Archive 2014

Doctoral Thesis Defence, 17 January 2014, Jönköping International Business School
Berit Hartmann: Bridging the GAAP? IFRS in accounting practice, JIBS, DS No 94
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 24 January 2014, School of Education and Communication
Ulli Samuelsson: Digital (in)equality? ICT use in school and pupils' technological capital External link, opens in new window., School of Education and Communication, DS No 23
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 10 April 2014, Jönköping International Business School
Kristofer Månsson: Essays on Nonlinearities and Time Scales in Macroeconomics and Finance, JIBS, DS No 95
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 11 April 2014, Jönköping International Business School
Johan P Larsson: Nonmarket Interactions and Density Externalities, JIBS DS No 96
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 11 April 2014, School of Health and Sciences
Inger Jansson: On the nature of work ability, School of Health and Welfare, DS No 48
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 23 May 2014, Jönköping Internatinoal Business School
Özge Öner:Retail Location, JIBS, DS No 97
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 27 May 2014, School of Health and Sciences
Anna Karin Axelsson: Children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities and their participation in family activities, School of Health and Welfare, DS No 49
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 28 May 2014, School of Education and Communication
Ann Öhman Sandberg: Sustainable program development - a study of the importance of expansive learning and partially shared objects. External link, opens in new window.
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 2 June 2014, School of Health and Sciences
Ulrika Börjesson: Everyday Knowledge in Elder Care. An Ethnographic Study of Care Work, School of Health and Welfare, DS No 50
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 5 June 2014, School of Health and Sciences
Berit Björkman: Children in the Radiology Department - a study of anxiety, pain, distress and verbal interaction, School of Health and Welfare, DS No 51
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 5 June, 2014. School of Education and Communication
Carl-Johan Svensson: Festive, Popular, Crowed? Public Debate about the Public Activities of the Swedish History Museum from External link, opens in new window.The Swedish History
External link, opens in new window. to
External link, opens in new window.History of Sweden
External link, opens in new window., School of Education and Communication, DS No 25
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 5 June 2014, School of Health and Sciences
Magnus Hagiwara: Development and Evaluation of a Computerised Decision - Support System for use in prehospital care, School of Health and Welfare, DS No 52
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 13 June 2014, School of Health and Sciences
Martina Boström: Security - on whose terms? Perceptions and experiences of security of older people in need of care External link, opens in new window., School of Health and Welfare, DS No 53
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 27 June 2014, Jönköping International Business School
Anette Johansson: Effectual and causal approaches to innovation in the Swedish magazine industry, JIBS, DS No 98
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 12 September 2014, School of Education and Communication
Martin Danielsson: Digital Distinctions : Class and Continuity in Young Men's Everyday Media Practices, School of Education and Communication, DS No 27
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 12 September 2014, School of Education and Communication
Joel Hedegaard: The Production and Maintenance of Inequalities in Health Care: A communicative perspective, School of Education and Communication, DS No 26
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 19 September 2014, School of Health and Sciences
Inger Wieslander: Women's recovery after a first myocardial infarction from an organisational, a relational and an individual perspective, School of Health and Welfare, DS No 54
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 7 November 2014, School of Health and Sciences
Lina Magnusson:Prosthetic and Orthotic Services in Developing Countries, School of Health and Welfare, DS No 56
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 11 December 2014, Jönköping International Business School
Hamid Jafari: Postponement and Logistics Flexibility in Retailing.