, Viña del Mar, Chile. More information
Chirico, F., Baù, M. (2013). Is the Family an Asset or Liability? The Role of Environmental Dynamism on Family Firm Performance. 9th Annual Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC, 2013), May 17-19, Viña del Mar, Chile. More information
Baù, M., Chirico, F., Zahra, S. (2013). Self-Employment Or Employment After Exit: The Effect Of An Entrepreneur’s Age And Gender. Boston: Babson College, 2013 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, EMLYON Business School Écully, France, June 5–8, 2013.. More information
Naldi, L., Chirico, F., Baù, M., Criaco, G. (2013). Family Involvement and Innovation in Family Firms: The Moderating Role of Environmental Munificence. 9th Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC 2013), Viña del Mar, Chile, May 17-19, 2013. More information
Akhter, N., Chirico, F. (2012). Accepting and implementing change in family firms within and across generations. EIASM 8th Workshop on Family Firm Management Research – The family business: a beauty or a beast? Jönköping, Sweden, May 31st – June 2nd, 2012. More information
Chirico, F., Hellerstedt, K., Mattias, N. (2012). Business Exit in Family vs. Non-Family Firms: When Emotional Logic Overrules Rational Judgment. the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA. USA, August. More information
Chirico, F., Hellerstedt, K., Nordqvist, M. (2012). “Do Family Firms Exit Less?”. Texas, USA 32nd Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, June 6-9, 2012, Fort Worth, Texas. More information
Chirico, F., Sirmon, D., Sciascia, S., Mazzola, P. (2011). Entrepreneurial Orientation, Generational Involvement and Participative Strategy: A Configurational Approach to Performance in Family Firms. New York: Academy of Management, 71st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management - West Meets East: Enlightening, Balancing, Transcending, AOM 2011; San Antonio, TX; United States; 12 August 2011 through 16 August 2011. More information
Sciascia, S., Chirico, F., Mazzola, P. (2010). Entrepreneurial orientation and performance in family-owned firms: the role of family management. 2010 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Lausanne, Switzerland. More information

Other publications

Akhter, N., Chirico, F., Nordqvist, M. . Surviving the legacy: Sensemaking of emotions and exit in portfolio firms. More information
Kim, J., Pittino, D., Chirico, F., Davidsson, P. . Creation of a family vs. non-family venture: The role of external enablement characteristics. More information