Archive 2013

Doctoral Thesis Defence, 22 Mars 2013, Jönköping International Business School
Pia Nilsson: Price Formation in Real Estate Markets
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 15 Mars 2013, Jönköping International Business School
Inés Casanovas: Online Education in Universities: Moving from Individual Adoption to Institutionalisation of an Information Technology Innovation
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 8 Mars 2013, Jönköping International Business School
Mikaela Backman: Regions, Human Capital and New Firm Formation
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 8 Mars 2013, School of Health and Sciences
Sigurveig Sigurðardóttir: Patterns of care and support in old age
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 23 January 2013, School of Education and Communication
Marita Falkmer: From Eye to Us: Prerequisites for and levels of participation in mainstream school of persons with Autism Spectrum Conditions
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 29 April 2013, School of Education and Communication
Iréne Josephson: Room for Participation: Decision-making in meetings between patients with nonspecific low back pain and physical therapists in primary care External link, opens in new window.
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 3 May 2013, Jönköping International Business School
Ann-Sophie Sallander: Mutual Agreement Procedures in Tax Treaties External link, opens in new window.
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 14 May, 2013, School of Health and Sciences
Anne-Sofie Strand: Truancy from student and school perspectives
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 15 Maj 2013, Jönköping International Business School
Cristina Trenta: VAT in Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution – Towards a Tax proposal for Decentralized Networks
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 17 Maj 2013, School of Health and Sciences
Ingrid Larsson: Person-centred care in rheumatology nursing for patients undergoing biological therapy - an explorative and interventional study
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 24 Maj 2013, School of Education and Communication
Ann Simmeborn Fleischer: Support to students with Asperger syndrome in higher education - the perspectives of three relatives and three coordinators External link, opens in new window.
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 31 May, School of Health and Sciences
Annette Nygårdh: A quality improvement project on empowerment in chronic kidney care - an interactive research approach
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 14 June 2013, School of Health and Sciences
Linda Johansson: Foodwork and meals in everyday life among persons with dementia and their partners
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 5 September 2013, School of Health and Sciences
Marjorie M. Godfrey, Improvement Capability at the Front Lines of Healthcare: Helping through Leading and Coaching
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 13 September 2013, Jönköping International Business School Börje Boers: Organizational identity construction in family businesses a dualities perspective
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 27 September 2013, School of Engineering
Anna-Karin Carstensen: Connect - Modelling Learning to Facilitate Linking Models and the Real World through Lab-work in Electric Circuit Courses for Engineering Students
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 22 November 2013, School of Education and Communication
Karin Alnervik: Yes, that's also a way of thinking about it!" : Pedagogical documentation as a tool for transformation in preschool External link, opens in new window.
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 29 November 2013, School of Education and Communication Åsa Hirsh: The Individual Development Plan as tool and practice in Swedish compulsore schools.
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 29 November 2013, Jönköping International Business School Rashid Mansoor: Assessing Distributional Properties of High Dimensional Data.
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 6 December 2013, School of Education and Communication Håkan Fleischer: One student – one computer. The quality of and conditions for knowledge formation in the digitalised school. External link, opens in new window.
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 6 December 2013, School of Health and Sciences
Brittmarie Jacobsson: On Oral Health in Young Individuals with Focus on Sweden and Vietnam. A Cultural Perspective.
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 13 December 2013, Jönköping International Business School Benjamin Hartmann: Consumption and Practice: Unfolding Consumptive Moments and the Entaglement with Productive Aspects.
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 13 December 2013, School of Education and Communication
Gunilla Lindqvist: Who should do What to Whom? Occupational Groups' Views on Special Needs. External link, opens in new window.