Reach out
Reach out is a course in communication where the participants receive help in establishing their own research communication platform. The course is primarily aimed at researchers, but also doctoral candidates, at Jönköping University. The goal with Reach out is to, with the help of real examples and individual exercises, offer tools for communicating research to different target groups. Components within the course are writing, publishing, disseminating, and presenting research - for different target groups and the media.
The course is organised by staff from the Communications department, with almost 100 years of combined experience within communication and journalism. After completing the course, the participants will have a better understanding of ways to communicate their research, and also a comprehensive toolbox to use. The goal is to make the researchers successful in their communication and to create better and stronger relationships with the surrounding world.
"The goal is to make the researchers successful in their communication to create more and stronger relationships with the surrounding world"
During the course, the focus will be on the participants individual work by presenting results and analyses through different forms of communication. This can be in the form of blog posts published on, or presentations for live audiences, and/or media.
In addition to staff from the Communications department, persons connected to Vertikals, will participate and act as sounding boards and mentors.
All participants will be served a lunch sandwich.
Course components
"Meet the local press" with Daniel Sjödahl
Daniel Sjödahl is one of the Communications department's former journalists, with 19 years of experience from Hallpressen. He has been a local reporter, crime reporter, general reporter, digital reporter, and deputy news director at Jönköpings-Posten - just to name a few. Daniel will talk about the creation of news and the production behind texts for different purposes. He will provide a broad insight into the journalist's work on news evaluation, but also talk about publishing texts for both the news media and for the public on, for example, Vertikals.

"Publish yourself" with Daniel Ekman
Daniel Ekman has worked at Jönköping University as a Communications officer since 2001 with most areas related to communication; web, photography & film, graphic production, writing and everything in between. His current focus is research communication and Vertikals. Daniel will talk about blogging in general and Vertikals in particular - from idea to finished blog post: how to publish a text, how does search engines work, what is a good headline and how can a text become more searchable with relevant keywords?

"Present your message" with Emil Danielsson
How do you inspire and engage an audience with a research message? The opportunity to spread your research requires clarity and relevance, but also that you dare to step outside your comfort zone. How much can you simplify and make your research available for a larger audience, without being considered frivolous by the academic sphere? In this step, the researchers plan, prepare, practice, and present their work to different potential audiences. Emil Danielsson has 25 years of experience from the communications industry and has been a project manager for Vertikals since the start in 2013. He was also involved in the work around JU Live.
"Present your message part 2" with Emil Danielsson 12.00 - 13.15
This session is a follow-up to "Present your message part 1". All participants will give a short oral presentation in front of the others.

"Spread your research" with Fredrika Fröjd and Julia Randau
Fredrika Fröjd and Julia Randau work as Communications officers at JU, with social media as one of their specialties. They are both media and communication graduates, and avid users of social media since Lunarstorm was a thing back in the 00's. Today, it is a part of their profession. Social media must be quick, social, and efficient – during their hour you will learn what opportunities and challenges lie in conducting a dialogue digitally.

"Meet the reporter, part 1" with Sophie Liljefall
Sophie Liljefall, Communications officer at JU, has over 15 years of experience as a television journalist - both locally and nationally. She will address what is required by your research results to be picked up as interesting by the media, how the media thinks and what their conditions are. She will also touch on what questions a journalist might ask in different types of situations and how one should - or should not - respond to it. The participants will also be “interviewed” and filmed.

"Meet the reporter, part 2" with Sophie Liljefall
This session is a follow-up to "Meet the Reporter, Part 1". Together with the other participants, you will look at the interviews that were done during part 1. What was good about the interview? What could be done better? What did you learn from it?
- Communications Officer
- University Services
- +46 36-10 1703