Archive 2009

Doctoral Thesis Defence: 29 December, Jönköping International Business School
Karlsson, Ann Britt: Institutionalisering av ansvar i kommunal revision
Faculty opponent: Associate Professor Jörgen Johansson, Halmstad University.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 11 December, School of Education and Communication
Åberg, Karin: Anledning till handledning - Skolledares perspektiv på grupphandledning
Faculty opponent: Professor Christer Brusling, University of Oslo.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 11 December,Jönköping International Business School
Nguyen Tan, Phat: Transfer Pricing: The Vietnamese system in the light of the OECD Guidelines and the systems in certain major countries
Faculty opponent: Professor Eric Kemmeren, Tilburg university.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 27 November, School of Education and Communication
Möllås, Gunvie: "Detta ideliga mötande" - En studie av hur kommunikation och samspel konstituerar gymnasieelevers skolpraktik
Faculty opponent: Reidun Tangen, University of Oslo.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 27 November, Jönköping International Business School
Languilaire, Jean-Charles: Experiencing work/non-work - Theorising individuals' process of integrating and segmenting work, family, social and private
Faculty opponent: Professor Mikael Nordenmark, Mid University Sweden.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 23 October, School of Education and Communication
Ludvigsson, Ann: Samproducerat ledarskap: Hur rektorer och lärare formar ledarskap i skolans vardagsarbete
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 25 September, School of Health Sciences
Dahl, Anna: Body mass index, cognitive ability, and dementia - prospective associations and methodological issues in late life
Faculty opponent: Professor Åke Wahlin, Stockholms University.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 24 September, Jönköping International Business School
Dahlström, Tobias: Causes of corruption
Faculty opponent: Professor Karl Ove Moene, University of Oslo.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 24 August, Jönköping International Business School
Gerson, Anna: Compensation of Losses in Foreign Subsidiaries — A comparative study of the unilateral loss-compensation mechanisms in Austria and Denmark
Faculty opponent: Professor Bertil Wiman, Uppsala University.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 27 May, Jönköping International Business School
Hunter, Erik: Celebrity Entrepreneurship and Celebrity Endorsement: Similarities, differences and the effect of deeper engagement
Faculty opponent: Professor Eileen Fischer, York University, Canada.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 8 May, School of Education and Communication
Almers, Ellen: Handlingskompetens för hållbar utveckling - Tre berättelser om vägen dit
Faculty opponent: Professor Leif Östman, Uppsala University.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 6 May, Jönköping International Business School
Hellerstedt, Karin: The Composition of New Venture Teams: Its Dynamics and Consequences
Faculty opponent: Professor Dean A Shepherd, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, USA.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 7 April, Jönköping International Business School
van Weezel, Aldo: Entrepreneurial Strategy-Making Mode and Performance: A Study of the Newspaper Industry
Faculty opponent: Professor Saara Taalas, Turku School of Economics.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 13 March, School of Education and Communication
Carlsson Wahlgren, Victoria: Den långa vägen till en jämställd gymnasieskola - En studie om genuspedagogers förståelse av gymnasieskolans jämställdhetsarbete
Faculty opponent: Professor Tiina Rosenberg, Lund University.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 27 February, School of Health Sciences
Wallin, Anne-Marie: Living with diabetes within the framework of Swedish primary health care: Somalian and professional perspectives
Faculty opponent: Professor Katarina Hjelm, Växjö University.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 27 February, School of Education and Communication
Eidevald, Christian: Det finns inga tjejbestämmare - Att förstå kön som position i förskolans vardagsrutiner och lek
Faculty opponent: Professor Eva Reimers, Linköping University.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 30 January, School of Health Sciences
Rosengren, Kristina: En hälso- och sjukvårdsorganisation i förändring - från distanserat till delat ledarskap
Faculty opponent: Professor Runo Axelsson.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 23 January, School of Education and Communication
Barkho, Leon: Strategies of power in multilingual global broadcasters. How the BBC, CNN and Aljazeera shape their Middle East news discourse
Faculty opponent: Professor Golam Rahman, The Papua New Guinea University of Technology.