1129 Publications
Article (non-refereed)
- Leisner, P. (2024). 15th EDNANO (International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures) integrating EAST Forum 2023. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 102(1), 2-3
- Diószegi, A. (2023). Årsmöte IFTJKPG – innovativ gjuteriteknik. Gjuteriet (pp. 10-11).
- Domeij, B., Belov, I., Fourlakidis, V., Diószegi, A. (2023). Metodik för kort väg mellan forskning och gjutsimuleringsverktyg. Gjuteriet (pp. 12-13).
- Jarfors, A. (2023). Aluminium MMC bromsskivor: Lösningen för att få stopp på utsläpp. Aluminium Scandinavia (pp. 30-31).
- Leisner, P. (2023). The Schwabisch Gmund Prize for Young Scientists 2023. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 101(3), 113-113
- Richter, A., Leisner, P. (2023). New key persons when research institute on precious metals turns 100 years old. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 101(1), 2-3
- Leisner, P. (2022). Prize giving and annual meeting 2021 of the European Academy of Surface Technology. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 100(1), 4-5
- Leisner, P. (2022). 2022 Prize and grants from European academy of surface technology. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 100(4), 176-177
- Leisner, P., Lundstrom, M. (2022). International Process Metallurgy Symposium (IPMS) 2021. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 100(2), 59-62
- Zabinski, P., Leisner, P. (2022). 14th EDNANO (International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures) integrating 10th European Pulse Plating Seminar and EAST Forum. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 100(5), 229-231
- Leisner, P. (2021). Prizes and grants from European Academy of Surface Technology. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 99(4), 170-171
- Gabe, D., Leisner, P. (2020). Thirty years of the European Academy of Surface Technology: a brief history. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 98(1), 3-5
- Leisner, P. (2020). The Schwäbisch Gmünd Prize for Young Scientists 2020 and 2021. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 98(4), 165-166
- Leisner, P., Baumgaertner, M. (2020). 30 years anniversary workshop of European Academy of Surface Technology. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 98(2), 59-61
- Thipprakmas, S., Aue-u-lan, Y., Jarfors, A., Jirathearanat, S. (2019). Computational Methods in Design and Manufacturing Processes. Mathematical problems in engineering (Print) (pp. 1-1).
- Zanella, C., Lekka, M. (2019). A journey into mCBEEs training, the European training network on corrosion problems at micro- and nanoscale. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 97(5), 227-229
- Hernando, J. (2018). Artistic Entries from the 2017 International Metallographic Contest. 7(1), 91-92
- Hernando, J. (2017). Can you identify the microstructure?. 6(4), 362-363
- Lekka, M., Zanella, C., Leisner, P. (2017). New European Training Network solving corrosion problems on micro- and nanoscale: mCBEEs. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 95(6), 297-298
- Péter, L., Zanella, C., Leisner, P. (2017). European training school for young scientists and EAST Forum 2017. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 95(5), 237-238
- Zamani, M., Morini, L., Ceschini, L., Seifeddine, S. (2017). The role of transition metal additions on the ambient and elevated temperature properties of Al-Si alloys. (pp. 42-50).
- Belov, I., Jarfors, A. (2016). Simulering av prestandan hos rheogjutna kylflänsar.
- Jarfors, A. (2016). Casting Alloy Design and Modification. Metals 6(1),
- Belov, I. (2015). Simulering av ytbeläggning på gjutna komponenter. Gjuteriet
- Leisner, P. (2015). EAST – European Academy of Surface Technology. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 93(6),
- Leisner, P., Zanella, C. (2015). Elektroplätering av antibakteriella beläggningar. Ytforum
- Zanella, C., Leisner, P. (2014). The 6th European Pulse Plating Seminar. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 92(4), 178-179
- Sarius, N., Leisner, P., Hald, J., Hultman, L. (2011). Inverkan av ultraljud på fyllningsegenskaperna under elektroplätering av Ni. Ytforum (pp. 31-32).
- Sjölander, E., Seifeddine, S. (2011). Evaluating the plastic deformation of Al-Si-Cu-Mg casting alloys using the Hollomon and Ludwigson equations. International Journal of Cast Metals Research
- Svidró, J., Diószegi, A. (2011). Studying binder decomposition characteristics in resin bonded moulding materials through core gas measurement. International Foundry Research 4(5),
- Belov, I., Lindgren, M., Johansson, A., Danielsson, T., Sarius, N., Leisner, P. (2009). Thermal Analysis of a Power Electronics Module in the Prototyping Phase. Electronic Environment (pp. 6-9).
- Seifeddine, S., Sjögren, T., Flansbjer, M. (2009). Inverkan av porer på mekaniska egenskaper i gjutna aluminiumkomponenter. Gjuteriet 99(5), 20-23
- Seifeddine, S., Svensson, I. (2009). Att förutsäga variationer i egenskaper hos gjutna aluminiumkomponenter. Gjuteriet 99(3), 8-10
- Leisner, P. (2008). Pulse reversal plating of hard chromium. Galvanotecnica e nuove finiture (pp. 84-89).
- Leisner, P. (2008). Deposizione pulsate di cromo duro con inversione di corrente. Galvanotecnica e nuove finiture (pp. 84-89).
- Sjögren, T. (2008). The deformation behaviour of cast iron. Foundry Trade Journal International 181(3653), 95-97
- Belov, I., Lindgren, M., Leisner, P., Bergner, F., Bornoff, R. (2007). CFD aided reflow oven profiling for PCB preheating in a soldering process: Part 1(2). Electronic Environment (pp. 25-28).
- Belov, I., Lindgren, M., Leisner, P., Bergner, F., Bornoff, R. (2007). CFD aided reflow oven profiling for PCB preheating in a soldering process: Part 2(2). Electronic Environment (pp. 25-27).
- Diószegi, A., Dugic, I., Svensson, I. (2007). Penetrationsfehler an konkaven Gussteiloberflächen von Grauguss-Zylinderköpfen (Penetration errors casting concave surfaces of grey cast iron cylinder heads). Giesserei-Praxis 58(11), 450-454
- Holmgren, D., Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2007). Effects of inoculation and solidification rate on the thermal conductivity of grey cast iron. Foundry Trade Journal 180(3642), 66-69
- Holmgren, D., Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2007). Effects of carbon content and solidification rate on thermal conductivity of grey cast iron. China Foundry 4(3), 210-214
- Holsmark, R., Kumar, S. (2007). Corrections to Chen and Chui's Fault Tolerant Routing Algorithm for Mesh Networks. Journal of information science and engineering 23(6), 1649-1662
- Sjögren, T. (2007). Gjutjärns deformationsbeteende. Gjuteriet 97(9), 28-31
- Holmgren, D., Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2006). Effects of Inoculation and Solidification Rate on the Thermal Conductivity of Grey Cast Iron. Giessereiforschung 58(3), 12-17
- Wessén, M. (2006). Ett möjligt genombrott för gjutning med halvstelnade metaller. Aluminium Scandinavia (pp. 32-33).
- Belov, V., Paldyaev, N., Shamaev, A., Johansson, A., Leisner, P., Belov, I. (2005). A complete mathematical model of an independent multi-phase power supply system based on multi-phase bridge-element concept. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems 4(9), 1009-1018
- Cao, H., Wessén, M. (2005). Segringsband i pressgjutna magnesiumkomponenter. Gjuteriet
- Seifeddine, S., Olsson, J. (2005). Bilindustrin satsar på gjutna aluminiumkomponenter. Gjuteriet
- Andrae, A., Möller, P., Andersson, J., Liu, J. (2004). Uncertainty estimation by Monte Carlo Simulation applied to life cycle inventory of cordless phones and microscale metallization Processes. IEEE transactions on electronics packaging manufacturing (Print) 27(4), 233-245
- Leisner, P., Belov, V., Belov, I. (2004). Computer Aided Design for EMC and Power Quality. Science Park Jönköping (pp. 21-21).
- Andrews, I., Dumaillet, J., Diószegi, A. (2003). Direct flow simulations in pressed foundry filters. Ductile Iron News
- Diószegi, A., Wessén, M. (2001). Measurement and simulation of thermal condition and mechanical properties in a complicated shaped cylinder head cast in grey iron. Indian Foundry Journal 8(4),
- Wessén, M. (2000). Gasnings- och nipplingsteknik vid kärntillverkning: Del 1. Gjuteriet (pp. 24-26).
- Wessén, M. (2000). Gasnings- och nipplingsteknik vid kärntillverkning: Del 2. Gjuteriet (pp. 20-22).
- Wessén, M., Svensson, I. (1999). Application of microstructure modelling for ductile iron alloy property optmization. Revue de Metallurgie 96(JA99),
- Svensson, I., Wessén, M. (1997). Gjutningssimulering ger kortare ledtider och bättre gjutgods. Mekanisten
- Hellström, K., Diaconu, L., Diószegi, A. (null). Density and thermal expansion coefficients of liquid grey cast iron and austenite. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A
Article (refereed)
- Ghasemi, R., Salomonsson, K., Dioszegi, A. (2025). Synergistic effects of austempering variables on the microstructure and mechanical properties of low-temperature austenitized compacted graphite irons. Journal of materials engineering and performance (Print)
- Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A. (2025). Room and High-Temperature Wear Behaviour of Al-Based MMCs against an Automotive Brake Pad. Progress in Composite Materials
- Ahmadkhaniha, D., Sieber, M., Zanella, C. (2024). Controlling coating thickness distribution for a complex geometry with the help of simulation. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (pp. 3703-3717).
- Ahmadkhaniha, D., Zanella, C., Belov, I., Matsushita, T. (2024). Study of the process parameters influence on crack formation in laser alloying of grey cast iron. Optics and Laser Technology
- Belov, I., Fourlakidis, V., Domeij, B., Matsushita, T., Diószegi, A. (2024). A thermal conductivity model for lamellar and compacted graphite irons. International Journal of metalcasting
- Belov, I., Fourlakidis, V., Domeij, B., Matsushita, T., Diószegi, A. (2024). A thermal conductivity model for grey iron. International Journal of metalcasting 18(3), 2107-2117
- Bogdanoff, T., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. (2024). The impact of HIP process and heat treatment on the mechanical behaviour of an Al–Si–Mg alloy component. International Journal of metalcasting (pp. 2882-2892).
- Bogdanoff, T., Tiryakioglu, M., Jarfors, A., Ghassemali, E. (2024). A simple procedure to assess the Complete Melt Quality in aluminium castings: implementation in a die-casting and a rheo-casting. International Journal of Cast Metals Research 37(1), 71-79
- Bogdanoff, T., Tiryakioğlu, M. (2024). An In Situ Study of Short Crack Initiation and Propagation During Fatigue Testing of a Hot Isostatically Pressed Al-7%Si-0.5%Mg (A357-T6) Alloy Specimen. Materials 17(23),
- Bramann, H., Olofsson, J., Sturm, J. (2024). Probabilistische Eigenschaftsvorhersage: Methodik zur abgesicherten Gussteilauslegung und -fertigung, Teil 2 von 2. Giesserei 111(7-8), 94-103
- Bramann, H., Olofsson, J., Sturm, J. (2024). Probabilistische Eigenschaftsvorhersage: Methodik zur abgesicherten Gussteilauslegung und -fertigung, Teil 1 von 2. Giesserei 111(6), 50-56
- Bruschi, S., Bertolini, R., Ghiotti, A., Mahmood, H., Zanella, C. (2024). Machinability of recycled aluminum alloys. Manufacturing Letters 41(Supplement), 1669-1675
- Burman, E., Hansbo, P., Larson, M. (2024). Cut finite element method for divergence-free approximation of incompressible flow: A Lagrange multiplier approach. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 62(2), 893-918
- Burman, E., Hansbo, P., Larson, M. (2024). Low regularity estimates for CutFEM approximations of an elliptic problem with mixed boundary conditions. Mathematics of Computation 93(345), 35-54
- Domeij, B., Diószegi, A. (2024). Relationships between macrostructure and microstructure in lamellar graphite iron castings. International Journal of metalcasting
- Domeij, B., Diószegi, A. (2024). A review of dendritic austenite in cast irons. Springer
- Fourlakidis, V., Hernando, J., Diószegi, A. (2024). Primary Austenite Morphology and Tensile Strength in CGI for Different C Contents, Cooling Conditions and Nodularity. International Journal of metalcasting (pp. 1909-1913).
- Frachon, T., Hansbo, P., Nilsson, E., Zahedi, S. (2024). A DIVERGENCE PRESERVING CUT FINITE ELEMENT METHOD FOR DARCY FLOW. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 46(3), A1793-A1820
- Gasselin, M., Kalantar, A., Karlsson, S., Leisner, P., Skrifvars, M., Khalili, P. (2024). Extrusion and Injection Molding of Polyethylene Loaded with Recycled Textiles: Mechanical Performance and Thermal Conductivity. JOURNAL OF COMPOSITES SCIENCE 8(10),
- Krawiec, H., Kozina, I., Starowicz, M., Lekka, M., Zanella, C., Fedrizzi, L. ... Deflorian, F. (2024). Corrosion Rate and Mechanism of Degradation of Chitosan/TiO2 Coatings Deposited on MgZnCa Alloy in Hank's Solution. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25(10),
- Lattanzi, L., Awe, S. (2024). Thermophysical properties of Al-based metal matrix composites suitable for automotive brake discs. Journal of Alloys and Metallurgical Systems
- Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A., Awe, S. (2024). On the possibility of using secondary alloys in the production of aluminum-based metal matrix composite. Crystals 14(4),
- Lattanzi, L., Liljenfors, T., Westergård, R., Windmark, C. (2024). The LISA project: opportunities and challenges of recycling automotive heat exchangers. Matériaux & Techniques 112(6),
- Li, Z., Jarfors, A., Jansson, P. (2024). Sustainable choices of alloying element for aluminium for thermal conductivity in circular manufacturing. Sustainable Materials and Technologies
- Li, Z., Tan, H., Jarfors, A., Jansson, P., Lattanzi, L. (2024). Smart-Cast: An AI-Based System for Semisolid Casting Process Control. Procedia Computer Science (pp. 2440-2447).
- Li, Z., Tan, H., Jarfors, A., Steggo, J., Lattanzi, L., Jansson, P. (2024). On the potential of using ensemble learning algorithm to approach the partitioning coefficient (k) value in Scheil–Gulliver equation. Materials Genome Engineering Advances 2(3),
- Linder, C., Mehta, B., Sainis, S., Lindén, J., Zanella, C., Nyborg, L. (2024). Corrosion resistance of additively manufactured aluminium alloys for marine applications. npj Materials Degradation 8(1),
- Matsushita, T., Belov, I., Svidró, J., Svidró, J., Diószegi, A. (2024). Analysis of the penetration behavior of molten cast iron into the sand mold. International Journal of metalcasting (pp. 2254-2267).
- Matsushita, T., Domeij, B., Fourlakidis, V., Belov, I., Diószegi, A. (2024). A model for the effect of microstructure on the ultimate tensile strength of cast irons. International Journal of metalcasting
- Matsushita, T., Ekengård, J., Diószegi, A. (2024). Thermodynamic discussion on the influence of the magnesium addition and temperature on the oxygen potential in the cast irons. Steel Research International
- Matsushita, T., Sundaram, D., Belov, I., Diószegi, A. (2024). Kinetic model for the decomposition rate of the binder in a foundry sand application. Archives of Foundry Engineering 24(3), 43-49
- Matsushita, T., Zamani, M., Kump, A., Jarfors, A. (2024). Evaluation of the Critical Times for the Crack Susceptibility Coefficient Calculation. International Journal of metalcasting (pp. 1414-1423).
- Mohammadi Zahrani, M., Ranjbarnodeh, E., Ketabchi, M., Ghassemali, E. (2024). Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of laser-welded joints of 1.2 GPa-class quenching and partitioning steel. Optics and Laser Technology
- Olofsson, J., Bogdanoff, T., Tiryakioglu, M. (2024). On the Competition between Pores and Hidden Entrainment Damage during In Situ Tensile Testing of Cast Aluminum Alloy Components. Metals 14(10),
- Olofsson, J., Bogdanoff, T., Tiryakioglu, M., Bramann, H., Sturm, J. (2024). The Effect of Hidden Damage on Local Process Variability in Al-10 Pct Si Alloy High-Pressure Die Castings. Metallurgical and materials transactions. B, process metallurgy and materials processing science
- Olofsson, J., Bogdanoff, T., Tiryakioğlu, M. (2024). On revealing hidden entrainment damage during in situ tensile testing of cast aluminum alloy components. Materials Characterization
- Ousiabou, B., Ooi, S., Javaheri, V., Ghassemali, E. (2024). On accelerated design, and characterization of a hydrogen-embrittlement tolerant Mn-Steel. Engineering Failure Analysis
- Palmqvist, U., Leisner, P., Ahlberg, E. (2024). Electrochemistry of Molybdenum Single Crystals and Thin Wires in Cyanide and Gold Cyanide Electrolytes. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 171(4),
- Queirós, R., Domeij, B., Diószegi, A. (2024). Unraveling compacted and nodular cast iron porosity: Case studies approach. International Journal of metalcasting (pp. 1811-1830).
- Rolseth, A., Carlsson, M., Ghassemali, E., Pérez Caro, L., Jarfors, A. (2024). Impact of functional integration and electrification on aluminium scrap in the automotive sector: A review. Resources, Conservation and Recycling
- State, S., Costovici, S., Mousavi, M., Garcia, Y., Zanella, C., Cojocaru, A. ... Enachescu, M. (2024). Electrodeposited Sn-Cu-Ni alloys as lead-free solders on copper substrate using deep eutectic solvents: The influence of electrodeposition mode on the morphology, composition and corrosion behaviour. Surface & Coatings Technology
- Sundaram, D., Matsushita, T., Belov, I., Diószegi, A. (2024). Evaluation of permeability models for foundry molds and cores in sand casting processes. Archives of Foundry Engineering 24(1), 94-106
- Sundaram, D., Svidró, J., Diószegi, A. (2024). Thermal analysis and gas generation measurement of foundry sand mixtures. International Journal of metalcasting
- Yang, S., Wang, K., Jarfors, A., Sun, Z., Li, Q., Wang, Z., Huang, Z. (2024). Electron Backscatter Diffraction Investigation on Microstructure Evolution of TiB2(p)/Al-Cu Composite after Single-Pass Equal Channel Angular Pressing for Formability Assessment. Journal of materials engineering and performance (Print)
- Zamani, M., Shahhosseininia, M. (2024). Deformation and strengthening behavior of Al-Cu-based alloys at ambient and elevated temperatures. Academia Materials Science 1(4),
- Zhang, Q., Liljenfors, T., Jonsson, S., Jarfors, A. (2024). On the application of reduced pressure test for the prediction of ductility of 46000 alloy: Role of pore's morphology and distribution. Journal of Materials Research and Technology (pp. 927-934).
- Belov, I., Matsushita, T., Johansson, A., Jarfors, A. (2023). Simulation and Experimental Methodology for Virtual Prototyping of Annealed Industrial Coils. Heat Transfer Engineering 44(4), 353-367
- Bogdanoff, T., Börjesson, J., Seifeddine, S., Tiryakioğlu, M., Ghassemali, E. (2023). On the secondary cracks during crack propagation in an Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy: An in-situ study. Materials Characterization
- Bogdanoff, T., Tiryakioglu, M., Liljenfors, T., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S., Ghassemali, E. (2023). On the Effectiveness of Rotary Degassing of Recycled Al-Si Alloy Melts: The Effect on Melt Quality and Energy Consumption for Melt Preparation. Sustainability 15(6),
- Bogdanoff, T., Tiryakioğlu, M., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S., Ghassemali, E. (2023). On the combined effects of surface quality and pore size on the fatigue life of Al–7Si–3Cu–Mg alloy castings. Materials Science & Engineering
- Burman, E., Hansbo, P., Larson, M., Larsson, K. (2023). Extension operators for trimmed spline spaces. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
- Burman, E., Hansbo, P., Larson, M. (2023). The Augmented Lagrangian Method as a Framework for Stabilised Methods in Computational Mechanics. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering (pp. 2579-2604).
- Burman, E., Hansbo, P., Larson, M., Larsson, K. (2023). Isogeometric analysis and Augmented Lagrangian Galerkin Least Squares Methods for residual minimization in dual norm. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 417(Part B),
- Di Egidio, G., Martini, C., Börjesson, J., Ghassemali, E., Ceschini, L., Morri, A. (2023). Dry sliding behavior of AlSi10Mg alloy produced by Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion: influence of heat treatment and microstructure. Wear
- Di Egidio, G., Martini, C., Börjesson, J., Ghassemali, E., Ceschini, L., Morri, A. (2023). Influence of Microstructure on Fracture Mechanisms of the Heat-Treated AlSi10Mg Alloy Produced by Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion. Materials 16(5),
- Domeij, B., Belov, I., Fourlakidis, V., Diószegi, A. (2023). Implementation and Validation of Casting Simulation Methodology for Diagnostics of Lamellar Graphite Iron. International Journal of metalcasting (pp. 1507-1517).
- Domeij, B., Elfsberg, J., Diószegi, A. (2023). Evolution of Dendritic Austenite in Parallel With Eutectic in Compacted Graphite Iron Under Three Cooling Conditions. Metallurgical and materials transactions. B, process metallurgy and materials processing science (pp. 2395-2410).
- Du, A., Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A., Zheng, J., Wang, K., Yu, G. (2023). Role of matrix alloy, reinforcement size and fraction in the sliding wear behaviour of Al-SiCp MMCs against brake pad material. Wear
- Du, A., Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A., Zheng, J., Wang, K., Yu, G. (2023). On the efficient particle dispersion and transfer in the fabrication of SiC-particle-reinforced aluminum matrix composite. Crystals 13(12),
- Fourlakidis, V., Hernando, J., Holmgren, D., Diószegi, A. (2023). Relationship Between Thermal Conductivity and Tensile Strength in Cast Irons. International Journal of metalcasting (pp. 2862-2867).
- Jarfors, A. (2023). On the Generation of Excess Solid Fraction in the RheoMetal Process. Metals 13(10),
- Jones, C., Jarfors, A., Rogers, E., Vrethed, P., Silva, P., Jolly, M. (2023). A mathematical examination of the impact of mould transparency to infrared radiation on solidification during the investment casting process. IOP Conference Series 1281(1),
- Kassapidou, M., Stenport, V., Johansson, C., Syverud, M., Hammarström Johansson, P., Börjesson, J., Hjalmarsson, L. (2023). Cobalt-chromium alloys in fixed prosthodontics: Investigations of mechanical properties and microstructure. The Journal of prosthetic dentistry (Print) 130(2), 255.e1-255.e10
- Mölmen, L., Fast, L., Lundblad, A., Eriksson, P., Leisner, P. (2023). Contact resistance measurement methods for PEM fuel cell bipolar plates and power terminals. Journal of Power Sources
- Olofsson, J. (2023). Integrated fatigue life predictions of aluminium castings using simulated local microstructure and defects. IOP Conference Series 1281(1),
- Olofsson, J., Bogdanoff, T., Tiryakioğlu, M. (2023). Revealing and simulating the effect of hidden damage on local and full-field deformation behaviour of cast aluminium. IOP Conference Series 1281(1),
- Taguchi, S., Hasome, H., Shimizu, S., Ishiwata, R., Inoue, R., Yamada, M. ... Ito, T. (2023). Proposal of Temperature Correction of Molten Oxide Based on Its Emissivity for Measurement of Temperature Dependence of Its Density Using ELF in ISS. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MICROGRAVITY SCIENCE AND APPLICATION 40(1),
- Tiryakioğlu, M., Jarfors, A., Leitner, M. (2023). The Impact of the Minimum Ductility Requirement in Automotive Castings on the Carbon Dioxide Footprint throughout the Useful Life of an Electric Car. Metals 13(3),
- Zaffarani, P., Zhang, Q., Jarfors, A., Timelli, G. (2023). Influence of stirring process during slurry formation on the casting defects and high-temperature fatigue of rheocast AlSi7Mg alloys. IOP Conference Series 1274(1),
- Zendejas Medina, L., Mølmen, L., Paschalidou, E., Donzel-Gargand, O., Leisner, P., Jansson, U., Nyholm, L. (2023). Extending the Passive Region of CrFeNi-Based High Entropy Alloys. Advanced Functional Materials 33(51),
- Zhang, Q., Jonsson, S., Jarfors, A. (2023). Four-point bending fatigue behavior of rheocast AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy: Role of the surface liquid segregation. International Journal of Fatigue
- Zhang, Q., Liljenfors, T., Jansson, S., Jonsson, S., Jarfors, A. (2023). Effect of Na-based flux on melt quality assessment of 46,000 alloys. Journal of Materials Research and Technology (pp. 1830-1842).
- Ahmadkhaniha, D., Kruemmling, J., Zanella, C. (2022). Electrodeposition of High Entropy Alloy of Ni-Co-Cu-Mo-W from an Aqueous Bath. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 169(8),
- Akhavan Attar, A., Alavi Nia, A., Mazaheri, Y., Ghassemali, E. (2022). High Strength-Elongation Balance in Warm Accumulative Roll Bonded AA1050 Sheets. Metals and Materials International (pp. 346-360).
- Ashrafi, H., Shamanian, M., Emadi, R., Aghili, S., Ghassemali, E. (2022). Damage Micromechanisms in Friction Stir-Welded DP600 Steel during Uniaxial Tensile Deformation. Journal of materials engineering and performance (Print) (pp. 10044-10053).
- Atefi, S., Parsa, M., Ahmadkhaniha, D., Zanella, C., Jafarian, H. (2022). A study on microstructure development and mechanical properties of pure copper subjected to severe plastic deformation by the ECAP-Conform process. Journal of Materials Research and Technology (pp. 1614-1629).
- Burman, E., Hansbo, P., Larson, M. (2022). Error Estimates for the Smagorinsky Turbulence Model: Enhanced Stability Through Scale Separation and Numerical Stabilization. Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 24(1),
- Burman, E., Hansbo, P., Larson, M. (2022). CutFEM based on extended finite element spaces. Numerische Mathematik (pp. 331-369).
- Burman, E., Hansbo, P., Larson, M. (2022). Explicit time stepping for the wave equation using CutFEM with discrete extension. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 44(3), A1254-A1289
- Conway, P., Golay, D., Bassman, L., Ferry, M., Laws, K. (2022). Thermodynamic modelling to predict phase stability in BCC + B2 Al–Ti–Co–Ni–Fe–Cr high entropy alloys. Materials Chemistry and Physics
- Conway, P., Klaver, T., Steggo, J., Ghassemali, E. (2022). High entropy alloys towards industrial applications: High-throughput screening and experimental investigation. Materials Science & Engineering
- Du, A., Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A., Zhou, J., Zheng, J., Wang, K., Yu, G. (2022). The Influence of Ce, La, and SiC Particles Addition on the Formability of an Al-Si-Cu-Mg-Fe SiCp-MMC. Materials 15(11),
- Eiler, K., Mölmen, L., Fast, L., Leisner, P., Sort, J., Pellicer, E. (2022). Oxygen reduction reaction and proton exchange membrane fuel cell performance of pulse electrodeposited Pt–Ni and Pt–Ni–Mo(O) nanoparticles. Materials Today Energy
- Fourlakidis, V., Belov, I., Diószeg, A. (2022). Experimental model of the pearlite interlamellar spacing in lamellar graphite iron. Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
- Ghassemali, E., Conway, P. (2022). High-Throughput CALPHAD: A Powerful Tool Towards Accelerated Metallurgy. Frontiers Media S.A.
- Ghatei-Kalashami, A., Ghassemali, E., DiGiovanni, C., Goodwin, F., Zhou, N. (2022). Liquid metal embrittlement cracking behavior in iron-zinc (Fe/Zn) couple: Comparison of ferritic and austenitic microstructures. Materials letters (General ed.)
- Hansbo, P., Larson, M. (2022). Nitsche's finite element method for model coupling in elasticity. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
- Hansbo, P., Larson, M. (2022). A simple nonconforming tetrahedral element for the Stokes equations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
- Hansbo, P., Larson, M. (2022). Augmented Lagrangian approach to deriving discontinuous Galerkin methods for nonlinear elasticity problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 123(18), 4407-4421
- Jandaghi, M., Pouraliakbar, H., Fallah, V., Ghassemali, E., Saboori, A., Pavese, M. (2022). Additive manufacturing of nano-oxide decorated AlSi10Mg composites: A comparative study on Gd2O3 and Er2O3 additions. Materials Characterization
- Jarfors, A., Du, A., Zhou, J., Zheng, J., Yu, G. (2022). On the In-Die Conditions and Process Parameter Settings in Indirect Squeeze Casting. Technologies 10(1),
- Jarfors, A., Jafari, M., Aqeel, M., Liljeqvist, P., Jansson, P. (2022). In-Production Rheometry of Semi-Solid Metal Slurries. Metals 12(7),
- Jarfors, A., Jansson, P. (2022). Selecting Cast Alloy Alloying Elements Suitable for a Circular Society. Sustainability 14(11),
- Jarfors, A., Zhang, Q., Jonsson, S. (2022). An a Priori Discussion of the Fill Front Stability in Semisolid Casting. Technologies 10(3),
- Kim, B., Dahle, A., Park, Y., Lee, Y. (2022). The effect of Sr additions on Al–Cu–Si ternary eutectic alloys for a high-ductility bimodal microstructure. Materials Science & Engineering
- Lattanzi, L., Etienne, A., Li, Z., Chandrashekar, G., Gonapati, S., Awe, S., Jarfors, A. (2022). The effect of Ni and Zr additions on hardness, elastic modulus and wear performance of Al-SiCp composite. Tribology International
- Lattanzi, L., Etienne, A., Li, Z., Manjunath, T., Nixon, N., Jarfors, A., Awe, S. (2022). The influence of Ni and Zr additions on the hot compression properties of Al-SiCp composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds
- Lattanzi, L., Merlin, M., Fortini, A., Morri, A., Garagnani, G. (2022). Effect of Thermal Exposure Simulating Vapor Deposition on the Impact Behavior of Additively Manufactured AlSi10Mg Alloy. Journal of materials engineering and performance (Print) (pp. 2859-2869).
- Matsushita, T., Belov, I., Johansson, A., Jarfors, A. (2022). Influence of contact pressure on the thermal contact conductance of layered metallic sheets. High Temperatures-High Pressures 51(1), 63-82
- Pinate, S., Ghassemali, E., Zanella, C. (2022). Strengthening mechanisms and wear behavior of electrodeposited Ni–SiC nanocomposite coatings. Journal of Materials Science 57(35), 16632-16648
- Sainis, S., Zanella, C. (2022). A localized study on the influence of surface preparation on the reactivity of cast Al-7Si-1Fe and Al-7Si-2Cu-1Fe alloys and their effect on cerium conversion coating deposition. Applied Surface Science
- Santos, J., Jarfors, A., Dahle, A. (2022). Tag-and-Trace Method of α-Al Crystals Applied to Study Solidification and Casting of Aluminum Alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A (pp. 3311-3320).
- Santos, J., Zhu, B., Zanella, C., Jarfors, A. (2022). Fatigue Crack Initiation on Semi-Solid Al–7Si–Mg Castings. Metals 12(7),
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- Ahmadkhaniha, D., Lattanzi, L., Bonora, F., Fortini, A., Merlin, M., Zanella, C. (2021). The effect of co-deposition of sic sub-micron particles and heat treatment on wear behaviour of ni–p coatings. Coatings 11(2), 1-16
- Ahmadkhaniha, D., Moller, H., Zanella, C. (2021). Studying the Microstructural Effect of Selective Laser Melting and Electropolishing on the Performance of Maraging Steel. Journal of materials engineering and performance (Print) 30(9), 6588-6605
- Ahmadkhaniha, D., Tsongas, K., Tzetzis, D., Zanella, C. (2021). Study of the effect of pulse plating parameters on the electrodeposition of NiP and NiP/SiC coatings and their microhardness values. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 99(1), 29-37
- Akhavan Attar, A., Alavi Nia, A., Mazaheri, Y., Ghassemali, E. (2021). Improving the fracture toughness of multi-layered commercial pure aluminum via warm accumulative roll bonding. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (pp. 3603-3617).
- Bogdanoff, T., Lattanzi, L., Merlin, M., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. (2021). The complex interaction between microstructural features and crack evolution during cyclic testing in heat-treated Al–Si–Mg–Cu cast alloys. Materials Science & Engineering
- Dini, H., Andersson, N., Jarfors, A. (2021). Effect of Process Parameters on Distortion and Residual Stress in High-Pressure Die Cast AZ91D Components After Clean Blasting and Painting. International Journal of metalcasting 15(1), 241-258
- Du, A., Jarfors, A., Zheng, J., Wang, K., Yu, G. (2021). The influence of la and ce on microstructure and mechanical properties of an al-si-cu-mg-fe alloy at high temperature. Metals 11(3),
- Du, A., Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A., Zheng, J., Wang, K., Yu, G. (2021). On the hardness and elastic modulus of phases in SiC-reinforced Al composite: Role of La and Ce addition. Materials 14(21),
- Fedel, M., Zanella, C., Ferrari, L., Deflorian, F. (2021). Effect of the synthesis parameters of in situ grown Mg-Al LDHs on the filiform corrosion susceptibility of painted AA5005. Electrochimica Acta
- Fourlakidis, V., Schmidt, P., Jarfors, A., Svidró, P., Diószegi, A. (2021). Fatigue limit and microstructure in lamellar graphite iron. Materials Science & Engineering
- Ghatei-Kalashami, A., Ghassemali, E., DiGiovanni, C., Goodwin, F., Zhou, N. (2021). Occurrence of liquid-metal-embrittlement in a fully ferritic microstructure. Materialia
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- Jarfors, A., Ghasemi, R., Awe, S., Jammula, C. (2021). Comparison between high-pressure die-cast and rheo-cast aluminium-SICp MMC; wear and friction behaviour. La Metallurgia Italiana (pp. 13-18).
- Jarfors, A., Matsushita, T., Siafakas, D., Stolt, R. (2021). On the nature of the anisotropy of Maraging steel (1.2709) in additive manufacturing through powder bed laser-based fusion processing. Materials & design
- Jarfors, A., Sevastopol, R., Seshendra, K., Zhang, Q., Steggo, J., Stolt, R. (2021). On the Use of Conformal Cooling in High-Pressure Die-Casting and Semisolid Casting. Technologies 9(2),
- Jarfors, A., Shashidhar, A., Yepur, H., Steggo, J., Andersson, N., Stolt, R. (2021). Build strategy and impact strength of slm produced maraging steel (1.2709). Metals 11(1), 1-20
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- Khorshidi, H., Kermanpur, A., Rastegari, H., Ghassemali, E., Somani, M. (2021). Design of a hot deformation processing map for a Ni-free, N-bearing austenitic stainless steel. Materials Today Communications
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- Matsushita, T., Belov, I., Siafakas, D., Jarfors, A., Watanabe, M. (2021). Interfacial phenomena between molten iron and molten slag–Effect of nitrogen on the Marangoni convection. Journal of Materials Science (pp. 7811-7822).
- Mølmen, L., Eiler, K., Fast, L., Leisner, P., Pellicer, E. (2021). Recent advances in catalyst materials for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. APL Materials 9(4),
- Pinate, S., Eriksson, F., Leisner, P., Zanella, C. (2021). Effects of SiC particles codeposition and ultrasound agitation on the electrocrystallisation of nickel-based composite coatings. Journal of Materials Science (pp. 18463-18476).
- Pinate, S., Ispas, A., Leisner, P., Zanella, C. (2021). Electrocodeposition of Ni composites and surface treatment of SiC nano-particles. Surface & Coatings Technology
- Pinate, S., Leisner, P., Zanella, C. (2021). Wear resistance and self-lubrication of electrodeposited Ni-SiC:MoS2 mixed particles composite coatings. Surface & Coatings Technology
- Pinate, S., Nefzi, N., Zanella, C. (2021). Role of anodic time in pulse-reverse electrocodeposition of nano-SiC particles. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 168(6),
- Rivalta, F., Ceschini, L., Jarfors, A., Stolt, R. (2021). Effect of scanning strategy in the l‐pbf process of 18ni300 maraging steel. Metals 11(5),
- Sainis, S., Zanella, C. (2021). A study of the localized ceria coating deposition on Fe-rich intermetallics in an AlSiFe cast alloy. Materials 14(11),
- Santos, J., Jarfors, A., Dahle, A. (2021). Formation of coarse silicon near the surface of Al-7Si-Mg semi-solid castings. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A (pp. 5140-5145).
- Sundaram, D., Svidró, J., Diószegi, A., Svidró, J. (2021). Measurement of Darcian Permeability of foundry sand mixtures. International Journal of Cast Metals Research 34(2), 97-103
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- Tan, H., Tarasov, V., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. (2021). A design of fuzzy inference systems to predict tensile properties of as-cast alloy. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 113(3-4), 1111-1123
- Zhang, Q., Jonsson, S., Jarfors, A. (2021). On the Role of Stirring on Microstructure and Ductility of Rheocast Al Alloys. JOM 73(12), 3848-3857
- Zhu, B., Zanella, C. (2021). Influence of Fe-rich intermetallics and their segregation on anodising properties of Al-Si-Mg rheocast alloys. Surface & Coatings Technology
- Ahmadkhaniha, D., Eriksson, F., Zanella, C. (2020). Optimizing heat treatment for electroplated nip and NiP/SiC coatings. Coatings 10(12), 1-19
- Ashrafi, H., Shamanian, M., Emadi, R., Ghassemali, E. (2020). Void formation and plastic deformation mechanism of a cold-rolled dual-phase steel during tension. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) (pp. 299-306).
- Bogdanoff, T., Lattanzi, L., Merlin, M., Ghassemali, E., Seifeddine, S. (2020). The influence of copper addition on crack initiation and propagation in an Al–Si–Mg alloy during cyclic testing. Materialia
- Burman, E., Hansbo, P., Larson, M., Massing, A. (2020). A stable cut finite element method for partial differential equations on surfaces: The Helmholtz–Beltrami operator. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
- Burman, E., Christiansen, S., Hansbo, P. (2020). Application of a minimal compatible element to incompressible and nearly incompressible continuum mechanics. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
- Burman, E., Hansbo, P., Larson, M. (2020). Dirichlet boundary value correction using Lagrange multipliers. BIT Numerical Mathematics (pp. 235-260).
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- Cenanovic, M., Hansbo, P., Larson, M. (2020). Finite element procedures for computing normals and mean curvature on triangulated surfaces and their use for mesh refinement. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
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- Eslami, M., Speranza, G., Deflorian, F., Zanella, C. (2020). Polypyrrole coatings on rheocast aluminum-silicon alloy: A correlation between properties and electrodeposition conditions. Surface and Interface Analysis 52(1-2), 4-15
- Hansbo, P., Larson, M., Larsson, K. (2020). Analysis of finite element methods for vector Laplacians on surfaces. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 40(3), 1652-1701
- Hellström, K., Diaconu, L., Diószegi, A. (2020). Density and thermal expansion coefficients of liquid and austenite phase in lamellar cast iron. China Foundry 17(2), 127-136
- Hernando, J., Elfsberg, J., Ghassemali, E., Dahle, A., Diószegi, A. (2020). The role of primary austenite morphology in hypoeutectic compacted graphite iron alloys. International Journal of metalcasting 14(3), 745-754
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- Jansson, J., Olofsson, J., Salomonsson, K. (2020). Simulation-driven product development of cast components with allowance for process-induced material behaviour. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 7(1), 78-85
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- Mazaheri, Y., Jahanara, A., Sheikhi, M., Ghassemali, E. (2020). On the simultaneous improving of strength and elongation in dual phase steels via cold rolling. Metals 10(12), 1-16
- Pinate, S., Zanella, C. (2020). Wear behavior of Ni-based composite coatings with dual nano-SiC: Graphite powder mix. Coatings 10(11),
- Ramos, A., Diószegi, A., Guesser, W., Cabezas, C. (2020). Microstructure of compacted graphite iron near critical shrinkage areas in cylinder blocks. International Journal of metalcasting 14(3), 736-744
- Rosoiu, S., Pantazi, A., Petica, A., Cojocaru, A., Costovici, S., Zanella, C. ... Enachescu, M. (2020). Electrodeposition of NiSn-rGO composite coatings from deep eutectic solvents and their physicochemical characterization. Metals 10(11),
- Rosolymou, E., Spanou, S., Zanella, C., Tsoukleris, D., Köhler, S., Leisner, P., Pavlatou, E. (2020). Electrodeposition of photocatalytic sn-ni matrix composite coatings embedded with doped TiO2 particles. Coatings 10(8),
- Sainis, S., Roșoiu, S., Ghassemali, E., Zanella, C. (2020). The role of microstructure and cathodic intermetallics in localised deposition mechanism of conversion compounds on Al (Si, Fe, Cu) alloy. Surface & Coatings Technology
- Salomonsson, K., Svoboda, A., Andersson, N., Jarfors, A. (2020). Modeling and Analysis of a Screw Fitting Assembly Process Involving a Cast Magnesium Component. Frontiers in Materials
- Santos, J., Dahle, A., Jarfors, A. (2020). Magnesium solubility in primary α-al and heat treatment response of cast Al-7Si-Mg. Metals 10(5),
- Sola, R., Tonelli, L., Shashkov, P., Bogdanoff, T., Martini, C. (2020). Anodizing of AA6082-T5 by conventional and innovative treatments: Microstructural characterization and dry sliding behaviour. Wear
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- Svidró, J., Diószegi, A., Svidró, J. (2020). The origin of thermal expansion differences in various size fractions of silica sand. International Journal of Cast Metals Research 33(6), 242-249
- Tarasov, V., Tan, H., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. (2020). Fuzzy logic-based modelling of yield strength of as-cast A356 alloy. Neural Computing & Applications 32(10), 5833-5844
- Uczak de Goes, W., Markocsan, N., Gupta, M., Vaßen, R., Matsushita, T., Illkova, K. (2020). Thermal barrier coatings with novel architectures for diesel engine applications. Surface & Coatings Technology
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- Ahmadkhaniha, D., Zanella, C. (2019). The effects of additives, particles load and current density on codeposition of SiC particles in NiP nanocomposite coatings. Coatings 9(9),
- Bjurenstedt, A., Ghassemali, E., Seifeddine, S., Dahle, A. (2019). The effect of Fe-rich intermetallics on crack initiation in cast aluminium: an in-situ tensile study. Materials Science & Engineering (pp. 502-507).
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- Burman, E., Hansbo, P., Larson, M., Zahedi, S. (2019). Stabilized CutFEM for the convection problem on surfaces. Numerische Mathematik 141(1), 103-139
- Eslami, M., Deflorian, F., Zanella, C. (2019). Electrochemical performance of polypyrrole coatings electrodeposited on rheocast aluminum-silicon components. Progress in organic coatings
- Eslami, M., Deflorian, F., Zanella, C. (2019). Electrochemical Behavior of Conventional and Rheo-High-Pressure Die Cast Low Silicon Aluminum Alloys in NaCl Solutions. Corrosion 75(11), 1339-1353
- Eslami, M., Speranza, G., Fedel, M., Andersson, N., Deflorian, F., Omanovic, S., Zanella, C. (2019). Electropolymerization and possible corrosion protection effect of polypyrrole coatings on AA1050 (UNS A91050) in NaCl solutions. Corrosion 75(7), 745-755
- Ghasemi, R., Hassan, I., Ghorbani, A., Diószegi, A. (2019). Austempered compacted graphite iron — Influence of austempering temperature and time on microstructural and mechanical properties. Materials Science & Engineering
- Ghasemi, R., Johansson, J., Ståhl, J., Jarfors, A. (2019). Load effect on scratch micro-mechanisms of solution strengthened Compacted Graphite Irons. Tribology International (pp. 182-192).
- Ghassemali, E., Hernando, J., Stefanescu, D., Diószegi, A., Jarfors, A., Dluhoš, J., Petrenec, M. (2019). Revisiting the graphite nodule in ductile iron. Scripta Materialia (pp. 66-69).
- Gracco, A., Dandrea, M., Deflorian, F., Zanella, C., De Stefani, A., Bruno, G., Stellini, E. (2019). Application of a molybdenum and tungsten disulfide coating to improve tribological properties of orthodontic archwires. Nanomaterials 9(5),
- Hajiannia, I., Shamanian, M., Atapour, M., Ashiri, R., Ghassemali, E. (2019). The assessment of second pulse effects on the microstructure and fracture behavior of the resistance spot welding in advanced ultrahigh-strength steel TRIP1100. 16(2), 79-88
- Hernando, J., Elfsberg, J., Dahle, A., Diószegi, A. (2019). Evolution of primary austenite during coarsening and impact on eutectic microstructure in Fe–C–Si alloys. Materialia
- Hernando, J., Elfsberg, J., Ghassemali, E., Dahle, A., Diószegi, A. (2019). The effect of coarsening of primary austenite on the ultimate tensile strength of hypoeutectic compacted graphite Fe-C-Si alloys. Scripta Materialia (pp. 33-37).
- Leisner, P., Johansson, E. (2019). Aspects to be considered when making innovation out of promising research results in surface technology. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 97(2), 67-72
- Leisner, P., Nielsen, L. (2019). Offshoring and backshoring of surface finishing from the perspective of the Nordic countries. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 97(2), 54-56
- Mølmen, L., Alexandersson, A., Leisner, P. (2019). Surface technology should improve PEM fuel cell performance. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 97(3), 112-114
- Pinate, S., Leisner, P., Zanella, C. (2019). Electrocodeposition of nano-SiC particles by pulse-reverse under an adapted waveform. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 166(15), D804-D809
- Rasouli, D., Kermanpur, A., Ghassemali, E., Najafizadeh, A. (2019). On the reversion and recrystallization of austenite in the interstitially alloyed Ni-free nano/ultrafine grained austenitic stainless steels. Metals and Materials International 25(4), 846-859
- Rosoiu, S., Pantazi, A., Petica, A., Cojocaru, A., Costovici, S., Zanella, C. ... Enachescu, M. (2019). Comparative Study of Ni-Sn Alloys Electrodeposited from Choline Chloride-Based Ionic Liquids in Direct and Pulsed Current. Coatings 9(12),
- Santos, J., Jarfors, A., Dahle, A. (2019). Formation of Iron-Rich Intermetallic Phases in Al-7Si-Mg: Influence of Cooling Rate and Strontium Modification. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A 50(9), 4148-4165
- Seifiyan, H., Heydarzadeh Sohi, M., Ansari, M., Ahmadkhaniha, D., Saremi, M. (2019). Influence of friction stir processing conditions on corrosion behavior of AZ31B magnesium alloy. 7(4), 605-616
- Tan, H., Tarasov, V., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. (2019). Fuzzy Logic Based Modelling of Cast Component Properties. IFAC-PapersOnLine 52(13), 1132-1137
- Tsongas, K., Tzetzis, D., Karantzalis, A., Banias, G., Exarchos, D., Ahmadkhaniha, D. ... Bochtis, D. (2019). Microstructural, Surface Topology and Nanomechanical Characterization of Electrodeposited Ni-P/SiC Nanocomposite Coatings. 9(14),
- Vahiddastjerdi, H., Rezaeian, A., Toroghinejad, M., Dini, G., Ghassemali, E. (2019). Optimizing pulsed Nd: YAG laser welding of high-Mn TWIP steel using response surface methodology technique. Optics and Laser Technology
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- Siafakas, D., Matsushita, T., Hakamada, S., Onodera, K., Kargl, F., Jarfors, A., Watanabe, M. (2018). Measurement of Viscosity of SiO2-CaO-Al2O3 Slag in Wide Temperature Range by Aerodynamic Levitation and Rotating Bob Methods and Sources of Systematic Error. 35(2),
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- Ghatei Kalashami, A., Kermanpur, A., Ghassemali, E., Najafizadeh, A., Mazaheri, Y. (2017). The effect of Nb on texture evolutions of the ultrafine-grained dual-phase steels fabricated by cold rolling and intercritical annealing. Journal of Alloys and Compounds (pp. 1026-1035).
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- Siafakas, D., Matsushita, T., Jarfors, A., Lauenstein, Å., Ekerot, S. (2016). Particles precipitation in Ti and Al deoxidized Hadfield steels. Steel Research International 87(10), 1344-1355
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- Esmaily, M., Mortazavi, S., Svensson, J., Halvarsson, M., Blücher, D., Jarfors, A. ... Johansson, L. (2015). Atmospheric Corrosion of Mg Alloy AZ91D Fabricated by aSemi-Solid Casting Technique: The Influence of Microstructure. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 162(7), C311-C321
- Esmaily, M., Mortazavi, S., Shahabi-Navid, M., Svensson, J., Halvarsson, M., Nyborg, L. ... Johansson, L. (2015). Effect of Rheocasting on Corrosion of AM50 Mg Alloy. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 162(3), C85-C95
- Ferraro, S., Bjurenstedt, A., Seifeddine, S. (2015). On the formation of sludge intermetallic particles in secondary aluminum alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A 46(8), 3713-3722
- Ghassemali, E., Tan, M., Wahb, C., Lim, S., Jarfors, A. (2015). Effect of cold-work on the Hall–Petch breakdown in copper based micro-components. Mechanics of materials (pp. 124-135).
- Jarfors, A., Rigovacca, D., Payandeh, M., Wessén, M., Seifeddine, S., Jansson, P. (2015). Influence of process parameters on surface appearance and roughness of a low Si containing Al-alloy, in semisolid casting. Solid State Phenomena (pp. 318-324).
- Matsushita, T., Ghassemali, E., Saro, A., Elmquist, L., Jarfors, A. (2015). On Thermal Expansion and Density of CGI and SGI Cast Irons. Metals 5(2), 1000-1019
- Orlenius, J., Gotthardsson, U., Diószegi, A. (2015). Mould and core gas evolution in grey iron castings. International Foundry Research 67(4), 10-20
- Payandeh, M., Jarfors, A., Wessén, M. (2015). Influence of Microstructural Inhomogeneity on Fracture Behaviour in SSM-HPDC Al-Si-Cu-Fe Component with Low Si Content. Solid State Phenomena (pp. 67-74).
- Rossi, S., Parziani, N., Zanella, C. (2015). Abrasion resistance of vitreous enamel coatings in function of frit composition and particles presence. Wear (pp. 702-709).
- Sjölander, E., Seifeddine, S., Fracasso, F. (2015). Influence of Quench Rate on the Artificial Ageing Response of an Al-8Si-0.4Mg Cast Alloy. Materials Science Forum (pp. 219-225).
- Vazehrad, S., Elfsberg, J., Diószegi, A. (2015). Study of microstructure and silicon segregation in cast iron using color etching and electron microprobe analysis. Materials Characterization (pp. 132-138).
- Zamani, M., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A. (2015). High Temperature Tensile Deformation Behaviour and Failure Process of an Al-Si-Cu-Mg Cast Alloy: The Microstructural Scale Effect. Materials & design (pp. 361-370).
- Zsolt, T., Zhang, Y., Belov, I., Nee, H., Bakowski, M. (2015). Investigation of Pressure Dependent Thermal Contact Resistance between Silver Metallized SiC Chip and DBC Substrate. Materials Science Forum (pp. 452-455).
- Carlberg, T., Jarfors, A. (2014). On vertical drag defects formation during direct chill (DC) casting of aluminum billets. Metallurgical and materials transactions. B, process metallurgy and materials processing science 45(1), 175-181
- Ceschini, L., Jarfors, A., Morri, A., Rotundo, F., Seifeddine, S., Toschi, S. (2014). High temperature tensile behaviour of the A354 aluminum alloy. Materials Science Forum (pp. 443-448).
- Ceschini, L., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S., Morri, A., Rotundo, F., Toschi, S. (2014). Influence of SDAS on the high temperature tensile behavior of the C355 Al alloy. Materials Science Forum (pp. 228-233).
- Diószegi, A., Lora, R., Fourlakidis, V. (2014). Dynamic Coarsening of Austenite Dendrite in Lamellar Cast Iron Part 1 – Investigation based on interrupted solidification. Materials Science Forum (pp. 205-210).
- Elmquist, L., Soivio, K., Diószegi, A. (2014). Cast iron solidification structure and how it is related to defect formation. Materials Science Forum (pp. 441-446).
- Esmaily, M., Shahabi-Navid, M., Mortazavi, N., Svensson, J., Halvarsson, M., Wessen, M. ... Johansson, L. (2014). Microstructural characterization of the Mg-Al alloy AM50 produced by a newly developed rheo-casting process. Materials Characterization (pp. 50-64).
- Fourlakidis, V., Diószegi, A. (2014). A generic model to predict the ultimate tensile strength in pearlitic lamellar graphite iron. Materials Science & Engineering (pp. 161-167).
- Fourlakidis, V., Lora, R., Diószegi, A. (2014). Dynamic Coarsening of Austenite Dendrite in Lamellar Cast Iron Part 2 – The influence of carbon composition. Materials Science Forum (pp. 211-216).
- Ghasemi, R., Elmquist, L. (2014). The relationship between flake graphite orientation, smearing effect, and closing tendency under abrasive wear conditions. Wear 317(1–2), 153-162
- Ghasemi, R., Elmquist, L. (2014). A study on graphite extrusion phenomenon under the sliding wear response of cast iron using microindentation and microscratch techniques. Wear 320(1-2), 120-126
- Ghassemali, E., Tan, M., Lim, S., Wah, C., Jarfors, A. (2014). Experimental and Simulation of Friction Effects in an Open-Die Microforging/Extrusion Process. 2(1),
- Jarfors, A., Butler, D., Goi, K. (2014). Microstructure formation of porous sintered Ti-Si-Zr compacts with mechanically alloyed-activated Ti-Si and TiH2 powders. Journal of Alloys and Compounds (pp. 202-210).
- Johansson, J., Belov, I., Johnson, E., Dudek, R., Leisner, P. (2014). Investigation on thermal fatigue of SnAgCu, Sn100C, and SnPbAg solder joints in varying temperature environments. Microelectronics and reliability 54(11), 2523-2535
- Johansson, J., Belov, I., Johnson, E., Leisner, P. (2014). A computational method for evaluating the damage in a solder joint of an electronic package subjected to thermal loads. Engineering computations 31(3), 467-489
- Leisner, P., Zanella, C., Belov, I., Edström, C., Wang, H. (2014). Influence of anodic pulses and periodic current reversion on electrodeposits. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 92(6), 336-341
- Lindgren, M., Leisner, P., Poder, R. (2014). Methods for predicting corrosion on electronic products. Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 49(7), 661-664
- Olofsson, J., Svensson, I. (2014). Closed chain simulations of a cast aluminium component - Incorporating casting process simulation and local material characterization into stress-strain simulations. ISIJ International 54(2), 259-265
- Olofsson, J., Svensson, I., Lava, P., Debruyne, D. (2014). Characterisation and investigation of local variations in mechanical behaviour in cast aluminium using gradient solidification, Digital Image Correlation and finite element simulation. Materials & Design (pp. 755-762).
- Sjölander, E., Seifeddine, S. (2014). Optimization of solution treatment of cast Al-7Si-0.3Mg and Al-8Si-3Cu-0.5Mg alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A 45(4), 1916-1927
- Svidró, J., Diószegi, A., Tóth, J. (2014). The novel application of Fourier thermal analysis in foundry technologies. Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (Print) 115(1), 331-338
- Svidró, P., Diószegi, A. (2014). Determination of the columnar to equiaxed transition in hypoeutectic lamellar cast iron. ISIJ International 54(2), 460-465
- Svidró, P., Diószegi, A. (2014). On problems of volume change measurements in lamellar cast iron. International Journal of Cast Metals Research 27(1), 26-37
- Vazehrad, S., Elfsberg, J., Diószegi, A. (2014). On Factors Influencing Macro Shrinkage Porosity Formation in Compacted Graphite Iron. Materials Science Forum (pp. 429-434).
- Wang, H., Zhang, R., Xiao, S., Leisner, P. (2014). Analysis of kinematics and dynamics of crank-rocker mechanism. Advanced Materials Research (pp. 690-695).
- Östklint, M., Wessen, M., Jarfors, A. (2014). Microstructure and material soundness in liquid and rheocast AM50 and effect of section thickness. International Journal of Cast Metals Research 27(4), 235-241
- Bjurenstedt, A., Seifeddine, S., Liljenfors, T. (2013). Assessment of Quality when Delivering Molten Aluminium Alloys Instead of Ingots. Materials Science Forum (pp. 266-270).
- Diaconu, L., Sjögren, T., Skoglund, P., Diószegi, A. (2013). A molibdén hatása az öntöttvasak termomechanikus hőfárasztási tulajdonságaira. Banyaszati es Kohaszati Lapok - Kohaszat 146(1), 13-17
- Diaconu, L., Sjögren, T., Skoglund, P., Diószegi, A. (2013). Stress relaxation of compacted graphite iron alloyed with molybdenum. International Journal of Cast Metals Research 26(1), 51-57
- Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Tan, M., Lim, S. (2013). On the microstructure of micro-pins manufactured by a novel progressive microforming process. International Journal of Material Forming 6(1), 65-74
- Ghassemali, E., Tan, M., Chua, B., Jarfors, A., Lim, S. (2013). Grain size and workpiece dimension effects on material flow in an open-die micro-forging/extrusion process. Materials Science & Engineering 582(10), 379-388
- Ghassemali, E., Tan, M., Jarfors, A., Lim, S. (2013). Progressive microforming process: Towards the mass production of micro-parts using sheet metal. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 66(5-8), 611-621
- Ghassemali, E., Tan, M., Jarfors, A., Lim, S. (2013). Optimization of axisymmetric open-die micro-forging/extrusion processes: An upper bound approach. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (pp. 58-67).
- Hansal, W., Sandalache, G., Leisner, P. (2013). Pulse-electrodeposited NiP-SiC composite coatings. Electrochimica Acta (pp. 851-858).
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- Olofsson, J., Svensson, I. (2013). The effects of local variations in mechanical behaviour – Numerical investigation of a ductile iron component. Materials & design (pp. 264-271).
- Payandeh, M., Jarfors, A., Wessen, M. (2013). Effect of superheat on melting rate of EEM of Al alloys during stirring using the RheoMetal process. Solid State Phenomena (pp. 392-397).
- Seifeddine, S., Sjölander, E., Bogdanoff, T. (2013). On the role of copper and cooling rates on the microstructure, defect formations and mechanical properties of Al-Si-Mg alloys. Materials Sciences and Applications 4(3), 171-178
- Sjölander, E., Seifeddine, S. (2013). Influence of alloy composition, solidification rate and artificial aging on plastic deformation behaviour of Al-Si-Cu-Mg casting alloys. International Journal of Cast Metals Research 26(1), 28-36
- Soivio, K., Elmquist, L. (2013). Influence of inoculation on shrinkage defects in spheroidal graphite cast iron. International Journal of Cast Metals Research 26(4), 220-227
- Östklint, M., Wessén, M. (2013). Microstructure characteristics and semi-solid slurry formation in binary Mg-Al alloys produced by the RheoMetal process. Solid State Phenomena (pp. 482-487).
- Ceschini, L., Boromei, I., Seifeddine, S., Svensson, I. (2012). Effect of Fe content and microstructural features on the tensile and fatigue properties of the Al-Si10-Cu2 alloy. Materials & design (pp. 522-528).
- Diaconu, L., Sjögren, T., Skoglund, P., Diószegi, A. (2012). Influence of molybdenum alloying on thermomechanical fatigue life of compacted graphite irons. International Journal of Cast Metals Research 25(5), 277-286
- Johansson, J., Leisner, P. (2012). Prognostics of Thermal Fatigue Failure of Solder Joints in Avionic Equipment. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 27(4), 16-24
- Lora, R., Diószegi, A. (2012). Dynamic coarsening of 3.3C–1.9Si gray cast iron. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A 43(13), 5165-5172
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- Sjölander, E., Seifeddine, S. (2012). The influence of natural ageing on the artificial ageing response of Al-Si-Cu-Mg casting alloys. La Metallurgia Italiana (pp. 39-43).
- Wang, Y., Tan, M., Jarfors, A. (2012). Corrosion performance of melt-spun Mg 67Zn 28Ca 5 metallic glass in artificial sweat. Journal of Materials Science 47(18), 6586-6592
- Wang, Y., Tan, M., Jarfors, A. (2012). Corrosion Behavior and Surface Analysis of Melt-spun Mg-based Metallic Glass in Physiological Saline Solution. Materials Science Forum (pp. 606-611).
- Diószegi, A., Björklind, T., Diószegi, Z. (2011). Surface Turbulence at Flow of Gray Cast Iron. Key Engineering Materials (pp. 422-427).
- Elmquist, L., Diószegi, A., Björklind, T. (2011). On the Formation of Shrinkage Porosity in Gray Iron Castings. Key Engineering Materials (pp. 416-421).
- Elmquist, L., Diószegi, A., Svidró, P. (2011). Influence of Primary Austenite on the Nucleation of Eutectic Cells. Key Engineering Materials (pp. 61-66).
- Lora, R., Diószegi, A., Elmquist, L. (2011). Solidification Study of Gray Cast Iron in a Resistance Furnace. Key Engineering Materials (pp. 108-113).
- Olofsson, J., Larsson, D., Svensson, I. (2011). Effect of Austempering on Plastic Behavior of Some Austempered Ductile Iron Alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A 42(13), 3999-4007
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- Sarius, N., Leisner, P., Persson, P., Hald, J., Hultman, L. (2011). Influence of ultrasound and cathode rotation on the formation of intrinsic stress in Ni films during electrodeposition. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 89(3), 137-142
- Sjölander, E., Seifeddine, S. (2011). Artificial ageing of Al–Si–Cu–Mg casting alloys. Materials Science & Engineering 528(24), 7402-7409
- Sjölander, E., Svensson, I., Seifeddine, S. (2011). Modelling yield strength of heat treated Al–Si–Mg casting alloys. International Journal of Cast Metals Research 24(6), 338-346
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- Diószegi, A., Fourlakidis, V., Svensson, I. (2010). Fracture Mechanics of Gray Cast Iron. Materials Science Forum (pp. 517-522).
- Elmquist, L., Diószegi, A. (2010). The relation between SDAS and eutectic cell size in grey iron. International Journal of Cast Metals Research 23(4), 240-245
- Elmquist, L., Diószegi, A. (2010). On the Problems of a Migrating Hot Spot. Materials Science Forum (pp. 443-448).
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- Fourlakidis, V., Diaconu, L., Diószegi, A. (2010). Effects of Carbon Content on the Ultimate Tensile Strength in Gray Cast Iron. Materials Science Forum (pp. 511-516).
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- Ceschini, L., Boromei, I., Morri, A., Seifeddine, S., Svensson, I. (2009). Microstructure, tensile and fatigue properties of the Al–10%Si–2%Cu alloy with different Fe and Mn content cast under controlled conditions. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209(15-16), 5669-5679
- Diószegi, A., Elmquist, L., Orlenius, J., Dugic, I. (2009). Defect Formation of Gray Iron Casting. 3(4), 49-58
- Gunnarsson, N., Leisner, P., Wang, X., Svensson, M., Vieider, C., Hultman, L. (2009). Electrochemically based low-cost high precision processing in MOEMS packaging. Electrochimica Acta 54(9), 2458-2465
- König, M., Wessén, M. (2009). The influence of copper on microstructure and mechanical properties of compacted graphite iron. International Journal of Cast Metals Research 22(1-4), 164-167
- Leisner, P., Belov, I. (2009). Influence of process parameters on crack formation in direct current and pulse reversal plated hard chromium. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 87(2), 90-96
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- Holmgren, D., Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2008). Effects of carbon content and solidification rate on thermal conductivity of grey cast iron. Tsinghua Science and Technology 13(2), 170-176
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- Orlenius, J., Diószegi, A., Diószegi, Z. (2008). Gas Absorption in Grey Iron during Mould Filling. International Journal of Cast Metals Research 21(6), 427-434
- Seifeddine, S., Johansson, S., Svensson, I. (2008). The influence of cooling rate and manganese content on the beta Al5FeSi phase formation and mechanical properties of Al-Si based alloys. Materials Science & Engineering 490(1-2), 385-390
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- Lindgren, M., Belov, I., Törnvall, M., Leisner, P. (2007). Application of simulation-based decision making in product development of an RF module. Microelectronics and reliability 47(2-3), 302-309
- Belov, I., Wingbrant, H., Spetz, A., Sundgren, H., Thuner, B., Svenningstorp, H., Leisner, P. (2006). CFD analysis of packaging and mounting solutions for SiC-based gas sensors in automotive applications. Sensor Letters 4(1), 29-37
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- Cao, H., Wessén, M. (2004). Effect of Microstructure on Mechanical Properties of As-Cast Mg-Al Alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A 35(1), 309-319
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- Sjögren, T., Svensson, I. (2004). Modelling the Effect of Graphite Morphology on the Modulus of Elasticity in Cast Irons. International Journal of Cast Metals Research 17(5), 271-279
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- Wessén, M. (2002). Experimental Observations and Simulation of Gas Flow During Curing of Cores. International Journal of Cast Metals Research 14(4), 255-263
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Chapter in book
- Jarfors, A. (2023). On the Liquid Portion Composition Deviation in the RheoMetal Process. In: A. Pola, M. Tocci & A. Rassili (Ed.), Solid State Phenomena Trans Tech Publications
- Li, Z., Tan, H., Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A., Jansson, P. (2023). On the Possibility of Replacing Scheil-Gulliver Modeling with Machine Learning and Neural Network Models. In: A. Pola, M. Tocci and A. Rassili (Ed.), Solid State Phenomena Trans Tech Publications
- Magrin, V., Li, Z., Jarfors, A., Bonollo, F. (2023). Mechanical and Microstructural Investigations on a Symmetric Mould Processed with Semi-Solid Aluminum RheoMetalTM: Analysis of the As-Cast Proprieties. In: A. Pola, M. Tocci and A. Rassili (Ed.), Solid State Phenomena Trans Tech Publications
- Ghassemali, E. (2022). Forging of Metallic Parts and Structures. In: Ming Wang Fu & P. E. J. Rivera-Diaz-del-Castillo (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Materials: Metals and Allloys: Volume 4 (pp. 129-143). Elsevier
- Ghassemali, E. (2022). Forging of Metallic Parts and Structures. In: Ming Wang Fu & Pedro E. J. Rivera-Diaz-del-Castillo (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Materials: Metals and Alloys: Volume 4 (pp. 129-143). Oxford: Elsevier
- Jarfors, A. (2022). Pressure Different Casting. In: Ming Wang Fu & P. E. J. Rivera-Diaz-del-Castillo (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Materials: Metals and Allloys: Volume 4 (pp. 117-128). Elsevier
- Jarfors, A. (2022). Semisolid Casting of Metallic Parts and Structures. In: Ming Wang Fu & P. E. J. Rivera-Diaz-del-Castillo (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Materials: Metals and Allloys: Volume 4 (pp. 100-116). Elsevier
- Zanella, C., Fedel, M. (2022). Surface Treatments on Al Alloys and Composites. In: J. Rams & M. Whittaker (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Materials: Metals and Allloys: Volume 1 (pp. 170-178). Elsevier
- Zhang, Q., Jonsson, S., Dahle, A., Jarfors, A. (2022). Role of Iron-Rich Phases and Porosity on the Ductility of Rheocast Al-Mg-Si-Alloys. In: J. Li & A. Rassili (Ed.), Solid State Phenomena Trans Tech Publications
- Campbell, J., Svidró, J., Svidró, J. (2017). Molding and casting processes. In: Doru M. Stefanescu (Ed.), ASM Handbook Materials Park, Ohio: ASM International
- Ceschini, L., Morri, A., Toschi, S., Seifeddine, S., Messieri, S. (2017). The influence of cooling rate on microstructure, tensile and fatigue behavior of heat treated Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys. In: Lars Arnberg, Franco Bonollo and Roberto Montanari (Ed.), Materials Science Forum Trans Tech Publications
- Diószegi, A., Diaconu, L. (2017). Microstructures and characterization of gray irons. In: Doru M. Stefanescu (Ed.), ASM Handbook Materials Park, Ohio: ASM International
- Diószegi, A., Svidró, P. (2017). Volumetric changes during the solidification of cast iron. In: Doru M. Stefanescu (Ed.), ASM Handbook Materials Park, Ohio: ASM International
- Svensson, I., Olofsson, J. (2017). Computer-aided prediction of mechanical properties. In: Doru M. Stefanescu (Ed.), ASM Handbook Materials Park, Ohio: ASM International
- Diószegi, A., Svidró, P., Elmquist, L., Dugic, I. (2015). Defect formation mechanisms in lamellar cast iron related to the casting geometry. In: L. Nastac, B. Liu, H. Fredriksson, J. Lacaze, C.-P. Hong, A. V. Catalina, A. Buhrig-Polaczek, C. Monroe, A. S. Sabau, R. E. L. Ruxanda, A. Luo, S. Sen and A. Diószegi (Ed.), Advances in the Science and Engineering of Casting Solidification: An MPMD Symposium Honoring Doru Michael Stefanescu (pp. 251-259). John Wiley & Sons
- Ghassemali, E., Song, X., Zarinejad, M., Atsushi, D., Tan, M. (2014). Bulk Metal Forming Processes in Manufacturing. In: Andrew Y C Nee (Ed.), Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering and Technology Berlin: Springer Berlin/Heidelberg
- Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. (2014). Metal casting. In: Andrew Y. C. Nee (Ed.), Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering and Technology (pp. 309-410). London: Springer
- Leisner, P. (2012). Pulse plating of copper on printed circuit boards. In: Pulse Plating: including 25 tables Eugen G. Leuze Verlag
- Leisner, P., Hansal, W. (2012). Pulse plating of chromium. In: Wolfgang E. G. Hansal & Sudipta Roy (Ed.), Pulse Plating (pp. 250-268). Bad Saulgau: Eugen G. Leuze Verlag
- Belov, V., Leisner, P., Paldyaev, N., Shamaev, A., Belov, I. (2010). Methods and Models for Computer Aided Design of Wind Power Systems for EMC and Power Quality. In: S. M. Muyeen (Ed.), Wind Power IN-TECH
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- Wessén, M., Svensson, I. (2004). Cast Iron Design: Processes, Alloys, and Properties. In: George E. Totten, Lin Xie, Kiyoshi Funatani (Ed.), Mechanical engineering New York: Marcel Dekker
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Collection (editor)
- Jarfors, A. (2001). Special section: Selected papers from the 3rd international Conference on Cast Metal matrix Composites. Elsevier
Conference paper
- Ahmadkhaniha, D., Lattanzi, L., Sjölander, E., Bjurenstedt, A., Zanella, C. (2024). The effect of alloying element on corrosion resistance of recycled Al alloy.
- Arcelani, R., Ceshini, L., Girelli, L., Pola, A., Bogdanoff, T. (2024). Comparison of mechanical performance and cracking mechanisms between primary and secondary (recycled) HPDC AlSi10Mg aluminum alloys.
- Belov, I., Ahmadkhaniha, D., Zanella, C., Matsushita, T. (2024). Simulation and experimental methodology for prediction of laser power and penetration depth in surface cladding/alloying. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
- Bogdanoff, T., Olofsson, J., Tiryakioğlu, M. (2024). The Visualisation of Hidden Damage in Cast Aluminium Components.
- Diószegi, A. (2024). Thermal Analyses of Cast Iron and Sand Mold Domains at Production of Casting Components.
- Domeij, B., Diószegi, A. (2024). Computer-Aided Eutectic Cell Detection on Polished Sections of Lamellar and Compacted Graphite Irons.
- Domeij, B., Diószegi, A. (2024). Interactions between dendritic and eutectic solidification in graphitic cast irons and consequences for its microstructure.
- Fourlakidis, V., Domeij, B., Eriksson, J., Diószegi, A. (2024). Effect of Solidification Time and Carbon Content on Microstructure, Thermal Conductivity and UTS of Lamellar Graphite Iron.
- Ghassemali, E. (2024). Legeringsutveckling för väterelaterade applikationer; Del II (ALL4HYDRO II).
- Ghassemali, E., Ousiabou, B. (2024). How does the high entropy design concept affect the Hydrogen Embrittlement of steels?.
- Ghassemali, E., Zetterlind, M. (2024). Competence supply for the future sustainable metallic components: CIRCUMET, a case study.
- Ghassemali, E., Zetterlind, M. (2024). Advanced School on Circular Metal Components for the Swedish Manufacturing Industry – CIRCUMET.
- Guedes, C., Domeij, B., Fourlakidis, V., Diószegi, A. (2024). A Case Study on the Casting Skin Phenomena in Compacted Graphite Iron Castings.
- Guedes, C., Domeij, B., Fourlakidis, V., Diószegi, A. (2024). Exploring particle genesis from mold-metal interaction phenomena in compacted graphite iron cast components using automated particle analysis.
- Harazeen, A., Lattanzi, L., Matsushita, T., Jarfors, A. (2024). Enhanced Iron Impurity Removal in Low Fe Al-Si Alloys by Mn Addition.
- Jarfors, A. (2024). Klimatsmart högpresterande aluminiumplåt (KlimAl).
- Jarfors, A. (2024). Klimatanpassat Renat Aluminium (KlirAl).
- Jarfors, A., Bogdanoff, T., Lattanzi, L. (2024). Challenges for the automotive industry originating from the entry of functionally integrated castings for the Body in White, circularity and potential resource issues.
- Javaheri, V., Ghassemali, E., Aliabad, R., Gosh, S., Sadeghpour, S., Kömi, J. (2024). Dual Nature of Retained Austenite On Mechanical Properties of Advanced High Strength Steels With and Without Hydrogen.
- Koerhich Ramos, A., Diószegi, A., Domeij, B. (2024). Study on the Influence of Process Parameters on Compacted Graphite Iron Microstructure Formation.
- Kolli, D. (2024). Influence of Additives on Thermal Expansion of Silica Used in Sand Core Production for Sand Casting applications.
- Lattanzi, L. (2024). Tillverkning av Al-MMC bromsskivor av återvunna Al-Si-legeringar (MaReAl).
- Lattanzi, L., Kasehgari, S., Awe, S. (2024). Influence of different SiCp additions on the castability of aluminium matrix composites.
- Lopez, M., Diaconu, L., Domeij, B., Dehmas, M., Diószegi, A., Lacaze, J. (2024). Density of Ferritic Silicon Cast Irons.
- Matsumoto, I., Sato, R., Watanabe, M., Matsushita, T., Ishikawa, T., Koyama, C. ... Ito, T. (2024). Effect of oxidation liquid Fe on density and surface tension of molten oxide in compound droplet using Electrostatic Levitation experiment in ISS.
- Matsushita, T., Ekengård, J., Diószegi, A. (2024). Oxygen potential in cast irons – A thermodynamic discussion on the influence of temperature and Mg treatment. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
- Ousiabou, B., Ooi, S., Safyari, M., Moshtaghi, M., Ghassemali, E. (2024). The effect of composition on the hydrogen embrittlement behaviour in high-Mn steel.
- Queirós, R., Domeij, B., Diószegi, A. (2024). Assessing Pore Formation due to Nitrogen Partitioning in a Hypoeutectic Cast Iron.
- Queirós, R., Domeij, B., Diószegi, A. (2024). A Systematic study of the origin of pore surface characteristics in cast iron.
- Rico-Cortez, M., Andersson, N., Johansen, K. (2024). Exploring the Industrial Engineering Competences in the Changing Landscape of the New Industrial Revolution. IOS Press
- Sato, R., Matsumoto, I., Watanabe, M., Matsushita, T., Ishikawa, T., Koyama, C. ... Ito, T. (2024). Analysis of surface oscillation of core-shell droplet by liquid iron and molten oxide under microgravity conditions.
- Simone, F., Giulia, B., Inma, S., Marcello, B., Alberto, C., Jarfors, A. (2024). Correlation between rheological properties and the solid fraction in Al-Si hypoeutectic alloys slurry.
- Stolt Olsson, H., Engström, A., Edh, N., Diószegi, A. (2024). Work-integrated learning in collaborative research projects: For whom and for what?.
- Watanabe, M., Sato, R., Matsumoto, I., Taguchi, S., Matsushita, T., Ishikawa, T. ... Ito, T. (2024). Surface oscillation phenomena of compound drop by liquid iron and molten oxide under microgravity conditions with molten oxide surface tension analysis. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
- Adlemo, A., Almusaed, A., Conway, P., Hansen, Å., Rico-Cortez, M. (2023). Hybrid education: A critical review into challenges and opportunities. Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
- Ahmadkhaniha, D., Ascani, D., Zanella, C. (2023). High entropy alloy deposition from an aqueous bath.
- Ahmadkhaniha, D., Sieber, M., Zanella, C. (2023). Improving the electroplating simulation model for producing uniform coating thickness distribution.
- Belov, I., Matsushita, T., Fourlakidis, V., Sundaram, D., Diószegi, A. (2023). A simulation and experimental methodology to evaluate conditions for gas penetration from FURAN sand core into a cast iron melt.
- Bogdanoff, T., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. (2023). The impact of HIP process and heat treatment on the mechanical behavior of an Al-Si-Mg alloy component.
- Conway, P., Ghassemali, E. (2023). Development of high-performance cast Al-Si alloys through high-throughput screening and HEA concepts.
- Diaconu, L., Diószegi, A. (2023). Density variations at solidification of grey cast iron.
- Diószegi, A., Diaconu, L. (2023). Advances in metallography and stereology of cast iron.
- Domeij, B. (2023). Dendritic austenite in compacted and spheroidal graphite iron.
- Fourlakidis, V. (2023). Primary austenite morphology and tensile strength in CGI for different C contents, cooling conditions and nodularity.
- Jarfors, A. (2023). Current state of semisolid processing.
- Jarfors, A. (2023). On the liquid portion composition deviation in the rheometal process.
- Jarfors, A. (2023). On the generation of excess solid fraction in the Rheometal process.
- Lattanzi, L., Awe, S., Jansson, P., Westergård, R., Sjögren, T., Jarfors, A. (2023). The possibility of using secondary alloys for producing aluminium matrix composite components.
- Lattanzi, L., Awe, S., Jansson, P., Rudenstam, C., Westergård, R., Jarfors, A. (2023). Aluminium matrix composites for lightweight components.
- Leisner, P. (2023). Control of nanoparticles co-deposition and resulting microstructure in electrodeposited nickel based composite coatings.
- Li, Z., Tan, H., Jarfors, A., Lattanzi, L., Jansson, P. (2023). Enhancing Rheocasting Process Control with AI-based Systems.
- Li, Z., Tan, H., Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A., Jansson, P. (2023). On the possibility of replacing Scheil-Gulliver modelling with machine learning and neural network models.
- Magrin, V., Bonollo, F., Jarfors, A. (2023). Mechanical and microstructural investigations on a symmetric mould processed with Semi-Solid Aluminum RheometalTM: analysis of the as cast properties.
- Matsushita, T., Hasome, H., Inoue, R., Ishikawa, T., Ishiwata, R., Ito, T. ... Yamada, M. (2023). A novel method of the emissivity determination of molten oxide and the density measurement of molten oxide on the ISS by the electrostatic levitation furnace.
- Ousiabou, B., Conway, P., Ghassemali, E. (2023). A strategy for designing alloys with improved hydrogen embrittlement resistance.
- Ousiabou, B., Conway, P., Ghassemali, E. (2023). High-throughput CALPHAD for designing hydrogen-embrittlement resistant alloys.
- Yoa, Y., Rao, S., Mølmen, L., Westergård, R., Törne, K., Kubart, T. ... Lundblad, A. (2023). Corrosion studies on coated aluminium for bipolar plates.
- Diószegi, A., Fourlakidis, V., Hernando, J., Holmgren, D. (2022). Effect of inoculation on the material property in cast iron.
- Jarfors, A., Du, A., Yu, G., Zheng, J., Wang, K., Wannasin, J. (2022). Semisolid Materials Processing: A Sustainability Perspective. Trans Tech Publications
- Rosengren, A., Adlemo, A., Almusaed, A., Conway, P., Hansen, Å., Jensen, L. ... Svensson Durics, M. (2022). Collegial learning during the pandemic: Realized activities and lessons learnt. Reykjavík: Reykjavík University
- Windmark, C., Lattanzi, L., Månberger, A., Jarfors, A. (2022). Investigation on resource-efficient aluminium recycling – A state of the art review. Amsterdam: IOS Press
- Burman, E., Hansbo, P., Larson, M. (2021). Augmented Lagrangian Method for Thin Plates with Signorini Boundaries. Springer
- Domeij, B., Diószegi, A. (2021). Depletion of Si in the early solidification structure of Gray Cast Iron.
- Stolt, R., Ashour Pour, M., Siafakas, D. (2021). Making Additively Manufactured Cores with Conformal Tooling Directly on a Die-base. Elsevier
- Jones, C., Jolly, M., Jarfors, A., Irwin, M. (2020). An experimental characterization of thermophysical properties of a porous ceramic shell used in the investment casting process. Springer
- Jones, C., Jolly, M., Jarfors, A., Irwin, M., Svenningsson, R., Steggo, J., Eriksson, J. (2020). A verification of thermophysical properties of a porous ceramic investment casting mould using commercial computational fluid dynamics software. Institute of Physics Publishing (IOPP)
- Sainis, S., Ghassemali, E., Zanella, C. (2020). The influence of size and nearest neighbour distance of intermetallic particles in cast Al-Si alloys on the localized deposition of cerium conversion coatings.
- Stolt, R., Jarfors, A. (2020). Manufacturing of High Pressure Die Casting Die Inserts Using SLM. Amsterdam: IOS Press
- Svidró, J., Svidró, J., Diószegi, A. (2020). The role of purity level in foundry silica sand on its thermal properties. Institute of Physics Publishing (IOPP)
- Tan, H., Tarasov, V., Fourlakidis, V., Diószegi, A. (2020). Data-driven modeling of mechanical properties of cast iron using fuzzy logic. Amsterdam: IOS Press
- Bogdanoff, T., Ghassemali, E., Riestra, M., Seifeddine, S. (2019). Prototyping of a high pressure die cast al-si alloy using plaster mold casting to replicate corresponding mechanical properties. Springer
- Borkar, H., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A. (2019). Microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of al alloy a380 prepared by directional solidification method. Trans Tech Publications
- Burman, E., Hansbo, P., Larson, M. (2019). A cut finite element method with boundary value correction for the incompressible Stokes equations. Cham: Springer
- Chernyakov, A., Aladov, A., Belov, I., Belov, V., Zakgeim, A. (2019). Modeling of Temperature Distribution Induced by Thermo-Mechanical Deformation of High-Power AlInGaN LED Arrays. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Jansson, J., Olofsson, J., Salomonsson, K. (2019). On the use of heterogeneous thermomechanical and thermophysical material properties in finite element analyses of cast components. Institute of Physics (IOP)
- Jarfors, A., Zheng, J., Chen, L., Yang, J. (2019). Recent advances in commercial application of the rheometal process in China and Europe. Trans Tech Publications
- Keller, C., Zetterlind, M., Andersson, N., Ghassemali, E. (2019). Online labs in engineering education: Challenges and opportunities.
- Olofsson, J., Bjurenstedt, A., Seifeddine, S. (2019). On the effects of defects and imperfections on tensile toughness of a secondary aluminium alloy. Springer
- Olofsson, J., Salomonsson, K., Dahle, A., Mathiesen, R. (2019). Three-dimensional study of nodule clustering and heterogeneous strain localization for tailored material properties in ductile iron. Institute of Physics (IOP)
- Sainis, S., Zanella, C. (2019). Influence of size and distribution of intermetallic particles in Al-Si cast alloys on the cerium conversion coating deposition.
- Santos, J., Jarfors, A., Dahle, A. (2019). Variation of properties in the cross-section of semi-solid al-7si-0.3mg castings. Trans Tech Publications
- Stolt, R., Elgh, F., Jarfors, A. (2019). Challenges and Support when Introducing AM in HPDC Tooling. Amsterdam: IOS Press
- Belov, I., Alavizadeh, Z., Lindgren, M., Ryden, J., Leisner, P. (2018). Experimental and CFD evaluation of active anti-condensation methods for non-hermetic cabinets. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- Diószegi, A., Elfsberg, J., Diószegi, Z., Ramos, A. (2018). Shrinkage porosity formation in cast iron components. Stowarzyszenie Techniczne Odlewnikow Polskich/Polish Foundrymen's Association
- Svanängen, P., Svidró, J., Seifeddine, S., Gustavsson, C. (2018). Life long educaion of foundry employees - A step forward. Stowarzyszenie Techniczne Odlewnikow Polskich/Polish Foundrymen's Association
- Svidró, J., Diószegi, A. (2018). New possibilities in the thermal analysis of moulding materials. Stowarzyszenie Techniczne Odlewnikow Polskich/Polish Foundrymen's Association
- Svidró, J., Diószegi, A. (2018). A novel measurement method to study the thermal aspects of moulding mixture decomposition. Stowarzyszenie Techniczne Odlewnikow Polskich/Polish Foundrymen's Association
- Svidró, J., Seifeddine, S., Ghassemali, E. (2018). Innovation in knowledge transfer from academia to the foundry industry - An advanced case. Stowarzyszenie Techniczne Odlewnikow Polskich/Polish Foundrymen's Association
- Ahmadkhaniha, D., Huang, Y., Jaskari, M., Järvenpää, A., Heydarzadeh Sohi, M., Zanella, C. ... Langdon, T. (2017). Effect of high-pressure torsion on microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of cast pure Mg.
- Ahmadkhaniha, D., Pinate, S., Leisner, P., Zanella, C. (2017). Electrodeposition of Ni high P composite coatings containing nano and submicro ceramic particles. European Federation of Corrosion
- Belov, I., Nordh, A., Salomonsson, K., Leisner, P. (2017). Fin‐Tube and Plate Heat Exchangers: Evaluation of Transient Performance. IEEE
- Chernyakov, A., Aladov, A., Belov, I., Zakgeim, A. (2017). Thermal resistance and temperature distribution in blue and white high-power LED arrays. IEEE
- Dini, H., Svoboda, A., Andersson, N., Ghassemali, E., Lindgren, L., Jarfors, A. (2017). Modeling the Deformation Behavior of As-Cast AZ1D Including the Effect of The Cast Microstructure.
- Domeij, B., Diószegi, A. (2017). Inferring the development of microsegregation and microstructure in Spheroidal and Compacted Graphite Iron using EPMA‐WDS. Brunel Centre for Advanced Solidification Technology (BCAST)
- Eslami, M., Deflorian, F., Fedel, M., Zanella, C. (2017). Ce-based conversion coatings on Rheo-HPDC low Si content aluminium alloy. Asociace koroznich inzenyru z.s.- AKI - Czech Association of Corrosion Engineers
- Ghassemali, E., Riestra, M., Bogdanoff, T., Kumar, B., Seifeddine, S. (2017). Hall-Petch Equation in a Hypoeutectic Al-Si Cast Alloy: Grain Size vs. Secondary Dendrite Arm Spacing. Elsevier
- Hellström, K., Svidró, P., Diaconu, L. (2017). Density variations during solidification of grey cast iron.
- Hernando, J., Domeij, B., Diószegi, A. (2017). Influence of Ti and Mo additions on the isothermal coarsening process of primary austenite in Lamellar Graphite Iron. Brunel Centre for Advanced Solidification Technology (BCAST)
- Keller, C., Wass, S., Zetterlind, M., Ghassemali, E., Seifeddine, S. (2017). Teacher roles in a blended learning materials engineering master program: "It's not a new role, it's a new way!". European Distance and E-Learning Network (Eden)
- Lang, J., Belov, I., Hellén, J., Lim, J., Schodt, B., Nilsson, T. ... Leisner, P. (2017). Thermo-mechanical reliability and performance degradation of a lead-free RF power amplifier with GaN-on-SiC HEMTs. Trans Tech Publications
- Olofsson, J., Cenni, R., Cova, M., Bertuzzi, G., Salomonsson, K., Johansson, J. (2017). Multidisciplinary shape optimization of ductile iron castings byconsidering local microstructure and material behaviour. Technische Universität
- Salomonsson, K., Olofsson, J. (2017). Analysis of Localized Plastic Strain in Heterogeneous Cast Iron Microstructures Using 3D Finite Element Simulations. Cham: Springer
- Zhu, B., Fedel, M., Andersson, N., Leisner, P., Deflorian, F., Zanella, C. (2017). Influence of the Sr modification and post-treatment on corrosion resistance of oxide layer of cast Al-(low)Si alloys. Asociace koroznich inzenyru z.s.- AKI - Czech Association of Corrosion Engineers
- Awe, S., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A., Dahle, A. (2016). Development of cast Al-Cu-Si ternary eutectic alloys for high temperature applications. Linköping: VBRI Press
- Belov, I. (2016). Reliability study of GaN HEMTs. SiC Power Center
- Belov, I., Arwidson, J., Poder, R., Johannesson, P., Leisner, P. (2016). Thermal fatigue life prediction: consequences of cycle reduction and material property variation.
- Belov, I., Payandeh, M., Leisner, P., Jarfors, A., Wessen, M. (2016). Effect of fillets on heat transfer in a rheocast aluminium heatsink. IEEE
- Christina, K., Wass, S., Seifeddine, S., Zetterlind, M., Jarfors, A., Vomacka, P. (2016). Structured knowledge transfer through online education: Mutual benefits for academia and industry.
- Diószegi, A., Elfsberg, J., Diószegi, Z. (2016). Solubility of Hydrogen and Nitrogen in liquid cast iron during melting and mold filling. The World Foundry Organization (WFO)
- Dugic, I., Henriksson, F., Strebel, C., Kosmaz, O., Seifeddine, S. (2016). On the Effects of Alloying Element Range on the Mechanical Properties of Recycled Aluminium Alloy EN AB-46000. John Wiley & Sons
- Dugic, I., Seifeddine, S., Henriksson, F., Strebel, C., Holmgren, M. (2016). Ways to improve mechanical properties of recycled aluminium alloys.
- Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Tan, M., Chua, B. (2016). Microstructure versus substructure size effect. American Institute of Physics (AIP)
- Hernando, J., Diószegi, A. (2016). An overview of isothermal coarsening in hypoeutectic lamellar cast iron. Cham: Springer
- Jarfors, A., Matsushita, T., Bogdanoff, T., Börrisson, M., Beste, U. (2016). Effect of Use in High Pressure Die Casting on Vibenite®60 Tool Inserts Madeby Additive Manufacturing. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag
- Lang, J., Belov, I., Hellén, J., Lim, J., Schodt, B., Nilsson, T. ... Leisner, P. (2016). Thermo-mechanical Reliability and Performance Degradation of a Lead-free RF Power Amplifier with GaN-on-SiC HEMTs. IEEE
- Lang, J., Lim, J., Hellén, J., Nilsson, T., Schodt, B., Poder, R. ... Leisner, P. (2016). Reliability study of a RF power amplifier with GaN-on-SiC HEMTs. Pennington, N.J.: Electrochemical Society
- Leisner, P. (2016). Examination of coatings and interfaces by CT X-ray.
- Leisner, P., Zanella, C. (2016). Introduction to pulse plating.
- Leisner, P., Zanella, C., Belov, I., Edström, C., Sandulache, G., Hansal, W. (2016). Influence of pulse reverse plating parameters on throwing power in a silver cyanide bath.
- Ludvigsson, M., Leisner, P., Andersson, P., Dyreklev, P., Nilsson, D., Norberg, B. ... Clausén, U. (2016). Laminated display based on printed elelctronics.
- Zanella, C., Leisner, P. (2016). A critical review on the use of pulse and pulse reverse plating and their influence on electrodeposition of nanocomposite coatings.
- Bakowski, M., Nee, H., Zetterling, C., Belov, I., Leisner, P. (2015). High temperature electronic systems all in silicon carbide for hybrid and electrical vehicles.
- Belov, I., Arwidson, J., Poder, R., Johannesson, P., Leisner, P. (2015). The effect of variations in temperature cycling profile and mechanical properties of solder on thermo-mechanical reliability of a lead-free BGA package. Piscataway: IEEE Press
- Belov, I., Zanella, C., Edström, C., Leisner, P. (2015). Simulation based investigation of silver plating process parameters and their effect on throwing power.
- Dini, H., Andersson, N., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A. (2015). Microstructural Scale Effects on Thermal Expansion Behaviour of Cast AZ91D. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons
- Fast, L., Lang, J., Nygren, K., Bodén, A., Ofstad, A., Leisner, P. (2015). Successful Development of Coating for Bipolar Plates for Proton exchange Membrane Fuel Cell.
- Ghasemi, R., Elmquist, L., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A. (2015). Effect of interaction between lamellar graphite and cat-fines on tribological behaviour of cast iron under abrasion.
- Hernando, J., Diószegi, A. (2015). An overview of isothermal coarsening in hypoeutectic lamellar cast iron. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons
- Kasvayee, K., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A. (2015). Micro-Crack Initiation in High-Silicon Cast Iron during Tension Loading. John Wiley & Sons
- Leisner, P. (2015). Electrolytic methods for manufacturing of miniaturized structures.
- Leisner, P., Zanella, C. (2015). Structure modification and process control by pulsed electrodeposition.
- Olofsson, J., Salomonsson, K., Svensson, I. (2015). Modelling and simulations of ductile iron solidification-induced variations in mechanical behaviour on component and microstructural level. London: Institute of Physics Publishing (IOPP)
- Olofsson, J., Salomonsson, K., Svensson, I. (2015). The multi-scale closed chain of simulations – incorporating local variations in microstructure into finite element simulations. Cham: Springer
- Payandeh, M., Sjölander, E., Jarfors, A., Wessen, M. (2015). Mechanical And Thermal Properties Of Rheocast Telecom Component Using Low Silicon Aluminium Alloy In As-Cast And Heat-Treated Conditions. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons
- Seifeddine, S., Zetterlind, M., Keller, C., Jarfors, A. (2015). Development of an online learning master program with specialization in cast metals engineering: Challenges and opportunities.
- Seifeddine, S., Zetterlind, M., Rosqvist, M., Hansson, H. (2015). Gjutmagistern 3.0 och PROMPT är projekt som bidrar till ny expertkompetens inom svensk industri.
- Svensson, I., Olofsson, J. (2015). Understanding cast iron materials and components - a never ending story. John Wiley & Sons
- Svidró, J., Diószegi, A., Stevenson, D., Tóth, J. (2015). Heat absorption capacity and binder degradation characteristics of 3D printed cores investigated by inverse Fourier thermal analysis. The American Foundry Society
- Zamani, M., Seifeddine, S. (2015). A Novel Approach for the Assessment of Eutectic Si Modification and Tensile Properties of Al-Si Cast Alloys. The American Foundry Society
- Zamani, M., Seifeddine, S. (2015). Assessment of modification level in En AC-46000 aluminum casting alloy using thermal analysis and microscopic evaluation. The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society
- Zanella, C., Leimbach, M., Leisner, P. (2015). Pulse reverse plating of SnNi.
- Zanella, C., Spanou, S., Pavlatou, E., Leisner, P. (2015). Functional nanocomposite coatings based on SnNi and TiO2.
- Zhu, B., Leisner, P., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A. (2015). Influence of Si and cooling rate on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Si-Mg cast alloys.
- Zhu, B., Leisner, P., Zanella, C., Persson, P., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A. (2015). A study of formation and growth of the anodized surface layer on Al-Si casting alloys based on different analytical techniques.
- Zhu, B., Leisner, P., Zanella, C., Persson, P., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A. (2015). A study of formation and growth of the anodised surface layer on Al-Si casting alloys based on different analytical techniques.
- Belov, V., Butkina, A., Bolschikov, F., Leisner, P., Belov, I. (2014). Power quality and EMC solutions in micro grids with energy-trading capability. Piscataway, N.J.: IEEE Press
- Deflorian, F., Rossi, S., Fedel, M., Zanella, C., Ambrosi, D., Hlede, E. (2014). Crevice corrosion study in marine environment of different materials for propulsion applications.
- Dini, H., Andersson, N., Jarfors, A. (2014). Effects of microstructure on deformation behaviour of AZ91D cast alloy. John Wiley & Sons
- Diószegi, A., Fourlakidis, V., Lora, R. (2014). Austenite Dendrite Morphology in Lamellar Cast Iron. The Institute for Research in Materials Science and Technology (INTEMA)
- Ekengård, J., Diószegi, A., Jönsson, P. (2014). A Study of the Oxygen Activity before Start of Solidification of Cast Irons. The Institute for Research in Materials Science and Technology (INTEMA)
- Elmquist, L., Eriksson, L., Ekman, F. (2014). Workshop at a company with students from two different disciplines.
- Fedel, M., Zanella, C., Rossi, S. (2014). Al2O3 and AlN atomic layer deposited coatings for the corrosion protection of silver and stainless steel substrates. Tampere University of Technology
- Fourlakidis, V., Ekengård, J., Diószegi, A. (2014). Non-metallic inclusions in lamellar graphite iron. The Institute for Research in Materials Science and Technology (INTEMA)
- Ghasemi, R., Elmquist, L. (2014). Cast iron and the self-lubricating behaviour of graphite under abrasive wear conditions.
- Ghasemi, R., Elmquist, L., Svensson, H., König, M., E. W. Jarfors, A. (2014). Mechanical properties of solid solution strengthened CGI.
- Ghassemali, E., Tan, M., Chua, B., Lim, S., Jarfors, A. (2014). Friction effects during open-die micro-forging/extrusion processes: An upper bound approach. Elsevier
- Kasvayee, K., Elmquist, L., Jarfors, A., Ghassemali, E. (2014). Development of a pattern making method for strain measurement on microstructural level in ferritic cast iron.
- Leisner, P., Edström, C., Hansen, Å., Belov, I., Poder, R. (2014). Controlling throwing power of functional silver by pulse plating: Invited paper.
- Pavlatou, E., Chrysagis, K., Zoikis–Karathanasis, A., Rasmussen, J., Rasmussen, A., Leisner, P. ... Panayiotakopoulos, G. (2014). SelfClean: Novel Self-cleaning, anti-bacterial coatings, preventing disease transmission on everyday touched surfaces.
- Seifeddine, S., Poletaeva, D., Ghorbani, M., Jarfors, A. (2014). Heat treating of High Pressure Die Cast Components; challenges and possibilities. Springer
- Svensson, I., Olofsson, J. (2014). On microstructure-based mechanical behaviour of a ductile iron component. INTEMA
- Svidró, P., Elmquist, L., Dugic, I., Diószegi, A. (2014). Characterization of primary dendrite morphology in complex shaped lamellar cast iron castings. The Institute for Research in Materials Science and Technology (INTEMA)
- Toth-Pal, Z., Zhang, Y., Belov, I., Nee, H., Bakowski, M. (2014). Investigation of Pressure Dependent Thermal Contact Resistance between Silver Metallized SiC chip and DBC substrate.
- Tsoukleris, D., Pavlatou, E., Spanou, S., Zanella, C., Leisner, P. (2014). Novel Self-cleaning, anti-bacterial Sn-Ni electrocoatings of high aesthetics and durability: Abstract s10-054.
- Tsoukleris, D., Spanou, S., Köhler, S., Zanella, C., Leisner, P., Pavlatou, E. (2014). Study of tribological properties of nickel-based coatings reinforced by TiO2 nanoparticles produced by pulse electrodeposition.
- Zamani, M., Seifeddine, S., EW Jarfors, A. (2014). Effects of microstructure and defects on tensile and fracture behaviour of a HPDC component: Potential properties and actual outcome of En AC-44300 alloy. John Wiley & Sons
- Zhang, Y., Belov, I., Bakowski, M., Nee, H., Leisner, P. (2014). Investigation of a finned baseplate material and thickness variation on thermal performance of a SiC power module: Key-note presentation. IEEE
- Eckert, G., Hjelmåker, M., Elmquist, L. (2013). Off campus integrating theory and practice with progression.
- Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S., Olofsson, J., Svensson, I. (2013). Critical Description of Defects and Mechanical Behaviour in Casting Process Modelling of Light Metals for Automotive Use. ACM Digital Library
- Seifeddine, S. (2013). Extending the properties of aluminium castings. Jönköping, Sweden
- Zamani, M., Seifeddine, S., Aziziderouei, M. (2013). The role of Sr on microstructure formations and mechanical properties of Al-Si-Cu-Mg casting alloy.
- Zamani, M., Seifeddine, S., Aziziderouei, M. (2013). The role of Sr on microstructure formation and mechanical properties of Al-Si-Cu-Mg cast alloy.
- Zhang, Y., Belov, I., Bakowski, M., Sarius, N., Nee, H., Leisner, P. (2013). Thermal evaluation of a liquid/air cooled integrated power inverter for hybrid vehicle applications. IEEE
- Elmquist, L., Sonawane, P. (2012). On the relation between primary and eutectic solidification structures in gray iron. Institute of Physics (IOP)
- Ghassemali, E., Tan, M., Lim, S., Jarfors, A. (2012). Friction Factor in a Progressive Microforming Process.
- Johansson, G., Elmquist, L. (2012). Teaching international students: The value of having experience from teaching in a foreign country.
- Johansson, J., Belov, I., Johnson, E., Leisner, P. (2012). An approach to life consumption monitoring of solder joints in operating temperature environment. IEEE
- Leisner, P. (2012). About the effect of anodic pulses and periodic current reversion on electrodeposits.
- Morri, A., Ceschini, L., Svensson, I., Seifeddine, S. (2012). Relationship between pore volume (by density measurements) and pore area (on fracture surfaces) of A356 fatigue specimens. New York: John Wiley & Sons
- Olofsson, J., Svensson, I. (2012). Casting and stress-strain simulations of a cast ductile iron component using microstructure based mechanical behavior. London: IOP Publishing
- Schneider, M., Schaefer, W., Sjölander, E., Seifeddine, S., Svensson, I. (2012). Simulation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Components during Casting and Heat Treatment.
- Seifeddine, S. (2012). influence of Mg and Cu on heat treatment response of aluminium castings. Jönköping, Sweden
- Sjölander, E., Seifeddine, S. (2012). Influence of natural ageing on the artificial ageing response of Al-Si casting alloys.
- Spanou, S., Leisner, P. (2012). Pulse plating of Ni-SiC composite coatings.
- Svensson, I., Seifeddine, S., Elmquist, L., Sjölander, E., Sjögren, T. (2012). On characterization and modeling of mechanical properties of materials for cast components.
- Bakowski, M., Nee, H., Belov, I., Leisner, P. (2011). High temperature electronic systems all in silicon carbide (SiC) for electric vehicles.
- Belov, I., Alavizadeh, Z., Lindgren, M. (2011). Application of engineering optimization to evaluate heating-based humidity management in electronics enclosures.
- Elmquist, L., Johansson, G. (2011). An approach to foster integrative skills during the engineering studies. Technical University of Denmark
- Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Tan, M., Lim, S. (2011). Dead-zone formation and micro-pin properties in progressive microforming process. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlagsgesellschaft
- Seifeddine, S., Holmgren, D. (2011). Design Education: Now and in the Future!.
- Belov, I., Lindgren, M., Ryden, J., Alavizadeh, Z., Leisner, P. (2010). CFD Assisted Design Evaluation and Experimental Verification of a Logic-Controlled Local PCB Heater for Humidity Management in Electronics Enclosure.
- Chedid, M., Belov, I., Leisner, P. (2010). Low Power High bandwidth Power-Line Communication Network for Wearable Applications.
- Holmgren, D., Selin, M. (2010). Regression Model Describing the Thermal Conductivity of Various Cast Irons. Zurich: Trans Tech Publications
- Kappey, J., Schneider, M., Svensson, I., Sjölander, E., Seifeddine, S., Shahid, A., Arnberg, L. (2010). Microstructure, Defects and Properties in Aluminium Alloy Castings: Modelling and Simulation.
- König, M., Wessén, M., Svensson, I. (2010). The Influence of alloying elements on Chill Formation in CGI. Stafa-Zürich: Trans Tech Publications
- Leisner, P. (2010). Survey of pulse plating of copper from sulphuric acid solutions.
- Lora, R., Dioszegi, A., Elmquist, L. (2010). Solidification Study of Gray Cast Iron in a Resistance Furnace. Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
- Mubeen, S., Kumar, S. (2010). Designing Efficient Source Routing for Mesh Topology Network on Chip Platforms. Los Alamitos, California: IEEE Computer Society
- Belov, I. (2009). Evaluation of Anti-Moisture Measures in Electronics Enclosure: Application of CFD Modelling.
- Casselgren, J., Hällstig, E., Leisner, P. (2009). True Ground Speed Sensor (TGSS).
- Diószegi, A., Elmquist, L., Orlenius, J., Dugic, I. (2009). Defect Formation at Casting of Gray Iron Components.
- Ekengård, J., Diószegi, A. (2009). Oxygen Activity and Slag Formation in Cast Irons.
- Gunnarsson, N., Leisner, P., Hald, J., Hultman, L. (2009). Influence of Ultrasound on filling of Grooves during Ni Electrodeposition.
- Holsmark, R., kumar, S., Palesi, M., Mejia, A. (2009). HiRA: A methodology for deadlock free routing in hierarchical networks on chip. IEEE Computer Society
- Huo, H., Shen, W., Xu, Y., Zhang, H. (2009). The effect of human activities on 2.4 GHz radio propagation at home environment. IEEE
- Huo, H., Xu, Y., Bilen, C., Zhang, H. (2009). Coexistence issues of 2.4 GHz sensor networks with other RF devices at home. IEEE
- Huo, H., Xu, Y., Yan, H., Mubeen, S., Zhang, H. (2009). An elderly health care system using wireless sensor networks at home. IEEE
- König, M., Wessén, M., Svensson, I. (2009). Modeling of Ferrite Growth in Compacted Graphite Iron. Warrendale, Pennsylvania, USA: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)
- Lindgren, M., Belov, I., Johansson, A., Danielsson, T., Gunnarsson, N., Leisner, P. (2009). Multi-disciplinary Approach to Design of a Power Electronics Module for Harsh Environments.
- Renbi, A., Lindh, L. (2009). Power and Energy Efficiency Evaluation for HW and SW Implementation of nxn Matrix Multiplication on Altera FPGAs.
- Seifeddine, S., Svensson, I. (2009). Prediction of mechanical properties of cast aluminium components at various iron contents.
- Selin, M., König, M. (2009). Influence of Microstructure on the Thermal Conductivity of Compacted Graphite Cast Iron.
- Svensson, I., Seifeddine, S., Hattel, J., Kotas, P., Thorborg, J. (2009). On modelling of microstructure formation, local mechanical properties and Stress: Strain development in aluminium castings.
- Tornero, R., Kumar, S., Mubeen, S. (2009). Distance Constrained Mapping to Support NoC Platforms based on Source Routing.
- Yan, H., Xu, Y., Gidlund, M. (2009). Experimental e-Health Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE
- Belov, I. (2008). Anti-Moisture Methodology for Electronics Enclosures in Harsh Storage Environments.
- Belov, I. (2008). Humidity Management in Electronics Enclosure under Severe Climatic Conditions.
- Belov, I., Chedid, M., Leisner, P. (2008). Investigation of Snap-on Feeding Arrangements for a Wearable UHF Textile Patch Antenna. Borås: Centrum för textilforskning (CTF), The Swedish School of Textiles, University College of Borås
- Belov, I., Rydén, J., Lindblom, J., Zhang, Y., Hansson, T., Bergner, F., Leisner, P. (2008). Application of CFD Modelling for Energy Efficient Humidity Mangement of an Electronics Enclosure in Storage under Severe Climatic Conditions. IEEE
- Ceschini, L., Boromei, I., Morri, A., Seifeddine, S., Svensson, I. (2008). Tensile and fatigue behaviour of an AlSi10Cu alloy cast under controlled solidification conditions.
- Chen, Y., Huo, H., Xu, Y. (2008). Wireless E-Care Sensor Network Management.
- Elmquist, L., Diószegi, A., Adolfsson, S. (2008). Characterizing shrinkage porosity in gray cast iron using microstructure investigation. Schaumburg, Ill: The American Foundry Society
- Elmquist, L., Diószegi, A., Adolfsson, S. (2008). Characerizing Shrinkage Porosity in Gray Cast Iron using Microstructure Investigation. Schaumburg, Ill.: American Foundry Society
- Frazzetta, D., Dimartino, G., Palesi, M., Kumar, S., Catania, V. (2008). Efficient Application Specific Routing Algorithms for NoC Systems utilizing Partially Faulty Links.
- Granath, O., Wessén, M., Cao, H. (2008). Porosity reduction possibilities in commercial aluminium A380 and magnesium AM60 alloy components using the RheoMetalTM process. Milano, Italy.: Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia
- Johansson, J., Leisner, P. (2008). Method for Prognostics of Thermal Fatigue Failure of Solder Joints in Avionic Equipment. Denver, CO
- Kunjesh, S., Huo, H., Xu, Y. (2008). Bridge WSN and Telecommunication Networks: Design and Implementation.
- König, M., Wessén, M. (2008). The Influence of Copper on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of CGI. Graz, Austria: Proceedings ICASP
- Leisner, P. (2008). Pulse reversal plating of hard chromium.
- Mubeen, S., Huo, H., Xu, Y. (2008). Smart Application Gateway for Wireless E-Care Systems.
- Ottesen-Hansen, E., Ambat, R., Møller, P., Minari, D., Leisner, P., Gunnarsson, N., Ljungcrants, H. (2008). Corrosion behaviour of nano-crystalline MAX phase nc-TiC/a-SiC.
- Palesi, M., Longo, G., Signorino, S., Holsmark, R., Kumar, S., Catania, V. (2008). Design of bandwidth aware and congestion avoiding efficient routing algorithms for Network on Chip platforms.
- Seifeddine, S., Svensson, I. (2008). The influence of Fe content and cooling rate on the microstructure and mechanical properties of A380- die casting alloys.
- Yan, H., Xu, Y., Gidlund, M., Nohre, R. (2008). An experimental study on home-wireless passive positioning. IEEE
- Yi, G., Xu, Y., Yan, H. (2008). Research on real-time communication in sensor networks.
- Belov, I., Lindgren, M., Leisner, P., Bergner, F., Bornoff, R. (2007). CFD aided reflow oven profiling for PCB preheating in a soldering process. Piscataway, NJ.: IEEE
- Belov, V., Paldyaev, N., Shamaev, A., Leisner, P., Johansson, A., Belov, I. (2007). Mathematical Modeling of Conducted EMI in an Independent Power Supply System Including Power Line Communication Technology. Piscataway, N.J.: IEEE
- Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2007). Lemezgrafitos öntöttvas dermedési mecanizmusai. Lilafüred, Hungary: Magyar Öntönapok
- Elmquist, L., Orlenius, J., Diószegi, A. (2007). Influence of Melting Process on Oxygen Content in Gray Iron. Schaumburg, Ill.: American Foundry Society
- Gunnarsson, N., Leisner, P., Wang, X., Svensson, M., Vieider, C., Hultman, L. (2007). Low-cost high precision processing in MEMs packaging based on electrochemical processes.
- Johansson, J., Belov, I., Leisner, P. (2007). CFD Analysis of an Avionic Module for Evaluating Power Distribution as a Thermal Management Measure for a Double-sided PCB. Piscataway, N.J.: IEEE
- Johansson, J., Leisner, P., Lee, J., Twigg, D., Rassaian, M. (2007). On thermomechanical durability analysis combined with computational fluid dynamics thermal analysis.
- Karlsson, K., Carlsson, J., Belov, I., Kildal, P. (2007). Software for optimizing multi-port antennas based on precomputed embedded element patterns from commerical codes.
- Karlsson, K., Carlsson, J., Belov, I., Nilsson, G., Kildal, P. (2007). Optimization of antenna diversity gain by combining full-wave and circuit simulations.
- Olsson, R., Xu, Y. (2007). Evaluating the proposed pre-processing and coding scheme.
- Orlenius, J., Elmquist, L., Diószegi, A. (2007). Influence of Melting Process on Hydrogen and Nitrogen Content in Gray Iron. Schaumburg, Ill.: American Foundry Society
- Palesi, M., Kumar, S., Holsmark, R., Catania, V. (2007). Exploiting Communication Concurrency for Efficient Deadlock Free Routing in Reconfigurable NoC Platforms.
- Rattfält, L., Chedid, M., Hult, P., Lindén, M., Ask, P. (2007). Correlating electrode properties of textile electrodes with their manufacture techniques.
- Seifeddine, S., Kotas, P., Hattel, J., Svensson, I. (2007). Modelling of Filling, Microstructure Formation, Local Mechanical Properties and Stress – Strain Development in High-Pressure Die Cast Aluminium Castings.
- Öberg, L., Xu, Y. (2007). Prioritising bad links for fast and efficient flooding in wireless sensor networks. IEEE
- Öberg, L., Xu, Y. (2007). A Complete Energy Dissipation Model for Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE
- Cao, H., Wessén, M. (2006). Processing effects on the morphology of semi-solid Mg alloy slurry produced by the RSFTM process.
- Chedid, M., Tomicic, D., Leisner, P. (2006). Evaluation of Conductive Textile for Wearable Computer Applications.
- Diószegi, A., Dugic, I. (2006). The Mechanism of Metal Expansion Penetration in Gray Cast Iron.
- Diószegi, A., Liu, K., Svensson, I. (2006). Inoculation of Primary Austenite in Grey Cast Iron.
- Holmgren, D., Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2006). Parameters Influencing the Temperature Distribution in Cast Iron Cylinder Heads Operating at Elevated Temperatures.
- Holmgren, D., Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2006). Effects of Inoculation and Solidification Rate on the Thermal Conductivity of Grey Cast Iron.
- Holmgren, D., Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2006). Effects of Carbon Content and Solidification Rate on the Thermal Conductivity of Grey Cast Iron.
- Holsmark, R., Kumar, S. (2006). On options for accessing region in NoC.
- Holsmark, R., Palesi, M., Kumar, S. (2006). Deadlock Free Routing Algorithms for Mesh Topology NoC Systems with Regions.
- Karlsson, P., Xu, Y. (2006). A signal combining ARQ strategy for wireless sensor networks.
- Leisner, P., Möller, P., Fredenberg, M. (2006). Pulse reversal plating of copper for electronics applications.
- Olsson, R., Sjöström, M., Xu, Y. (2006). A combined pre-processing and H.264-compresson scheme for 3D integral images. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE
- Palesi, M., Holsmark, R., Kumar, S., Catania, V. (2006). A Methodology for Design of Application Specific Deadlock-free Routing Algorithms for NoC Systems.
- Palesi, M., Kumar, S., Holsmark, R. (2006). A Method for Router Table Compression for Application Specific Routing in Mesh Topology NoC Architectures.
- Wessén, M., Cao, H. (2006). Influence of holding time on particle size of an A356 alloy using the new Rapid Slurry Forming process.
- Wessén, M., Cao, H. (2006). The RSF technology: A possible breakthrough for semi-solid casting processes.
- Wessén, M., Svensson, I. (2006). Modelling and simulation of elastic properties in cast compacted graphite iron engine blocks. Warrendale: TMS, cop.
- Wessén, M., Svensson, I., Olsson, J., Schäfer, W. (2006). Simulation of cooling curves, microstructures and mechanical properties in cast Al-Si based alloys. Warrendale: TMS, cop.
- Öberg, L., Xu, Y. (2006). Poster Abstract: A Complete Energy Model for Wireless Sensor Networks.
- Öberg, L., Xu, Y. (2006). Link Quality-Aided Flooding: A Simple Protocol for Efficient Flooding in Wireless Sensor Networks. Luleå: Luleå tekniska universitet
- Belov, V., Paldyaev, N., Johansson, A., Leisner, P., Belov, I. (2005). Mathematical model of a multi-phase active power filter based on multi-phase bridge elements.
- Belov, V., Paldyaev, N., Shamaev, A., Johansson, A., Leisner, P., Belov, I. (2005). Matlab/Simulink Model of an Active Power Filter Based on Multi-stage Inverter Architecture.
- Chedid, M., Leisner, P. (2005). Roadmap: Wearable Computers.
- Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2005). Lemezgrafitos öntöttvas szakító szilárdságának számítógépes modellezése. Balatonfüred, Hungary: Magyar Öntönapok
- Fredenberg, M., Möller, P., Leisner, P., Östling, M. (2005). Recent Progress in the Development of ECPR (ElectroChemical Pattern Replication) Metal Printing for Microelectronics.
- Hillung, E., Holsmark, R., Kumar, S. (2005). Modeling and Evaluation of a Shared Memory Design for a Mesh Topology NoC Architecture.
- Holsmark, R., Kumar, S. (2005). Design Issues and Performance Evaluation of Mesh NoC with Regions.
- Johansson, J., Belov, I., Leisner, P. (2005). An experimental setup for validating a CFD model of a double-sided PCB in a sealed enclosure at various power configurations. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Order Department
- Johansson, J., Belov, I., Leisner, P. (2005). Investigating the effect of power distribution on cooling a double-sided PCB: Numerical simulation and experiment.
- Karlsson, P., Öberg, L., Xu, Y. (2005). An Address Coding Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks.
- Lindgren, M., Leisner, P., Tegehall, P. (2005). Factors influencing the surface insulation resistance.
- Lindgren, M., Meuwissen, M., Leisner, P. (2005). Simulation assisted investigation and improvement of the performance of an electronics assembly subjected to temperature cycling.
- Möller, P., Fredenberg, M., Dainese, M., Aronsson, C., Leisner, P., Östling, M. (2005). Metal Printing of Interconnects Down to 500 nm Using ECPR: ElectroChemical Pattern Replication.
- Möller, P., Fredenberg, M., Karlsson, L. (2005). ECPR (ElectroChemical Pattern Replication): Metal Printing for Advanced Package Applications.
- Olsson, R., Xu, Y. (2005). An interactive ray-tracing based simulation environment for generating integral imaging video sequences.
- Olsson, R., Xu, Y. (2005). A Ray-Tracing Based Simulation Environment for Generating Integral Imaging Source Material.
- Olsson, R., Xu, Y. (2005). A combined pre-processing and H.264-compression scheme for 3-D integral images.
- Schneider, M., Schaefer, W., Mazourkevitch, G., Wessén, M., Svensson, I., Seifeddine, S. (2005). Prediction of Microstructure and Microporosity Development in Aluminium Gravity Casting Processes.
- Schneider, M., Schaefer, W., Wessén, M., Svensson, I., Olsson, J., Beckmann, C. (2005). Prediction of Microstructure and Microporosity Development in Aluminium Gravity Casting Processes. SFB Kolloquium: RWTH, Aachen
- Tomicic, D. (2005). Adhesion of photoresist on thinfilm aluminium.
- Zhang, T., Österberg, P., Xu, Y. (2005). Multicast-Favorable Max-Min Fairness: A General Definition of Multicast Fairness. IEEE
- Belov, I., Leisner, P., Johansson, A., Magnhagen, B., Belov, V. (2004). A methodology of using simulation tools in teaching of robust electronics for electronics engineers.
- Belov, I., Wingbrant, H., Spetz, A., Sundgren, H., Thuner, B., Svenningstorp, H., Leisner, P. (2004). Thermal and flow analysis of SiC-based gas sensors for automotive applications. IEEE
- Belov, V., Belov, I., Nemoykin, V., Johansson, A., Leisner, P. (2004). Computer modelling and analysis of EMC in a multi-phase electrical system. Göteborg: Department of Electromagnetics, Chalmers University of Technology
- Belov, V., Leisner, P., Johansson, A., Magnhagen, B., Belov, I. (2004). A Simulation-based Spectral Strategy for Power Filter Design in an Electrical System. London: IEEE
- Chedid, M. (2004). Wearable Computing in Harsh Environments.
- Gunnarsson, N. (2004). Multi-functional polymer based encapsulation of micro-systems for harsh environments.
- Holsmark, R., Johansson, A., Kumar, S. (2004). On Connecting Cores to Packet Switched On-Chip Networks: A Case Study with MicroBlaze Processor Cores.
- Johansson, J. (2004). Tools and methods for simulation in thermal design of electronics for use in harsh environments.
- Johansson, J., Belov, I., Säfsten, K., Leisner, P. (2004). Thermal Analysis of an Electronic Module with a Double-sided PCB Housed in a 2-MCU Enclosure for Avionic Applications. Washington, D.C.: IMAPS--International Microelectronics and Packaging Society
- Johansson, J., Belov, I., Säfsten, K., Leisner, P. (2004). Thermal design evaluation of an electronic module for helicopter applications.
- Kommineni, B., Srinivasan, R., Holsmark, R., Johansson, A., Kumar, S. (2004). Modeling and Evaluation of a NoC-Internet Interface.
- Lindgren, M. (2004). Using thermo.mechanical simulation and optimization in product development.
- Lindgren, M., Belov, I., Törnvall, M., Leisner, P. (2004). Application of simulation-based decision making in product development of an RF module.
- Möller, P., Fredenberg, M., Nilsson, P., Karlsson, L., Pelzer, R., Lee, D. (2004). ECPR ElectroChemical Pattern Replication: Metal Printing for Advanced Package Applications. Piscataway, NJ.: IEEE
- Möller, P., Wiwen-Nilsson, P., Fredenberg, M., Leisner, P., Östling, M. (2004). Printing of Metal Interconnects for Microelectronics: the Electro Chemical Pattern Replication (ECPR) Project.
- Möller, P., Wiwen-Nilsson, P., Fredenberg, M., Montelius, L., Leisner, P., Östling, M. (2004). ElectroChemical Pattern Replication (ECPR): metal printing for microelectronics.
- Möller, P., Fredenberg, M., Wiwen-Nilsson, P., Karlsson, L., Pelzer, R., Lee, D. (2004). ECPR (ElerctroChemical Pattern Replication): Metal Printing for Advanced Package Applications. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Service Center
- Petersens, K. (2004). IEEE P1500, Boundary scan for SoCs.
- Tomicic, D. (2004). Reliable mounting and interconnect technology for high frequency electronics in harsh environments.
- Wessén, M., Cao, H. (2004). On the Reliability of Yield Strength Data Evaluated From As-Cast Tensile Test Bars. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, cop.
- Öberg, L., Xu, Y., Nohre, R. (2004). A Simple Router-Supported Congestion Control Scheme for Multiresolution Multicasting.
- Andrews, I., Dumaillet, J., Diószegi, A. (2003). Direct flow simulations in pressed foundry filters.
- Andrews, I., Dumaillet, J., Diószegi, A. (2003). Simulering av flödesförlopp genom Filter.
- Cao, H., Wessén, M. (2003). Modelling of Microstructure: Mechanical Property Relations in Cast Mg-Al alloys. Warrendale, Penn.: TMS
- Cao, H., Wessén, M. (2003). On the mechanisms of segregation band formation and its influence on the mechanical properties of pressure die cast magnesium alloys. Aalen: Europ. Forschungsgemeinschaft Magnesiumguss
- Holsmark, R., Högberg, M., Kumar, S. (2003). Modelling and Evaluation of a Network on Chip Architecture using SDL.
- Leisner, P., Belov, I., Møller, P. (2003). Additive-free pulse reversal plating of cupper on printed circuit boards.
- Möller, P., Wiwen-Nilsson, P., Fredenberg, M., Montelius, L., Leisner, P., Östling, M. (2003). ECPR – ElectroChemical Pattern Replication for direct metallization.
- Wang, X., Tomicic, D., Leisner, P. (2003). Metallization of Microstructured Polymer Surface.
- Belov, I., Carlsson, J. (2002). Investigation of the coupling to a wire inside a box with apertures by means of FDTD simulations.
- Cacers, C., Svensson, I., Taylor, J. (2002). Microstructural Factors and the Mechanical Performance of Al-Si-Mg and Al-Si-Cu-Mg Casting Alloys. Columbus, OH; USA: ASM International
- Cao, H., Wessén, M. (2002). Influence of Microstructure on Mechanical Properties in Mg-Al Casting alloys.
- Valizadeh, S., Hultman, L., Leisner, P. (2002). Template Synthesis of One Dimensional Single and Multilayered Nanowires.
- Wessén, M., Svensson, I. (2002). Simulation of Microstructure Formation and Mechanical Properties in Cast Iron Components: Comparison with Experiments in a Ductile Iron Bearing Housing.
- Xu, Y., Zhang, T. (2002). A VLSI design for universal Reed-Solomon erasure decoder. IEEE
- Diószegi, A., Millberg, A., Svensson, I. (2001). Microstructure evaluation and simulation of mechanical properties of a cylinder head in cast iron. Brassó-Brasov, Romania
- Scheffle, M., Cottet, D., Grzyb, J., Tröster, G., Delaney, K., Fuchs, S. ... Demmer, P. (2001). Low cost large area panel processing of MCM-D substrates and packages.
- Svensson, I., Wessén, M. (2001). Modelling and measurements of densities at solidification of magnesium cast alloys.
- Diószegi, A., Wessén, M. (2000). Measurement and simulation of thermal condition and mechanical properties in a complicated shaped cylinder head cast in grey iron.
- Helbo, C., Møller, P., Leisner, P. (2000). The use of mathematical modelling in optimisation of the pulse plating of copper on printed circuit boards.
- Svensson, I., Diószegi, A. (2000). On modelling of volume related defect formation in cast irons. Aachen: Shaker Verlag GmbH
- Bäckman, J., Svensson, I. (1999). Evaluation og filter parameters from direct observations at aluminium castings.
- Svensson, I., Wessén, M. (1999). Simulation of Mechanical Properties in Cast Iron Castings.
- Jarfors, A. (1998). Insitu formed aluminium composites.
- Svensson, I., Wessén, M. (1998). Modelling of microstructure formation in cast iron. Warrendale, Pa.: TMS, cop.
- Wessén, M. (1998). Influence of Copper, Tin and Manganese on ferrite formation in ductile iron: experiments, models and simulation. Warrendale, Pa.: TMS, cop.
- Wessén, M. (1995). Modelling of Ferrite Formation in Nodular Cast Iron: Influence of Silicon Content. Warrendale, Pa.: Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, cop.
- Bellét, M., Menai, M., Bay, F., Schmidt, P., Svensson, I. (1993). Finite Element Modelling of the Cooling Phase in Casting Processes. Palm Coast Florida, USA
- Svensson, I., Wessén, M. (1993). Modelling of Structure and Hardness in Nodular Cast Iron Castings at Different Silicon Contents. Warrendale, Pa.: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
- Wessén, M., Svensson, I. (1993). Modelling of Pearlite Decomposition in Nodular Cast Iron. Warrendale, Pa.: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
- Lundback, E., Svensson, I. (1991). Prediction of structure formations of nodular cast iron by computer simulation. Stanford, Connecticut; USA: Pineridge Press
- Schmidt, P., Svensson, I. (1991). Solidification and heat transfer in permanent mould casting. Stanford, Connecticut; USA: Pineridge Press
- Lundback, E., Svensson, I. (1990). Simulations of Structure and Mechanical Properties of Nodular Cast Iron. Oberursel: DGM,cop.
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- Frediksson, H., Svensson, I. (1988). A Comparison Between the Growth Processes of Cast Iron by Thermal Analysis. Cincinnati, Ohio; USA: The Metallurgical Society
- Fredriksson, H., Remaeus, B., Svensson, I. (1988). Diffusionless Solidification of Metallic Alloys. London: Insitute of Metals
- Lundback, E., Svensson, I., Persson, P. (1988). Modelling of Structure Formation and Relation to Mechanical Properties of Nodular Cast Iron. Dordrecht: Kluwer, cop
- Lundback, E., Svensson, I., Thorgrimsson, J. (1988). Prediction of Structure and Mechanical Properties in Grey Cast Iron. London: Insitute of Metals
- Thorgrimsson, J., Fredriksson, H., Svensson, I. (1988). Solidification Process of Flake Cast Iron Casting. London: Insitute of Metals
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Conference proceedings (editor)
- Matsushita, T. (2024). Book of Abstracts–11th International Conference on High Temperature Capillarity (HTC 2024), May 26–30, 2024, Sweden, Jönköping University, Jönköping. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
- Diószegi, A., Diaconu, L., Jarfors, A. (2018). Science and Processing of Cast Iron XI. Trans Tech Publications
- Nastac, L., Lui, B., Fredriksson, H., Lacaze, J., Hong, C., Catalina, A. ... Diószegi, A. (2015). Advances in the science and engineering of casting solidification: An MPMD symposium honoring Doru Michael Stefanescu. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons
- Lindh, L. (2009). FPGAworld CONFERENCE2009 SEPTEMBER.
- Lindh, L. (2008). Proceedings of the 5th FPGAworld Conference, 11 September 2008, Stockholm, Sweden. Jönköping: Jönköping University
- Leisner, P. (1992). Proceedings from Scandinavian Pulse Plating Symposium. Lyngby
Doctoral thesis
- Sundaram, D. (2024). Gas evolution and transport in foundry sands. (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering)
- Bogdanoff, T. (2023). The effect of microstructural features, defects and surface quality on the fatigue performance in Al-Si-Mg Cast alloys. (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering)
- Mølmen, L. (2023). Durability evaluation of PEM fuel cell components. (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering)
- Zhang, Q. (2023). Mechanical properties of semi-solid Al castings: Role of stirring. (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering)
- Sainis, S. (2022). An Insight into the Critical Role of Microstructure and Surface Preparation on Localized Conversion Coating Deposition on Cast Al Alloys. (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering)
- Jansson, J. (2021). Multiscale Constitutive Modeling of Heterogeneous Engineering Materials. (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering)
- Pinate, S. (2021). Control of particles codeposition and strengthening mechanisms in nickel based nanocomposite coatings. (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering)
- Santos, J. (2020). Semi-solid Al-7Si-Mg castings – Microstructure and mechanical properties. (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering)
- Domeij, B. (2019). Compacted graphite iron: On solidification phenomena related to shrinkage defects. (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering)
- Fourlakidis, V. (2019). Dendritic morphology and ultimate tensile strength of pearlitic lamellar graphite iron. (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering)
- Hernando, J. (2019). The role of primary austenite morphology in cast iron. (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering)
- Siafakas, D. (2019). On particles and slags in steel casting. (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering)
- Zhu, B. (2019). Casting and anodising of Al alloys- Alloy design, manufacturing process and material properties. (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering)
- Bjurenstedt, A. (2017). On the influence of imperfections on microstructure and properties of recycled Al-Si casting alloys. (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering)
- Dini, H. (2017). As-cast AZ91D magnesium alloy properties: Effects of microstructure and temperature. (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering)
- Kasvayee, K. (2017). On the deformation behavior and cracking of ductile iron; effect of microstructure. (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering)
- Zamani, M. (2017). Al-Si Cast Alloys - Microstructure and Mechanical Properties at Ambient and Elevated Temperatures. (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering)
- Ghasemi, R. (2016). The influence of microstructure on mechanical and tribological properties of lamellar and compacted irons in engine applications. (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering)
- Payandeh, M. (2016). Rheocasting of aluminium alloys: Process and components characteristics. (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering)
- Olofsson, J. (2014). Simulation of Microstructure-based Mechanical Behaviour of Cast Components. (Doctoral thesis, School of Engineering, Jönköping University)
- Arwidson, J. (2013). Thermal Fatigue Life Prediction of Solder Joints in Avionics by Surrogate Modeling: a Contribution to Physics of Failure in Reliability Prediction. (Doctoral thesis, Linköping University Electronic Press)
- König, M. (2011). Microstructure Formation During Solidification and Solid State Transformation in Compacted Graphite Iron. (Doctoral thesis, Gothenburg: Chalmers University of Technology)
- Sjölander, E. (2011). Heat treatment of Al-Si-Cu-Mg casting alloys. (Doctoral thesis, Göteborg: Chalmers Reproservice)
- Chedid, M. (2010). Wearable Systems in Harsh Environments - Realizing New Architectural Concepts. (Doctoral thesis, LiU-Tryck, Linköping)
- Selin, M. (2010). On Thermal Conductivity and Strength in Compacted Graphite Irons: Influence of Temperature and Microstructure. (Doctoral thesis, Göteborg: Chalmers Reproservice)
- Elmquist, L. (2009). Defect Formation during Solidification in Grey Iron Castings. (Doctoral thesis, Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology)
- Karlsson, K. (2009). Embedded Element Patterns in Combination with Circuit Simulations for Multi-Port Antenna Analysis: Departmet of Signals and Systems, Antenna Group. Chalmers University of Technology. (Doctoral thesis, Göteborg)
- Seifeddine, S. (2006). Characteristics of cast aluminium-silicon alloys: microstructures and mechanical properties. (Doctoral thesis, Linköping: Linköpings universitet)
- Diószegi, A. (2004). On microstructure formation and mechanical properties in grey cast iron. (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping)
Licentiate thesis
- Zhang, Q. (2022). Mechanical Properties of Semi-Solid Al Castings: Role of Stirring. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
- Bogdanoff, T. (2021). The influence of microstructure on the crack initiation and propagation in Al-Si casting alloys. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
- Mølmen, L. (2021). Materials Reliability in PEM Fuel Cells. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
- Sainis, S. (2021). The influence of Al alloy microstructure on conversion coating formation. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
- Jansson, J. (2019). Process-Induced Local Material Variations in Finite Element Simulations of Cast and Fibre Reinforced Injection Moulded Components. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
- Pinate, S. (2019). Study of particle-current-electrocrystallization interactions in electroplating of Ni/SiC coatings. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
- Santos, J. (2018). Al-7Si-Mg semi-solid castings – microstructure and mechanical properties. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
- Domeij, B. (2017). On the solidification of compacted and spheroidal graphite irons. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
- Hellström, K. (2017). Density variations during solidification of lamellar graphite iron. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
- Hernando, J. (2017). Morphological characterization of primary austenite in cast iron. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
- Riestra, M. (2017). High performing cast aluminium-silicon alloys. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
- Siafakas, D. (2017). On deoxidation practice and grain size of austenitic manganese steel. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
- Zhu, B. (2017). On the influence of Si on anodising and mechanical properties of cast aluminium alloys. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
- Bjurenstedt, A. (2015). Imperfections in Recycled Aluminium-Silicon Cast Alloys. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
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- Ghasemi, R. (2015). Tribological and Mechanical Behaviour of Lamellar and Compacted Graphite Irons in Engine Applications. Jönköping: School of Engineering, Jönköping University Department of Materials and Manufacturing
- Kasvayee, K. (2015). Microstructure and deformation behaviour of ductile iron under tensile loading. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
- Payandeh, M. (2015). Rheocasting of Aluminium Alloys: Slurry Formation, Microstructure, and Properties. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
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Other publication
- Zhu, B. (2016). Effect of Si particle modification on the growth and microstructure of anodised aluminium oxide.
- Belov, I. (2010). Optimization of PCB Heater Heating Profile for Power-efficient Humidity Management in Electronics Enclosures: OPTIMUS Worldwide User Meeting 2010, Antwerp, Belgium, November 22-23, 2010.
- Lindh, L. (2009). Interview with Lennart Lindh, professor working with FPGA Technology for Research and Education.
- Lindh, L. (2009). Lennart Lindh lockar fram kraften ur FPGA:an.
- Bogdanoff, T., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. (null). The impact of HIP process and heat treatment on the fatigue performance of an Al-Si-Mg alloy component.
- Dini, H., Andersson, N., Jarfors, A. (null). Effect of process parameters on distortion and residual stress in high pressure die cast AZ91D components after shot peening and painting.
- Domeij, B., Elfsberg, J., Diószegi, A. (null). The evolution of dendritic austenite in a solidifying near‐eutectic compacted graphite iron under varying cooling conditions.
- Domeij, B., Elfsberg, J., Diószegi, A. (null). The distribution of carbon during solidification of a compacted graphite iron.
- Eiler, K., Mølmen, L., Fast, L., Leisner, P., Sort, J., Pellicer, E. (null). Oxygen reduction reaction and PEM fuel cell performance of pulse electrodeposited Pt–Ni and Pt–Ni–Mo nanoparticles.
- Ghasemi, R., Olofsson, J., Jarfors, A., Svensson, I. (null). Modelling and simulation of local mechanical properties of high silicon solution-strengthened ferritic CGI materials.
- Jansson, J., Salomonsson, K., Olofsson, J. (null). Voxel-based semi-multiscale finite element analysis using elastic subdomain homogenization.
- Malakizadi, A., Ghasemi, R., Behring, C., Olofsson, J., Jarfors, A., Nyborg, L. (null). Machinability of solid solution-strengthened compacted graphite iron: Influence of the microstructure, mechanical properties and cutting conditions on tool wear response.
- Medina, L., Mølmen, L., Paschalidou, E., Donzel-Gargand, O., Leisner, P., Jansson, U., Nyholm, L. (null). Extending the passive region of CrFeNi-based high entropy alloys by including Ta or W.
- Mølmen, L., Andreatta, F., Lekka, M., Fast, L., Leisner, P. (null). Corrosion of pre-coated anode bipolar plates for PEM fuel cells.
- Mølmen, L., Fast, L., Leisner, P. (null). Corrosion of pre-coated anode bipolar plates for PEM fuel cells.
- Mølmen, L., Zanella, C., Ernstsson, M., Fast, L., Leisner, P. (null). Corrosion analysis of laser-welded stainless steel PEM fuel cell bipolar plates.
- Pinate, S., Eriksson, F., Leisner, P., Zanella, C. (null). Effects of particles codeposition and ultrasound agitation on the electrocrystallisation of Ni nanocomposites.
- Pinate, S., Eriksson, F., Leisner, P., Zanella, C. (null). Effects of particles codeposition and ultrasound agitation on the electrocrystallization of metal matrix composites.
- Sainis, S., Zanella, C. (null). A localized study on the influence of pre-treatments on the surface condition of cast Al-Si-Fe and Al-Si-Cu-Fe alloys and their effect on cerium conversion coating deposition.
- Sainis, S., Zanella, C. (null). The influence of cathodic θ‐Al2Cu intermetallic geometry on the localized‐corrosion‐triggered conversion coating deposition.
- Sainis, S., Zanella, C. (null). The effect of etching and pickling on the reactivity of intermetallics in cast aluminium alloys towards conversion coating deposition.
- Sainis, S., Zanella, C. (null). Reviewing the role of underlying aluminium alloy microstructure on localized deposition mechanism of conversion coatings.
- Santos, J., Jarfors, A., Dahle, A. (null). The effect of magnesium on the intermetallic phases and heat treatment response of cast Al‐7Si‐Mg.
- Santos, J., Jarfors, A., Dahle, A. (null). Tag-and-trace method of α-Al crystals to study the dissolution of an aluminium alloy.
- Santos, J., Jarfors, A., Dahle, A. (null). Fatigue crack initiation in semi-solid Al-7Si-Mg castings.
- Sundaram, D., Belov, I., Matsushita, T., Diószegi, A. (null). Computational model of heat and gas transport in a furan resin sand casting core.
- Zhang, Q., Jonsson, S., Jarfors, A. (null). Four-point bending fatigue behavior of TX630 alloy: role ofthe surface liquid segregation.
- Zhang, Q., Liljenfors, T., Jonsson, S., Jarfors, A. (null). On the correlation between melt quality and ductility: role of pore clusters.
- Zhang, Q., Santos, J., Jonsson, S., Jarfors, A. (null). Four-point bending fatigue behavior of Rheocast AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy: Effect of sample thickness.
- Zhu, B., Santos, J., Jarfors, A., Zanella, C. (null). Influence of Mg content on the fatigue behaviour of Al-Si-Mg alloys by rheocasting process.
- Zhu, B., Zanella, C. (null). Influence of Fe-rich intermetallics and their segregation on anodising properties of Al-Si-Mg rheocast alloys.
- Diószegi, A., Svidró, P. (2018). Method of and device for analysing a phase transformation of a material.
- Svidró, P., Diószegi, A. (2018). Sampling device and method for sampling a liquid or viscous material.
- Leisner, P., Larson, C., Nielsen, L., Müller, S., Hansal, W., Puippe, J., Zielonka, A. (2020). Global competitiveness of European surface technology: east whitepaper 2020. Schwäbisch Gmünd: European Academy of Surface Technology
- Payandeh, M., Sabzevar, M., Jarfors, A., Wessén, M. (2016). Solidification and re-melting phenomena during the slurry preparation stage using the RheoMetalTM process. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
- Kasvayee, K., Ghassemali, E., Salomonsson, K., Jarfors, A. (2015). Microstructural strain distribution in ductile iron; Comparison between finite element simulation and digital image correlation measurements. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
- Kasvayee, K., Ghassemali, E., Salomonsson, K., Jarfors, A. (2015). Microstructural strain localization and crack evolution in ductile iron. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
- Sjölander, E., Payandeh, M., Jarfors, A., Wessén, M. (2015). Thermal conductivity of liquid cast and rheocast telecom component using Al-6Si-2Cu-Zn (Stenal Rheo 1) in as-cast and heat treated condition. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
- Svidró, P., Elmquist, L., Dugic, I., Diószegi, A. (2013). Investigation of cooling rate dependent dendrite morphology inhypoeutectic lamellar cast iron. Jönköping: School of Engineering
- Lora, R., Diószegi, A. (2011). Dynamic Coarsening of 3.31C-1.89Si Grey Cast Iron.
- Lora, R., Fourlakidis, V., Díaz de Aguilar, A., Diószegi, A. (2011). Characterization of the Primary Austenite Dendrite and Interdendritic Space in Lamellar Cast Iron.
- Elmquist, L., Diószegi, A. (2008). Influence of Solidification on the Primary Austenite Structure of Grey Cast Iron. Jönköping: Tekniska Högskolan
- Dugic, I., Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2006). Metal Expansion Penetration on Concave Casting Surfaces of Grey Cast Iron Cylinder Heads. Jönköping: Tekniska Högskolan
- Palesi, M., Holsmark, R., Kumar, S., Catania, V. (2006). APSRA: A methodology for design of Application Specific Routing Algorithms for NoC Systems. Catania: DIIT, Università di Catania
- Dugic, I., Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2005). The Influence of Inoculation on the Metal Expansion Penetration With Respect to the Primary and Eutectic Solidification. Jönköping: Tekniska Högskolan
- Bengtsson, T., Kumar, S. (2004). A Survey of High Level Test Generation: Methodologies and Fault Models. Jönköping: Ingenjörshögskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping
- Diószegi, A. (2004). Microstructure and tensile property simulation of grey cast iron components. Jönköping: Ingenjörshögskolan
- Diószegi, A., Fourlakidis, V., Svensson, I. (2004). Microstructure and tensile properties of grey cast iron. Jönköping: Ingenjörshögskolan
- Holsmark, R., Kumar, S. (2004). Processor evaluation cube: A classification and survey of processor evaluation techniques. Jönköping: Ingenjörshögskolan
- Wessén, M. (2001). Beräkningar med Thermo-Calc av fasjämvikter för legeringssystem närliggande aluminiumlegeringen AlSi9Cu3Fe. Jönköping: Svenska gjuteriföreningen
- Wessén, M. (2000). Gasnings- och nipplingsteknik vid kärntillverkning. Jönköping: Svenska gjuteriföreningen
- Dugic, I., Svensson, I. (1998). An investigation of the effect of inoculants on the metal expansionpenetration in grey iron. Alabama, USA
- Ledell, U., Ström, A., Svensson, I., Österberg, L. (1998). Mekaniska egenskaper och dimensionsstabilitet hos gashärdande bindemedelssystem för form och kärnmassor.
- Decultieux, F., Menai, M., Bay, F., Levaillant, C., Schmidt, P., Svensson, I., Bellét, M. (1997). Thermomechanical modeling in casting with experimental validation.
- Wessén, M. (1997). On the Effect of Alloying- and Trace elements in a Nodular Cast Iron with 4% Silicon. Stockholm, Sweden: Royal Institute of Technology
- Wessén, M. (1997). The Effect of Copper on the Eutectoid Transformation in Nodular Cast Iron. Stockholm, Sweden: Royal Institute of Technology
- Wessén, M., Aagaard, R. (1997). An investigation of various inoculants used in nodular cast irons. Stockholm, Sweden: Royal Institute of Technology
- El-Mahallawy, N., Taha, M., El-Kharbothly, A., Abdel, H., Svensson, I. (1996). Solidification simulation of equiaxed grains in AL-Si eutectic alloys.
- Wessén, M. (1995). Influence of Silicon Content on the Ferrite Growth in Nodular Cast Iron. Stockholm, Sweden: Royal Institute of Technology
- Aagaard, R., Hansen, P., Schönning, R., Schäfer, R., Svensson, I. (1993). Prediction of shrinkage, micro structure and mechanical properties in ductile iron casting.
- Brannebo, J., Liden, L., Svensson, I. (1993). The influence of physical properties and process parameters on metal penetration in small gaps.
- Svensson, I., Wretås, U. (1993). Modeling of the solid state density and molar volume of the iron rich Fe-C-Si-system.
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- Piotrowski, K., Svensson, I. (1987). On the Shell Mould Behavior at the Lost Wax Process.
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- Svensson, I. (1983). Examination of dry-Cured Sodium-Silicate-Bonded sand bodies using the Scanning Electron Microscope.
- Svensson, I. (1983). Mekaniska egenskaper och viskös deformation av torkningshärdat natriumsilikatbindmedel.
- Svensson, I. (1983). Svepelektronmikroskopundersökning av torkningshärdade natriumsilikatbundna sandkroppar.
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- Fredriksson, H., Svensson, I. (1976). Strukturomvandling och svalningskrympning hos låglegerat gråjärn.
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- Aagaard, R., Hansen, P., Hartmann, G., Svensson, I. (null). Numerical simulation of mold filling, solidification and feeding og T-plate shrinkage test castings used in ductile iron plan trials.