Archive 2008

Doctoral Thesis Defence: 19 December 2008, Jönköping International Business School
Johansson, Monica: Organizing Policy - A Policy Analysis starting from SMEs in Tuscany and the County of Jönköping, JIBS DS No. 054
Faculty opponent: Professor Jan Ohlsson, Örebro University.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 14 November 2008, Jönköping International Business School
Mellander, Charlotta: The Wealth of Urban Regions - On the Location of Creative Individuals and Firms, JIBS DS No. 053
Faculty opponent: Maryann Feldman, S. K. Henninger, Distinguished Professor of Public Policy at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 13 November 2008, Jönköping International Business School
Rendahl, Pernilla: Cross-Border Consumption Taxation of Digital Supplies - A Comparative Study of Double Taxation and Unintentional Non-Taxation of B2C E-Commerce,JIBS DS No. 052
Faculty opponent: Professor Ole Gjems-Onstad, BI, Oslo.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 7 November 2008, Jönköping International Business School
Bohman, Helena: Trade, Knowledge and Income Distribution,JIBS DS No. 051
Faculty opponent: Professor Devashish Mitra, Syracuse University, USA.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 26 September 2008, Jönköping International Business School
Glemdal, Michael: Gubben på kullen - Om den smärtsamma skillnaden mellan politiska intentioner och praktiska resultat,JIBS DS No. 050
Faculty opponent: Associate Professor Göran Bostedt, Mid Sweden University.
Examining Committee: Professor Lars Carlsson, Kristianstad University, Professor Ingemar Elander, Örebro University and Professor Gunnar Falkemark, University of Gothenburg.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 2 September 2008, Jönköping International Business School
Eklund, Johan: Corporate Governance, Private Property and Investment, JIBS DS No. 049
Faculty opponent: Professor Dennis E. Mueller, University of Vienna.
Examining Committee: Professor Roger Stough, George Mason University, Associate Professor Laura Rondi, Politecnico di Torino, and Professor Åke E Andersson,Jönköping International Business School.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 1 September 2008, Jönköping International Business School
Wiberg, Daniel: Institutional Ownership — the Anonymous Capital: Corporate Governance and Investment Performance, JIBS DS No. 048
Faculty opponent: Professor Dennis E. Mueller, University of Vienna.
Examining Committee: Professor Rafel Crespi-Cladera, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Mallorca, Associate Professor Laura Rondi, Politecnico di Torino and Professor Åke E Andersson, Jönköping International Business School.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 16 June 2008, Jönköping International Business School
Naldi, Lucia: Growth through internationalization: A Knowledge Perspective on SMEs, JIBS DS No. 047
Faculty opponent: Professor Erkko Autio, Tanaka Business School, Imperial College, London, UK.
Examining Committee: Professor Malin Brännback, Åbo Akademi University, Finland, Professor Lars Bengtsson, Lund University and Professor Susanne Hertz, Jönköping International Business School.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 23 May 2008, Jönköping International Business School
Fridriksson, Helgi Valur: Learning processes in an inter-organizational context — A study of a Kraft project, JIBS DS No. 046
Faculty opponent: Professor Runólfur Smári Steinthorsson, University of Iceland.
Examining Committee: Professor Stefan Tengblad, University of Borås, Associate Professor Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist, University of Gothenburg and Professor Susanne Hertz, Jönköping International Business School.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 16 May 2008, School of Health Sciences
Almborg, Ann-Helene: Perceived Participation in Discharge Planning and Health Related Quality of Life After Stroke
Faculty opponent: Professor emeritus Elisabeth Hamrin Linköping University.
Examining Committee: Associate Professor Albert G. Westergren, Kristianstad University, Professor emeritus Ove Dehlin, Lund University and Professor Birgitta Sidenvall, School of Health Sciences.
Doctoral Thesis Defence: 7 March 2008, Jönköping International Business School
Lövstål, Eva: Management Control Systems in Entrepreneurial Organizations: a Balancing Challenge, JIBS DS No. 045
Faculty opponent: Professor Olov Olson, University of Gothenburg.
Examining Committee: Professor Håkan Ylinenpää, Luleå University of Technology, Professor Fredrik Nilsson, Linköping University and Associate Professor Ethel Brundin, Jönköping International Business School.