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Department of Mathematics, Physics and Chemical Engineering

Jörgen Gustafsson
Head of Department
Assistant Professor
School of Engineering
+46 36-10 1617

Fredrik Abrahamsson
Associate Senior Lecturer mathematics
School of Engineering
+46 36-10 1620

Anders Andersson
Senior Lecturer mathematics
School of Engineering
+46 36-10 1621

Thomas Biro
Assistant Professor Physics
School of Engineering
+46 36-10 1532

Arpan Ghosh
Assistant Professor mathematics
School of Engineering
+46 36-10 1362

Åsa Hansen
Lecturer Chemistry
School of Engineering
+46 36-10 1645
+46 73-402 62 07

Tjavdar Ivanov
Senior Lecturer mathematics
School of Engineering
+46 36-10 1623

Christer Magnusson
Lecturer Physics
School of Engineering
+46 36-10 1619

Peter Olofsson
Professor Matematisk statistik
School of Engineering

Mikael Palmgren
Lecturer mathematics
School of Engineering
+46 36-10 1647

Pär Sandström
Lecturer mathematics
School of Engineering
+46 36-10 1938

Johan Strandler
Lecturer Mathematics and Physics
School of Engineering
+46 36-10 1616

Jonelija Zelic
School of Engineering
+46 36-10 1649