About 250 high school students visited JTH

About 130 students and ten teachers from the Technology programme at ED visited JTH to find out more about the school's educations and what it is like to study there.

About 130 students and ten teachers from the Technology programme at ED visited JTH to find out more about the school's educations and what it is like to study there.

Approximately 250 students and 20 teachers from Erik Dahlbergsgymnasiet in Jönköping visited JTH on 23 and 25 August.

“I already know that I am going to study at JTH,” says Alicia Leander, who study the Technology programme at ED.

The students received information about the programmes at JTH, what it is like to study at JTH and what jobs the programmes can lead to.

Husqvarna and Etterplan told the students what it's like to work as an engineer and Isac Sélea, data engineer within embedded systems at Etterplan, who is an alumnus from JTH and was a part of JU Solar Tem also talked about JU:s solar car project.

Has only heard good things about JTH

Alicia Leander emphasises that she has already decided to study at JTH after high school and a sabbatical. Her father and brother have studied there and she has only heard good things about the school from them and from others.

“They think it's a good school with good atmosphere and good teachers and I do not want to have to move to another city to study,” she says.

Jakob Annvik, the Technology programme at ED, also has relatives who have studied at JTH and say’s that they liked both their education and the school's student life.

What educational options are available

Ralf Hintz and Charlotte Magnusson, teachers at ED, says that the JTH visit can make their students start thinking about what they should do after high school and what educational options are available for them.

“It is good for the students to experience what it is like to study at a university,” says Ralf Hintz.

Emma Gustafsson and William Eidevald, who are studying the Natural Science programme at ED, think it is good to see which educations that are available at JTH so they can choose whether to study there or somewhere else.

"Means a lot for the students"

Anna Chardon, principal for the natural science program at ED, says that it means a lot for the students to come and see JTH to get a sense of what their lives might look like after high school.

“This can make the students motivated to give that little bit extra during their last high school year, she says.

Alicia Leander, Beatrice Samuelsson, Ebba Philip and Ellen Larsson were some of the technology students from ED who visited JTH.

Alicia Leander, Beatrice Samuelsson, Ebba Philip and Ellen Larsson were some of the technology students from ED who visited JTH.

Emma Gustafsson and William Eidevald, who study the Natural Science programme at ED, think it is interesting to see JTH and the school's student life.

Emma Gustafsson and William Eidevald, who study the Natural Science programme at ED, think it is interesting to see JTH and the school's student life.

Mille Eklöf, Jacob Annvik and Elias Hagård are studying the Technology program at ED.

Mille Eklöf, Jacob Annvik and Elias Hagård are studying the Technology program at ED.
