Annika Nordin

Senior Lecturer

Annika works as a lecturer at the Department of Quality Improvement and Leadership at the School of Health and Welfare, Jönköping University. In 2017, Annika successfully defended her doctoral thesis “Expressions of shared interpretations – Intangible outcomes of quality improvement in health and elderly care” (2017, School of Health and Welfare).
Today, Annika is responsible for courses in improvement knowledge in a master’s program (Quality improvement and leadership in health and welfare at the School of Health and Welfare) and for a course in Academic Writing at the Research school (School of Health and Welfare). Her research mainly regards co-production, and she is part of the research program Samskapa. Annika has a long professional experience from health care, and has trained health care professionals in improvement skills and led several large-scaled improvement projects. Annika has also been involved in the development and dissemination of quality registers.



Suutari, A., Thor, J., Nordin, A., Areskoug Josefsson, K. (2023). Improving heart failure care with an Experience-Based Co-Design approach: what matters to persons with heart failure and their family members? BMC Health Services Research, 23(1). More information
Wallin, P., Petersson, C., Areskoug Josefsson, K., Nordin, A. (2023). Enhancing staff capacity to support children with intellectual disability receiving residential services: A realist evaluation of an improvement program Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 20(3), 260-272. More information
Nordin, A., Kjellström, S., Robert, G., Masterson, D., Areskoug Josefsson, K. (2023). Measurement and outcomes of co-production in health and social care: A systematic review of empirical studies. More information
Suutari, A., Nordin, A., Kjellström, S., Thor, J., Areskoug Josefsson, K. (2022). Using stakeholders' experiences to redesign health services for persons living with heart failure: a case study protocol in a Swedish cardiac care setting [Protocol] BMJ Open, 12(3). More information
Areskoug Josefsson, K., Nordin, A. (2021). Supporting students in higher education in transforming their thesis into a scientific article Högre Utbildning, 11(2). More information
Wallin, P., Nordin, A., Petersson, C., Areskoug Josefsson, K. (2021). Exploring Co-production in Residences with Special Services for Children and Adolescents with Intellectual Disability in Sweden Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 23(1), 247-259. More information
Suutari, A., Thor, J., Nordin, A., Kjellström, S., Areskoug Josefsson, K. (2021). Improving Health for People Living With Heart Failure: Focus Group Study of Preconditions for Co-Production of Health and Care Journal of Participatory Medicine, 13(2). More information
Norman, A., Elg, M., Nordin, A., Andersson-Gäre, B., Algurén, B. (2020). The role of professional logics in quality register use: a realist evaluation BMC Health Services Research, 20, 1-11. More information
Nordin, A., Areskoug Josefsson, K. (2020). Effects of a Swedish master’s programme on quality improvement and leadership  - A qualitative study on micro, meso, and macro levels of the welfare sector Cogent Business & Management, 7(1), 1-13. More information
Nordin, A., Areskoug Josefsson, K. (2019). Behavioural and operational outcomes of a Master’s programme on improvement knowledge and leadership: A survey study Leadership in Health Services, 32(4), 525-542. More information
Suutari, A., Areskoug Josefsson, K., Kjellström, S., Nordin, A., Thor, J. (2019). Promoting a sense of security in everyday life—A case study of patients and professionals moving towards co-production in an atrial fibrillation “learning café” Health Expectations, 22(6), 1240-1250. More information
Algurén, B., Nordin, A., Andersson-Gäre, B., Peterson, A. (2019). In-depth comparison of two quality improvement collaboratives from different healthcare areas based on registry data - Possible factors contributing to sustained improvement in outcomes beyond the project time Implementation Science, 14(1). More information
Nordin, A., Andersson-Gäre, B., Andersson, A. (2018). Sensemaking and cognitive shifts – learning from dissemination of a National Quality Register in health care and elderly care Leadership in Health Services, 31(4), 371-383. More information
Nordin, A., Andersson-Gäre, B., Andersson, A. (2018). Prospective sensemaking of a national quality register in health care and elderly care Leadership in Health Services, 31(4), 398-408. More information
Nordin, A., Andersson-Gäre, B., Andersson, A. (2017). Emergent programme theories of a national quality register - a longitudinal study in Swedish elderly care Journal of Evaluation In Clinical Practice, 23(6), 1329-1335. More information
Nordin, A., Ernsäter, T., Bergman, B. (2014). Quality Registers in Professional Health Care Educations; Knowledge Gaps and Proposed Actions Organizacija, 47(4), 245-253. More information
Müllern, T., Nordin, A. (2012). Revisiting empowerment: a study of improvement work in health care teams Quality Management in Health Care, 21(2), 81-92. More information

Doctoral thesis

Nordin, A. (2017). Expressions of shared interpretations - Intangible outcomes of continuous quality improvement efforts in health- and elderly care (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Health and Welfare). More information

Book chapter

Areskoug Josefsson, K., Nordin, A., Kjellström, S. (2021). Trust and self-efficacy as enablers and products of co-production in health and welfare services. In: Anja Overgaard Thomassen & Julie Borup Jensen (Ed.), Processual perspectives on the co-production turn in public sector organizations (pp. 42 -58). Hershey, PA: IGI Global More information

Conference paper

Nordin, A., Gabrielsson-Järhult, F. (2018). Improvement knowledge in health and welfare. International Week in Health Care, Rehabilitation and Social Services, 12 to 16 of March 2018, Helsinki, Finland. More information
Nordin, A. (2018). Intangible outcomes of the work with a doctoral thesis. 13th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, 5-7 September 2018, Lisbon, Portugal. More information
Nordin, A., Ostrelius, M. (2018). How can contiuous quality improvement tools support systematic work environment management? Perspectives from practice and theory. 13th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, 5-7 September 2018, Lisbon, Portugal. More information
Algurén, B., Nordin, A. (2016). Så blir ditt register attraktiv för kliniknära förbättringsarbete: Noteringar från en pågående studie - angreppsätt för att förbättra ANVÄNDANDET av kvalitetsregister. Nationella kvalitetskonferensen, Göteborg, 12 april 2016. More information

Other publications

Areskoug Josefsson, K., Nordin, A. (2020). Insights from co-reflection [blog post]. More information
Suutari, A., Thor, J., Nordin, A., Areskoug Josefsson, K. . Experiences of and conditions for re-designing heart failure care – a qualitative evaluation of an Experience-Based Co-Design case in a Swedish cardiac care setting. More information